Flex :: Modules V/s Components For A Large Scale Project?

Feb 8, 2010

I am planning on a Flex project that involves incorporation of a lot of features.

Each 'feature' can be a component / module.

Which is preferred and what is the difference between a module and a component?

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Professional :: Dynamic Text For A Large Scale Project?

Jan 22, 2011

I understand that, in order get an anti-aliased font in a dynamic text field, the most given advice is to embed the font.  But that doesn't work for my project since we want to make it available in multiple languages, and there are too many fields that must be embedded, and it greatly increases the file size of just one scene.
The other option I have seen people use is to custom anti-alias, but for some reason, this option just is not working for me.  I fiddle and fiddle with the sliders, and no change is ever made.  We are only using Arial, so I am at a complete loss as to why I seem to get no changes in the text from this option.
shed light on what might be blocking me from using custom anti-alias in my flash files?

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Flex :: Share Components IDs Through Modules?

Apr 16, 2010

Are IDs attributes shared between different modules in Flex ?

i.e. I have a text area with id="text1" in my menu.mxml file.

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The debug gives me error, so how can I share different components ?

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Flex - Compile Large Dependencies Into Modules Instead Of Main Application?

Jul 20, 2010

I've got a module, MyModule which requires a large library:

import com.huge.library.AwesomeThing;
var myThing:* = new AwesomeThing()

And that large library isn't referenced from my main application, except through MyModule


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Flex :: Add VOs Into A Library Project When Developing Using Modules?

Sep 4, 2009

I'm developing a module based applications in Flex and I was thinking about moving all my Value Objects (VOs) into a library project

Current Structure: I have a project that consist of a shell application and 3 modules. The modules contain about 10 custom components in each that are dynamically loaded at run time. My problem is component A ( in module A) needs to pass data to component B (in module B). So when this happens I move the VO that component A was using to a common folder. I then pass the VO and have component B pick that up and do what ever it needs to do with it.

So what I was thinking was using an existing library project and adding all my VOs to it. This way I'll never have to move a VO from the module to a common folder so both module A and module B can access it. The basic idea is I want to be able to complete abstract any module from shell into its own widget or Air app with out depending on any other modules.

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Apr 19, 2010

What's the best way to organize functionality modules in a flex project? I saw some people put all modules in one view stack ,and so the application interface is only load once, but when the application get larger, the whole compiled swf would be very big. If we put swfs in different pages, we pass request parameters through HTTP request, we lost the benefits from flex RPC services, slow loading, and we can't see any superior comparing to php,asp,jsp... what's the best practice to organize front end architecture?

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Flex :: Large Project - Convert Swc Libraries To A RSL?

Jan 9, 2012

my Flex project has grown to over 1 Mb in size in release mode and now I am trying to cut it up into modules.

One of my SWC libraries is fairly large and I want to use it in multiple modules, so I think I can turn it into a RSL? how can I go about turning the SWC library into a RSL? I am building with Flash Builder (Flex).

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Actionscript :: Smooth Sliding Animation In Flex With Large Amounts Of Components

Nov 19, 2010

I have a component I created that works like a Viewstack but the next index component slides in from one of the four sides. I've got it working well enough that it's acceptable to use, but I want to make it more efficient.

Right now I'm using a Canvas as the base component, I create a snapshot of the current view using an ImageSnapshot (new Bitmap( ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData( this ) )), and I slide the new index on top of that image on index change.

I'm basically looking for suggestions on how to do this a better way. By taking the Image after the component loads, and after the slide happens, I've gotten the initial jaded moves down to a minimum, but we normally use this for transitioning grids so it's almost always slow on the first or first couple slides.


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Css :: Setting Up Flex / AIR Project Structure For A Large Number Of Images?

Sep 29, 2011

We build prototypes and demo applications in Flex 4.5.1 and AIR 2.7 for mobile and desktop use. These tend to involve a large number of full-screen .PNG files. Lately we have been looking at ways to segment our code for flexibility and multi-screen re-use. What suggestions do people have for segmenting the project and libraries such that compile times are minimal and images are easy to replace?

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Actionscript 3 :: Way To Visualize A Large Project?

Mar 9, 2011

I've build a fairly large system in as3 and now I need to introduce some other programmers in the different parts, and hopfully they will eventually grasp the entire system. I need to describe relations between classes and maybe some kind of flow, but the relations are the most important.

I've checked UML but I find it a bit strict and would like to be able to write comments about specific classes or relations and maybe be able to draw curved lines/arrows etc. In UML I also find it hard to know which kind of lines/arrows to use when and where.

So I am looking for a method/software/tutorial on this topic, either on some extended/simplified UML or a completely different method.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting Up A Large Project?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm currently working on a little project of mine, where I have a character and a number of different items like clothing,hairstyles etc, which over time.. hopefully will grow into a tremendous amount.The thing is, if I have eveything in one fla file, there'll come a time where it becomes too bloated/large and Flash will eventually lag.So, is there anything way I can keep for example.. all the clothing in a separate fla/swf and the main character in another fla.But when I publish.. They all combine back together?I customise the character dynamically with references to linkage identifiers.. So I need a way which allows them to be split into different swfs, but still be able to call to the right clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Organizing A Large Game Project?

Apr 11, 2009

I really want to start work on a game idea I have using PaperVision.The largest/most complex thing in Flash I have ever made is probably my last project which is an interactive school map for my A Level [URL] . Check it out, its a little laggy in the browser but it is designed to run in the flash projector from the desktop.I used around 10 .as files and dumped all my graphics in 1 .fla as sprites and stuff.This is ok (...ish) as I had a large 'main' file and a massive 'main3d' file which (324 lines which is big for me :S lol).

Im planning on making it a big, 3D adventure style game with lots of elements and AI things. But how do I organise my code? If I continue like this, I'm going to have a few mahasssive files and lots of small ones.How to the 'pros' organise their stuff? All the time I see source codes for small experiments which are great, but I have never seen any layout overviews of what files they used and what kinds of things they put in them. I also have no idea how complex environments, where objects need to update to add/remove elements without having to check the position of the player every frame.

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Professional :: SWC Files Stop Working In Large Project

Aug 17, 2010

My company is working on a casual game which is entirely made in Flash. To speed up development/compile time we split some of it up into SWC files, for example dialog controls, cutscenes, particle effects are all controlled via SWC files. This was working great up until a few days ago, we have been working on this project for about 8 months with no major problems. However, now all of a sudden, when we compile the game, none of the SWC files work. The game compiles and runs ok, but nothing from the SWC files are working.

The strange thing is that if we remove one of the SWC files from the folder (the game reads all the SWC files from one folder) then the game will work. Even if you remove a SWC which isnt immediately used by the game it will still work. It's almost as if there is some limit to how many SWC files you can have loaded. (There are only 10 SWC files in the folder we are loading from).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting A Large Project Into Pieces Easily?

May 26, 2010

Let me first say that the project I am working with was my first foray into AS3 as well as OOP. I wanted to be a grown up so I wanted to use classes and not rely on individual swfs.Unfortunately, I didnt quite understand the spirit of OOP, or at least I dont think I did, and I made each section of the site into a separate class. I then integrated the classes and their library materials into one large project. The thing works great - but unfortunately the file has gotten too big.What is the most straightforward way to now break this project back up? Do I need to load in external swfs

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Mar 1, 2010

I am involved in project managment for a large video conferncing project involving over 100k simultanous connection and most likely to be increased 4 times by next six months.While figuring out the scalability area ,it was concluded that smart selection of hardware and origin-edge clustering will be suited most. Well while studying this documentation says it supports thousands of calls but unfortunately I could not determine the actual numbers. Can you tell me how many edge server will be needed for 100k simultanous calls/number of sessions per edge server and will we need license (4500$) for each edge server?

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Professional :: Resize/scale A Whole Project .fla

Feb 5, 2010

I'm doing and animatic movie with flash (means lots of hand drawn frames and many layers) I also have about 40 sequences
I would like to scale down my whole movie to a smaller size like 720*480 (actual is 1980*1080) but when I change size in "propery" window it just change the size of workspace and drawings stays the same size.
is there any way to have the graphics scale to the new document size without using "transform tool" on each sequence, because flash crashes when I do that.

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IDE :: Scale Down Entire Flash Project?

Feb 12, 2009

I have done a search for this but I can't seem to find anything specific to what I am trying to do. I have a Flash CS3 slide presentation which was created at 1024x768 for projection purposes. Now, I have been asked to create a version of the presentation for the web which would need to be much smaller, say 480x360 for example. Changing the document properties is easy enough, but how would I go about scaling all the content down?

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Actionscript :: Components After Migration Project From Flash CS3 To CS4

Jan 10, 2010

I start flash as3 project on Flash CS3, about one year ago. After compile it on CS4, I get this error (on Russian):


But I get this error only in browser (FlashPlayer10), if I run inside Flash CS4 - all works fine. And I get this error then the MovieClip with TextArea added on stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Flash Components In Multiple SWCs Inside Only Project?

Feb 8, 2010

Ok, this is a somewhat complicated issue dealing with SWCs and compilers. I've outlined steps to reproduce the problem below. I'm using the method outlined here to bring in Flash content to my project. I have 15-20 SWCs already, and it's working fine for those assets, the problem is specifically related to Flash's components (ComboBox, RadioButton etc.) If anyone has *any* advice on this, please let me know as we are completely stumped at this point!
The issue we're having involves using multiple external SWC files which contain AS3 components from Flash CS4. When two SWCs are linked to an ActionScript project (using Flash Builder 4 Beta (build 4.0.0)) there are collisions in the referenced classes which cause the most recently published SWC to knock out any duplicate classes in the other SWCs. A simple way to replicate this is as follows:


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Asp.net :: Get Flex Modules From MVC?

Aug 18, 2010

We´re developing an ASP MVC application witch the View (aspx) has a Flex embed. This aspx/flex view is composed by a flex application and several modules. when we call the application url [URL] the server invoke the method the will return the ActionResult that represents this action, in this case the ~/Views/Flex/Index.aspx (with the Flex app). However when the ModuleLoader, in the Flex application, try to load a module an error occurs. The problem is that the Flex application can´t directly access the modules folder (~/Views/Flex/modules/module.swf). Are there any way to get the module through an ASP MVC action? Or the best approach is to allow the access to this folder through web.config?

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Flex :: Components - Components - Any Component With The Functionality Such As Horizontally Collapsible Window Or Panel

Aug 22, 2010

Do you know any flex component with the functionality such as horizontally collapsible window or panel I found arc90, but it folds vertically.

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Flash :: Flex Dynamically Created Components Added To Custom Components

Sep 8, 2009

I am created a dynamically adding a VBox, that contains two images. Into a Custom Component that is derived from UIComponent. The problem is the Vbox that contains the two image is only a really tiny size. I would like the VBox stretch to the size of the two images. This is how I am creating the Vbox....


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Flex :: Using RSLs With Modules

Feb 23, 2010

We are building a fairly complex application that we need to be able to release different parts of at different times. To help us solve this problem we are using RSLs and Modules.so let me describe the projects (names have been changed to protect the innocent)[code]We have one application client that loads the areas of the application as modules. We have a core RSL that does things like login and holds entitlements and provides an API for the modules to access this sort of state and also to communicate with each other.

When we load client we only want the core rsl to be loaded as that is that is currently required. When the groceries module is loaded we want the groceries rsl to load and likewise when the bakery module is loaded we want the bakeryCore rsl to load.In reality this isn't what happens. If we set the projects up like that at run time the core rsl loads at application startup but the module RSLs do not load when the module is loaded. If we run an application from the project that houses the groceries module then he rsl loads when the application loads but not when the module does. We need a way of loading the rsl when the module loads.At the moment we specify groceriesCore and bakeryCore in the client application so they all load when the client loads. This is obviously not a good idea as when we add another 30 departments we don't want all these departments being downloaded at application startup - we only want them to be downloaded when they are required - when the application loads.

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Flex :: Why Do Modules Keep Getting Rebuilt

Aug 26, 2011

I have a flex project, which has a main application, and then a number of small modules (17 of them). For reasons I have not been able to figure out, when I do a 'debug-compile' to test, frequently (but not always), it decides to rebuild the modules, though, nothing within the modules has changed in any way. Without the modules re-compiling, it takes about 5 seconds to build the app, but with it, it's upwards of 2 minutes. I assume its that something the modules all need is getting changed, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out.

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Is It Bad Design To Nest Components Inside Components Using Flex 4

Sep 15, 2010

Is it bad practice/design to nest components inside components using Flex 4? Should I simply be creating components and inserting them into my main application as below, or doesn't it matter?



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Flex :: Flash - How To Access Modules

Jul 8, 2009

I have build a module in Flex that I call myModule, this module has a method myMethod. Now I use the ModuleManager to load this module.

mod = ModuleManager.getModule("myModule.swf");
mod.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modEventHandler);

now I want to access the method

(customComp as myModule).myMethod()

where customComp is the DisplayObject created by the factore.create() method of the module info. This code will not compile as myModule is not a defined property. Can someone help me with that? What do I have to import? The myModule.swf is not an asset, it lies in the bin directory of my project.

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Flex :: Flash - XML Declaration Available In Modules?

May 20, 2010

I'm building a Flex/Flash Builder 4 application that loads data using E4X/XML, like this:I originally build an application that was a single MXML file which loaded this XML file and built a form from the data.I've now build a main menu screen with a button to load the form screen as a seperate module. How do I get the XML declaration to work in this module without loading it again.

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Flex :: Loading Modules From A Certain Folder?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm working with modules and each of it will be compiled (deployed) in a common folder in a webproject. In the main class I defined an array of module paths which I need for loading all these defined modules.

How can I make that more dynamically, for instance, I want to say, load all modules in a certain folder an its subfolders without to know each module by name.

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Flex :: Common Function Across Modules?

Jun 25, 2011

We are working on a project where we have multiple modules- all these share a common set of functions like rounding, string parsing etc.Currently, we have added these functions into the parent container (which calls these modules) and use them in the respective modules. Likewise, if we have to share variables between modules, we add them to the parent module- so it becomes shareable across.Is this the right approach- both from a performance and structure perspective?

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