Flex :: Display Dynamically Loaded SVG In It?

Mar 22, 2011

There are any way to display dynamically loaded SVG in FLEX?

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Alter The Main Timeline Display Dimension To Match A Loaded 3D Swf's Dimension To Keep Source 3D Properties?

Dec 16, 2010

The issue I'm having is that I have a main "wrapper" 100x100 (but it could be any size) - it's just there to hold and display whatever content, swf, gif, etc we may want to throw into it. As long as the loaded content doesn't have 3D animation like rotationY going on, it displays fine. But when it does, the 3D "anchor" properties (like projectionCenter) of the loaded swf inherit those of the main timeline (i.e. 100x100 (main) vs 728x90 (loaded)). If I change the dimension of the main "wrapper" in Flash IDE to match what's coming in - the 3D behaves fine, but I won't know what the dimensions of the content will be until it comes, so I need a way (if there is one) to dynamically alter the main "wrapper" or root display object through AS. Stuff like "this.width = loader.width" or "stage.width = loader.width" or "root.width = loader.width" etc doesn't work. Flex has the hBox and vBox

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Flex :: Dynamically Add Image Objects To Display And Then Interact With Them?

Jan 13, 2010

Below is sample code from a Module I have in my Flex app. I want to dynamically create mx.controls.Image objects and add them to the display. I want the user to be able to move them (this works as below) and be able to change their z-index as well as record new X and Y coords after moving back to the database. How do I determine which object in this.getChildren() is the 'selected' item the user is working with? When I add a MOUSE_OVER event, for example, it does not work.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Add Component - Flex Did Not Reserve Space For List To Display

Jul 21, 2009

Here is part of my code in short:


I realized that if I do addChild, I can't really see the dynamically added component, since flex did not reserve space for my List to display. So I do parentDocument.addChild, and then it appears no problem. My question is since it's being added in the parentDocument, so it is suppose to be a component belong to parentDocument, so is that component still be able to call this handleMouseDown? From my experience, it's still able to, but which doesn't make sense to me. Can someone explain a little about why it can still work, or any better approach other than parentDocument.addChild

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Flex :: Width/Height Of Dynamically Loaded Image?

Nov 16, 2009

In my Flex application, I've got a component that extends UIComponent where I'm loading images at runtime and try to display them. I've tried lots of different approaches (using beginBitmapFill(), using different containers), but I can't get things to work as I want. The problem seems to be related to the width and height properties of the image, which aren't updated correctly.The idea is:

var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
var im:Image = new Image();[code].....

The image's width and height doesn't seem to be correct when it's loaded. I get width==0 (and nothing is displayed), but the property $width seems to be correct. How can I assure that width and height of the loaded image is updated?

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Jul 13, 2009

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Jan 2, 2007

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Jun 28, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Photos And Load Them Dynamically

Apr 25, 2009

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Main Stage:


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public function setGraphic(cGraphic:Class):void


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var container:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var tab01:MovieClip = new tabType01();


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myNow=new Date();


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function getPercentageA() {
return Math.ceil(((slidera.thumb.x-slidera.Track.x)/slidera.Track.width)*100);


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Actionscript 3 :: Loaded Swf Does Not Display?

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public var ldr:Loader;
public var explosion:MovieClip;
public var req:URLRequest;


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var yPlacement:int = 230;
var xPlacement:int = 66;
var distance:int = 100;
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display Loaded External FLV?

Jan 7, 2011

I have my FLV loaded successfully from an external source, just having trouble displaying it.


Guessing that error is telling me addChild is expecting a different type.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.events.Event;
var videoToLoad:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://ourmediaserver.com/media/video.flv");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Object From Display List And Memory Which Added Dynamically

Aug 22, 2010

how do we remove object( sprite which has an external swf as it's child ) from display and more importantly from memory yet we still can use the same variable to add  another object (yes another sprite like the one we removed yet has different content).., "
i did tried the removeChildAt thing it did remove all the child from the display list but i still can hear sound from video running.
here is small scale code of what i'm doing (sorry that i can only give you chunk code of loading and adding)
// var SWFList:XMLList; //used to hold a list of all external swf source,atribute and etc// var totalSWF:int; //hold the total number of external swf there is to be loaded
// var swfLoader:Loader; //instance of loader class used to load the external swf


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Display And Preload An Image Onto Main Movie Clip?

Jan 16, 2006

basically i would like to dynamically display and preload an image onto my main movie clip. this image would be the first item in my xml file. on my main timeline i would like to have a few buttons that a user could click to change the default image on the page.

when they select a new image, i would like to have the preloader appear above the default image and then tween between the old and new image (one fading out and one in kinda thing).i sourced some code but i've been having problems preloading the first image. the image loads but the preloader doesn't do anything. it seems like the preloader doesn't seem to recognise that i'm trying to load an image. it thinks it's fully loaded and carries on before the load can begin!i would also like attach a different preloader for the first image displayed than the ones being loaded via the buttons.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Feather Edges Of A Mask Which Is Dynamically Applied To Display Object?

Apr 14, 2010

I have searched high and low, but have not found a solution. How do you feather the edges of a mask which is dynamically applied to a display object?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loaded Out Of XML

May 15, 2007

I've completed all 3 tutorials listed on gotoAndLearn and I've got the following code.[code]So as you know I've got my 10 items dynamically loaded out of XML, as well as the MC Box, which is centered on the stage.My question is, how would I get the carousel to rotate around the centered box. I'm not sure how to adjust the depths to go behind the centered mc. I know [code]is probably where I need to make an adjustment, but I'm lost as far as what to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Report_field Can't Display Variables Loaded From Url

Dec 28, 2010

report_field can't display variables loaded from url. What's wrong in this script?


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Adobe Components Do Not Display When Loaded Into AIR Shell?

Nov 10, 2009

The Slider (and all UIComponents) rely on direct access to the 'stage' - which is denied due to recent AIR 1.5 security restrictions. This restriction prevents any UIComponent from working when loaded into an AIR app as a local SWF. The parentSandboxBridge cannot return a reference to the stage.

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