Flex :: Keep Focused After 'alt' Was Pressed?

Jan 18, 2011

I was making an application with AIR+Flex.

One Feature is like: when 'alt' key is down, the mouse cursor changes to B, when 'alt' key is up, the mouse cursor restores to A.

But the problem is that everytime a release 'alt' key, the mouse cursor will change back to system default (Arrow shape), and seems like the focus is on somewhere outside the stage.

That reminds me that, when 'alt' was pressed in a ordinary window, the menuBar will be focused.

How can I stop this default behavior?

p.s. I have tried the following ways and doesn't work:

1) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP event, and add 'event.stopImmediatePropagation()' in the event handlers

2) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP event, and add 'event.preventDefault()' in the event handlers

3) listen to stage's KEY_DOWN/KEY_UP event, and add 'this.setFocus()' in the event handlers. And 'callLater(this.setFocus)' doesn't work too.

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I don't really know what I'm doing I'm completely gone in my own code, I think I'm going around in circles!


Ok let me explain what I want to do: when my movie loads I want "textfield" to be focused, so I use Selection.setFocus(textfield); Fine! But on a frame before this I have a button to enter my site! Now as soon as you click this button it changes the focus so that when I enter the frame with the textfield it is no longer focused! Make sense? Well on this frame once the textfield is focused you can enter text right away! and then I have this listener which listens to an event within the textfield! Ok now I'm even more confused then when I started explaining this! Anyway I want the textfield to be focused when you enter this frame and if the user focuses something else, well then they will have to focus the textfield themselves. Basicly I just want the the textfield to be focused on load, but the problem is my button at the start! What?

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Displaying A Graphic When A Key Is Pressed?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to play a sound and display a graphic when a key is pressed , so far i have been able to play my sound when i press the 'a' key but i also want to display a graphic that gets displayed while the key is down , i have created the graphic as a movie clip, not sure if thats right, iam not sure of the code i need to display the graphic.

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Button On Pressed Stage

Oct 13, 2010

I have 2buttons. Each have 3stages: up, over, down.I want to have 1st button to stay on its 'down state' when pressed and then you should see 2nd button 'up' stage(down stage of 1st button is the same as up stage in 2nd button).If someone hovered again you see 'over' stage of 2nd button,when will click, button move to 'up' stage of 1st button.

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Oct 18, 2010

I made a button and want do something when mouse is press, I mean when mouse is pressed that button should do its job. When button release scale of image will increase, now, I want it to do while mouse is pressed.should I use loop or conditional statement?

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AS3 :: Flash - Print The Name Of A Pressed Key?

Sep 18, 2011

Does AS3 have a way to output the physical name of a key that has been pressed? (ie. "You pressed: Left Arrow")

The obvious solution is to convert the character code to a string, but this only works for things like the alphanumeric keys. Ctrl, Alt, etc have special cases, but this still doesn't help for things like the arrow keys or the F-keys.

Another possibly naive option is to have a Key, Value pair for all the keycodes and their names. It should be almost trivial (if tedious) to code this myself, but since AIR already has things like


I was wondering if this ability is already built in somewhere without having to keep my own collection of strings.

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