Flex :: Create Private Var Yada:Whatever; Depending On Xml Count

Jan 29, 2010

I am trying to declare private variables that will be used elsewhere in my flex mxml main application. But I need to only create the variables when their is an equal number in my xml file.

My xml snippet looks like this:



Is it possible to wait until the xml has loaded before declaring these variables?

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- ||||| +

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Its just flying down to the right. I want to make this way more sophisticated later on but first in need to get the structure right because right now, even though its just flying in a straight path, its way too slow.

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var num:Number = 1;
this.createTextField("txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 100, 50);


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Flex :: Count Colors In SWF Vector File?

Jan 8, 2010

Suppose I've converted a vector image file (.AI/.SVG) to .SWF for ease of importing dynamically as the source of an Image in Flex.

To count colors now, I have to create a "new BitMap", then ".draw()" and iterate over all pixels and use ".getPixel()" to retrieve the color.

Unfortunately, because of anti-aliasing, this seems to return several more colors than what are actually used to draw the image (say, a black logo).

Is there a better alternative to doing this in Flex?

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Count How Many Child Nodes There Are In Root Xml Tag In Flex?

Feb 22, 2011

Could I see an example on how to count how many child nodes there are under a root xml tag in flex?

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Flex :: Count Number Of Windows Up Through PopUpManager?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm using the PopUpManager to bring a bunch of event windows up.I want to make it so that only one window can be open at a time, but I don't see anywhere in the code that tracks open windows to set up a conditional. I guess it just creates the windows and then sets them free?Thinking about a windowCount variable that increments when I add a window and decrements when I remove one, but since the PopupManager is called in different classes I'd have to start throwing events all over the place. I can do that, but I'm wondering if there's a more straightforward method?

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