Flex :: Make Ant Generated Swf As Small As Possible?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a flex project and if I build a release version of the application using flash builder with RSLs on my swf is 115k. If however I build the same application using ant the swf is 342k. Without RSLs the swf is 520k.

How do I get the swf to be as small as the one built by FlashBuilder?

Here is my ant file I have another task that copies the rsls.

<project name="EUI Client Application" default="compileClientApp">
<target name="compileClientApp" depends="compileClientBundles">


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score += 10;
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fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent contains the same mod attribute as the visual component in the manifest.xml file fl.livepreview.LivePreviewParent is exported as a symbol The short-named component (ie. no package, referenced in the components definition in the manifest.xml) is exported as a symbol However, I can see no other differences between that and the SWC from Flex. We can obviously use JSFL to perform the task, but we'd rather not install Flash on the build server.

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Nov 10, 2009

I have a Flex application which references a separate MXML file as a template for a custom component. I create instances of the component dynamically several times in my program, but I need to get a handle that will allow me to modify that instance of the component as desired. I pass specific information to this component on instantiation using bindable public variables in the component's MXML file. I add it to my main program using addChild().

I want to update the component's progressbar as necessary and I want to remove it from the box to which I addChild'd it. What's the easiest/best way to get a variable that will give me predictable access to each component so I can easily manipulate the components as necessary? Some research suggests creationComplete, but I decided it was faster to just ask than to go through lots of different experiments and come up blank.

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Flex :: Set A Header On Request Generated By FileReference?

Sep 16, 2010


How do I add my own request header to the POST requests generated by FileReference.upload()?

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Flex :: Scrollbar Outside Viewstack - First View Takes Up Only Small Part Of Screen

Dec 6, 2010

I have two views in viewstack. One has a VRule extending from top of screen to bottom. Another view has a big accordion. If I give viewstack percent height=100%, first view works fine and second view gets clipped or has a vertical scroll bar inside view stack. If I dont mention viewstack height and set resizeToContent to true, second view works fine and first view takes up only small part of screen. If I mention viewstack height and set resizeToContent to true, first view works fine and second view gets clipped or has a vertical scroll bar inside view stack. I want vertical scrollbar but for entire window, not just for viewstack. How to accomplish this ?

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Flex :: Disable Eclipse Warning About Generated Html?

Jul 25, 2009

When developing Flex projects, Eclipse gives warnings about the default index.html file generated by Flex Builder. The file is in the 'target' folder (or "generated artifacts" folder. Yes, I'm also using Maven). Can I eliminate or disable this warning?The code which generates the warning is below, though I would definitely prefer not changing the html - as I say this is the template suggested by Adobe. Eclipse warns of "Undefined attribute name (xxx)" for scroll on the body tag, and most of the embed attributes.[code]

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Flex :: Get The Position Of A Swf Generated From A Fla File That Had A Larger Stage?

Jul 16, 2010

I have assets in external swfs which I load. I would like to know the exact size of the stage and the position of the asset in the fla that created it. If I try to ask the resulting MovieClip for it's size, it turns out it gives me the size when it is trimmed down to the tightest box around the non-transparent pixels. Looking at the contentLoaderInfo, I can get the original width/height that was used by the fla file, which is great. However, I still need to know where to place the asset within the stage.. basically I need an x/y offset for it.

The reason I need this is for a customizable avatar - it has many parts, which are placed in different areas on a stage to create the full avatar. I would like to be able to combine the individual swfs for each part to achieve this.

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Jul 13, 2011

Unable to pass flashvars to flex generated swf

import com.rubenswieringa.interactivemindmap.*;
private var fullscreenListenerAdded:Boolean = false;
private function onCreationComplete ():void {


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Flex :: Pass Data To A ClassFactory-generated Instance?

Mar 7, 2012

I have created an item-renderer (IListItemRenderer) to customize the display of a datagrid, and I override the data getter/setter to pass in the relevant variable.

In the item-renderer I have a button, which, when clicked, should display a form populated with various fields of the aforementioned variable. To do this, Button is overridden so that it displays whatever IFactory implementation it is passed.

private function instantiateDropdown():void
_dropdownFactory = new ClassFactory(MyPanel);
_dropdownFactory.properties = {boundData: _myVariable};


My IFactory implementation is a panel containing my form, and it is displayed when the button is clicked, as desired. However, the variable is not set. It seems that in order to instantiate my IFactory before the overridden button needs to access it, my new ClassFactory() statement needs to be in the preinitialize event handler, but the variable has not been set at that time. Setting the properties of my IFactory instance after it has been created (e.g. in the click event) does not appear to work.

How should I pass my variable to my ClassFactory-generated instance so that it populates the form correctly?

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