Flex :: Flash Runs Slower On Mac?

Jan 27, 2010

I was in the middle of developing a Flex applcation, and then I recently switched from Windows XP to Mac. My app is noticeably less responsive on my Mac than on Windows, and today I proved it's not a hardware issue, because I ran the App on my Mac and a Window XP on Virtual Box side by side, and IS much more responsive on XP. Things like repainting in response to window resizing, selecting/unselecting list items, scrolling up and down(I do have complicated list-item-renderers). Has anyone seen this as well? Is flex/flash just not as well supported on Mac? Or are there tweaks I can do to improve performance on the Mac?

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// App AIR Project -> App.mxml -> App.swf (it's just a window)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">[code]....

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at mx.managers::SystemManager/initHandler()[C:autobuildgalagaframeworksprojectsframeworksrcmxmanagersSystemManager.as:3001]

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Nov 27, 2010

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how about a slider to control speed of the square_mc. can some1 give me the code.

this is the code:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, startRotate);
function startRotate(evt:Event):void {
// Call function rotateSquare


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Flash :: Website That Runs Without Internet?

Jan 22, 2012

Allaboutrajini site tells you to stop your Internet connection to enter the site.I guess it determines whether the connection is on or off with javascript or something like gmail and qoura do.

But how can they store so much of flash animated content locally in the browser in such a short time?

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IDE :: Runs While The Flash File Is Playing?

Apr 15, 2006

I 'm working in a flash website and I used a background music that runs while the flash file is playing, I used action script codes to run this music. Also, I used some simple sounds that plays when the user move his mouse over a button or some items, but I imported these sounds to its frames directly and I didn't use action script to run it.The problem is that I want to make a "MUTE" button to stop all sounds, but the background music only stopped because it was runned through Action Script, other buttons will produce the same sounds when moving the mouse over them Does anybody have an action script code to mute all sounds even if they were imported to frames directly??

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Flash :: IDE - Pause Intro After It Runs And Then Go To URL

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I am trying to do something I thought would be very simple. It has turned into a much more difficult exercise. I simply want to use this flash movie at Code:[URL] as an index page of site. When the movie has ran, I want to pause for 3 or 4 seconds and then go to the next page of web site (in other words, go to a specific URL).

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Professional :: Flash Not Running In FF But Runs In IE And Chrome?

Nov 14, 2011

I am having an issue with Flash not running in Firefox but it is running in IE and Chrome. The main url is [URL] on which there is a section called "ROI Calculator". The download button links to a flash program which opens up in IE and Chrome but does not open in Firefox. I am using windows 7 professional and Firefox 8. Here is the code for the page [URL]:
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<html lang="en"> 
Smart developers always View Source.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site On Runs Very Slow On The Server?

May 30, 2009

recently i am working on my portfolio which I am doing in flash cs4, as3. It runs fine on local machine but when i upload it into the server, it runs very slow. in face there is a section where pictures are loaded when a thumbnail is clicked. There are 15 pictures and it doesnot opens at all.
following is the link to the site that I have done so far[URL].. please click on the "projects" to look at the problem I am mentioning. the section"3d modeling is the part where there are 15 pictures and doesnot load at all. same problem with "3d animation" "video editing" works fine. it may be because it has just one video to load.

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Professional :: Make An Flash EXE Autorun CD Which Runs On Both Mac And Windows?

Jul 22, 2010

I checked the forum and couldn't find an idea on this.I have a Flash .exe and also a MAC .app for my project. I need to autorun these when the CD is inserted.If it were a single .exe and if i wanted to load it in windows machine it would be a piece of cake.But I have 2 files, and I wanna load it from a single CD. If the system is Windows I want it to load the .exe, and if the user system is Mac i want it to load a .app. How do I program the .inf file now?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runs Fine In Flash Preview, But Not When On Server?

Sep 27, 2011

Ok my Flash movie tests and runs fine on i publish preview it in  Flash, but when i upload it to server it is not working like it is supposed to. is there a way to debug it or trace what is happening while it is running??
details: i have 113 Dynamic text fields names tcname_1 --> tcname_113 i have 113 buttons named button_1 --> button_113 The dynamic textboxes get their data from a file named trees1.txt
i tried changing three of the text boxes to use device fonts but that didnt make a difference
here is my AC3 code :
// button links: to all buttons to open in iframe 'tdes'
// link corrosponds to button number
// i have 113 buttons.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Flash Game Runs Too Slow In A Browser?

Feb 28, 2006

I have made a plattformgame in flash, and after I had published it I tested it (local) when it was embedded in a browser, and it hacks and laggs! But when I play it in the flash player it works just fine.

I removed all the heavy graphics, lowerd the fps to 30fps and removed all the code so now its just the bassis left (gravity, collision, key checking etc. and yes u should bounce on the walls giving a wall jump effect).[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Movie Runs Correctly With Preloader

Jun 25, 2003

The Flash movie runs correctly with the preloader when it is run inside Flash. When I upload to IE, the preloader doesn't run.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Flash Runs Smoother Without A Wrapper (HTML)

Mar 2, 2010

If I load a swf in FlashPlayer standalone, it will play nice and smooth. If I load the HTML it's embedded in (with SWFObject) in a browser it stutters like hell. If I use my browser to open the swf on its own, that runs nearly as smooth as in the standalone player.

That the standalone player runs smoother is understandable, since it then doesn't need to go through the browser layer. A slight performance decrease when adding the HTML DOM layer is also understandable, but in my case the difference is huge!

If I were to guess:
Standalone: 100% (benchmark)
SWF in browser: 90%
SWF in HTML in browser: 30%

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Flash :: .asc File Runs In The Flash Media Server?

Jan 26, 2011

I would like to know if it is possible to run Action Script Communication Files(.asc) on an red 5 server, just like how a .asc file runs in the Flash Media Server.

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