Flex :: Add A Simple Bitmap Or Sprite On New Application?

Jun 27, 2011

Maybe it is a bad habbit which still i have from Flash Professional, but : I am trying to add a simple Sprite or/and Bitmap on just created, empty application, and it just not hapening.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
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var myURLRequest : URLRequest = new URLRequest("thesus.png");myLoader.load(myURLRequest);
function myOnComplete(event : Event) : Bitmap{ var loader : Loader =


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public function printScreen():void {
var pJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
var options:PrintJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions();[code]....

This is coming up with an: Error: Description Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:Bitmap to an unrelated type flash.display:Sprite. So how do you print a bitmap without creating a Sprite?

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Mar 2, 2011

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I had assumed that I would be able to do this via graphics.beginBitmapFill but there doesn't seem to be a way to specify to draw the outline within the MC or to do a floodfill with a bitmap using a point of origin within an enclosed region.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Has Higher Index Than Sprite?

Nov 10, 2009

I've just switched over to AS3, and I'm completely stumped with something.

I'm working on a project where I keep adding children to a MC already on the screen. There are two types of these children: Sprites that I use to draw lines using moveTo, lineTo, ect. Then there's sprites that have children inside of THEM that are bitmaps.

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Here's a diagram of my MC/children/children layers:

---------------=> (Sprites that draw lines)
(MC on Stage) =>
---------------=> (Sprites that hold bitmaps) => (Bitmap)

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Flash :: Copy To Bitmap Loaded In Sprite From Loader

Feb 25, 2010

I want to load an external image (dest) and display it on the stage, and i want to load another image (src) which will not be visible. When i hold the left mouse button on the image that appears on the stage, then a function that start copies the src image to the dest will be invoked. Actually i want to reproduce the scratch effect on an image that hides another underneath. here is my code [ the copypixels function is triggered on mouse_move event for debug purposes ]

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


Although the two images are loaded into memory and the first one is shown on the stage, when the mouse_move events triggers the corresponding handlers the copy does not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Arrays Of Bitmap And Sprite Objects?

Aug 9, 2009

can you create arrays of Bitmap and Sprite Objects? or Custom Objects?

if not, how would you typically create multiple Objects of the same type? just a loop with

var enemy:Sprite = new Sprite();
for(var count:int=0; count<10; count++)
enemy = new Sprite();


That way could be fine for many things, but theres other things I want to do.. such as, create an array of wav sounds.... and my program could pick and choose them, so they wouldnt need to load them on demand.. midi files too.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Bitmap Into Sprite Pixel At A Time?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm making a game where the player moves around a map, where the player can walk and where they can't is decided by the color of the pixel they are trying to move onto, which I get using the Bitmap.getPixel method.

What I'd like to do though is when the map image is loaded process it into a sprite or something which I can then use the DisplayObject.hitTest methods on. So I have an array of colors whcih the user can walk on, is there way I could go through each pixel and build something that would let me do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CopyPixels Vs. Sprite For Large Bitmap Motion?

Feb 21, 2009

is copyPixels not as speedy as it should be when Tweening large bitmaps ?

copyPixels does a wonderful job on images 500x500 or less, but on larger images, my motion is not as smooth.

all i'm trying to do is slide an image from stage.stageWidth to 0 (right to left).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Moving Sprite Across Screen Amensia!?

Apr 14, 2010

I want a sprite to be added to the stage, then move along the stage, I guess using the ENTER_FRAME listener. Then when it reaches a certain point, for example ball.x = 200; it is to stay there. Also when it reaches that point, another iteration of the ball sprite is added to the stage at another point on the stage, and then do the same thing as the previous on (like move across the screen until it reaches the stop point (like the one before).This adding of Sprites and then moving, checking if it reaches a point, if so, stop this sprite from moving, then add another sprite in the initial position, would be on a loop until a condition is met, i.e counter = 100;I can't seem to get it down on code, (cue people going "man this is easy"!!) So in short1) add sprite to stage at sprite.x = 100; sprite.y = 150;2) move sprite across stage 10 pixels per frame3) when sprite.x => 500; stop the sprite.counter++;4) add another sprite instance in the original location (sprite.x = 100; sprite.y = 1505) repeat steps 3)-4) until counter == 100, then go to 6

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect The Type Of DisplayObject (Sprite, MovieClip, Bitmap Etc)?

Nov 22, 2009

Is there a way to detect the type of a DisplayObject with a switch case statement?I noticed that you can check if the displayobject compared to the type returns true or false.
Trace(mydisplayObj is Sprite);  //return true or false
Trace(mydisplayObj is MovieClip); //return true or false
But isn't there an option to get the type of the displayObject directly?
switch (typeof(mydisplayObj)) {
case Sprite:


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Tool For Simple Interactive Web Application?

Nov 10, 2011

I want to create not complex interactive web application. It has some pinboard and user can create many simple objects on this pinboard (e.g. many small circles). [code]...

I think that I can use Flash/Flex or JavaScript/SVG/VML for this purpose. Disadvantage of Flash is that user must have plugin. Minus of JS/SVG/VML is that there aren't such powerfull developing tools as in Flash case, but if we use some library (url...) application won't require flash plug-in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Printing Sprites With Scrollrects Using The Bitmap Printing Option Fixes And Prints Most Of The Stuff In The Sprite

Jun 19, 2007

I have a sprite that has a scrollbar that uses the scrollrect feature. The sprite has several bitmaps and textfields. When I print the outer sprite (The one with the scrollrect) all of the textfields outside the scrollrect are cut after the first line. In case anyone else is having problems with printing sprites with scrollrects using the bitmap printing option fixes and prints most of the stuff in the sprite. Excluding all textfields outside of the scrollrect. This however can be fixed partially by embedding your fonts.

So now the only problem left is printing multiline textfields that are outside the scrollrect. P.S. Imho the scrollrect should have nothing to do with the printed area of the sprite because the printJob.addPage has a printarea parameter.

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Professional :: Possible To Create A Simple Application Of Visualization Without Lines Of Code

Jun 30, 2011

I start to work on new web 3d engine. I call it IGood engine.As can be seen from the video, it is already possible to create a simple application of visualization without lines of code.Base on for alternative 3d.I am waiting your opinions.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write A Simple Application Which Passes Data Between Two Remote Computers Over The Internet

Sep 23, 2008

I want to write a simple application which passes data between two remote computers over the internet. The application I really have in a game where moves are passed between two remote clients. what server can I use to my game moves to my friend boris?how can i communicate with this server in actionscript?

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Performance - Simple Flash Test Application Runs Very Slowly Compared To Exact Same Processing Applet?

Mar 3, 2011

I get a working application in Flash made that lets the user click to create blocks which subsequently gravitate towards the mouse. I made the exact same thing in Processing too, just to compare speeds.However, when I run the Flash version and add around 15-20 blocks, the framerate drops to 5-10 FPS.In the Processing version I can add ~60 with no noticeable slowdown. What's the deal, Flash?

Links to each version's source:

Flash version
Processing version

Here is the source for each in case you are a wizard and can help just by glowering at the code sternly and telling it to behave:

Flash version:

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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