How To Create Title Animation

May 1, 2009

I was wondering if anybody knew how to create the title animation as seen in 10 Things I hate about you opening credits.URL...

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Professional :: Create A Flash Animation In Which A Text Title Fades In To The Screen

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to create a flash animation in which a text title fades in to the screen. I created the text, converted it to a symbol, then tried to create a motion tween in which I could tweak the alpha values of the text object. However when I try to create the keyframe, the popup that comes up has the Color option greyed out (which is where I believe the alpha setting lives).

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Flash :: Animation In An Android App Used In The Title Screen - Options?

Apr 2, 2012

Let me first state that I am no programmer, so this may seem like a stupid question. I have done all kinds of searching on this question, and answers seem far-and-wide, and have only left me more confused. I am currently accepting bids for the development of an Android app version of our graphic novel: [URL] One of the issues/problems from my requirements document that has been raised more than once by bidders is about the Flash animation [URL] that I want to be used in the title screen, and how that will be implemented in the app. The initial programmer that I was working with had real problems with and was never able to get it to work. I know that in order to use the swf file as-is, Flash needs to be installed on the devices, and that is not an Android standard. So I want to know what options there are to be able to include this.

A couple bidders have suggested that the animation be converted to video. And although they claim that they could still make it work correctly, I worry about losing the looping that is built into the animation. Can the animation be converted to or re-created with Java? Should I be looking into using FLash Builder and/or Adobe AIR? We will eventually be porting this app for Apple iPads as well, so if there is an option that woks for both Android and iOS, that would be better.

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Dec 6, 2011

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_root.getCurrentText(thisText0, _parent.num);

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F8 :: Create A Rollover Animation

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May 28, 2009

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Feb 17, 2011

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Apr 18, 2011

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Jun 2, 2011

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Flash :: Create An Animation To Website?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm writing a private website.I want to add an animation of a paper (which moves a bit in its conrners).I paln the user to add some text in the text area in that animated paper.My program will read the text and save it.The next time the user comes I'll show him this animated paper with the text he wrote.

1) As a newbie to animation. Should I use flasf? Is there a nice freeware and simple alternative? I saw this site but thought maybe someone can tell from his own experience

2) How can I include text area in an animated paper?

3) How can fill animated paper with the saved data later on ?

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do u guys have any idea how this: [URL] vector animation is done?

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Create An Animation Of A Line Drawing Itself?

May 15, 2009

How can i create an animation of a line drawing itself.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Preloader With Animation?

Aug 28, 2003

How do I create a preloader with my own animation?

I've already created the animation, so can I get it to play in rythm with % loaded?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Animation For This Text?

Jul 17, 2009

I would like to create an animation for this text (see attachment) like if it would be painted real-time.. like spray effect.

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