Html Making Flash Valid

Dec 20, 2011

How could I make this section of code valid? I have not had much experience with flash embedment.[code]

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Flash :: Convert A Doc File To Valid Html Code?

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a clean and efficient way to import documents in a flash presentation?I have a big number of doc documents to import in a flash presentation and i'm wondering what's the best way to attach them. I've worked passing them to HTML before, but the doc to HTML conversion is messy, ugly and doesn't output valid HTML code, besides, it's a chore to clean the embed CSS style the conversion leaves inside the code. is there a library that allow to use a more portable format? if not, is there a clean way to convert a doc file to valid html code?

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IDE :: No Valid HTML Templates Error?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash 5 "No Valid HTML Templates"?

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Why does test movie open a new window in the IDE instead of compiling? And when I try Publish Settings I get 'No Valid HTML Templates are available to complete this operation'.

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Professional :: No Valid HTML Templates Error On Publish

Jul 13, 2010

I've been using flash8 on my computer without any problems since I've purchased it, until now. Suddenly I'm getting this error message when trying to publish. (it won't let me get to the publish settings)"No Valid HTML Templates are available to complete this operation".I've already reinstalled without any success, and have scoured the internet for a solution. It seems others have had this problem in the past but no one has a logic answer on how to fix this. So I come to you, I know my version is dated and not an actual Adobe product, but it was working fine.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Valid JavaScript Code That Is NOT Valid Code?

Mar 12, 2010

Most JavaScript code is also syntactically valid ActionScript 3.0 code. However, there are some exceptions which leads me to my question:

Which constructs/features in JavaScript are syntactically invalid in ActionScript 3.0? Please provide concrete examples of JavaScript code (basic JavaScript code without DOM API usage) that is NOT valid ActionScript 3.0 code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Image Popup In A HTML Window From Flash?

Aug 17, 2005

how do you make an image pop up in a window javascript style, from flash?

i have a variable in flash, equal to something like "images/image.jpg", and I want to make a button so when you click it it opens up a popup window thats a certain size, without menubars/scrollbars etc, to display that image, like a javascript on your standard HTML.

I read that flash has a javascript API, so there must be a way to do it huh? Is it getURL stuff, maybe with a POST of my variable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons - Making IFrames To Change HTML Page

Oct 18, 2010

What im trying to do is to link my Flash buttons using as3 to make an iframe change the html page its showing every time i click on a different button. The web page is as follow: An html page containing a Flash menu and one iframe. I was using this code with no result:

Code inside Flash SWF File
var bt1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("MY WEB PAGE");
function Fbt1(e:MouseEvent) : void{navigateToURL(bt1,"body");}
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Fbt1);

Code inside HTML Frame:
<iframe src="MY WEB PAGE" name="body" align="center" width="1010" height="500" margenwidth="1010" margenheigth="260" frameborder="0">Browser dont suport iframes</iframe></TD>

I get this error:
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type

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Flash :: Check When BitmapData Is Valid?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a very complex Flash application (think Photoshop in Flash).

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Flash - Insert Without JavaScript In The Most Compatible But Valid Way?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm looking for a way to embed Flash into a XHTML Transitional page that does not rely on enabled JavaScript, which validates and that works across all major Browsers including IE6. So far I'm using this solution which seems to work just fine:[URL]...However, when this method is used in an RSS Feed it seems that Feedburner and Google Reader at least (maybe other feed readers, too) strip the whole object tags and only leave the alternative content.

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Flash :: Video Fallback AND Valid Html5?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to have a flash video, with fallback to the html5 video element for those browsers which don't support flash, such as iPhone. I'd also like to have valid html5. The issue I see is that in html5, object doesn't support the classid attribute anymore, but this would be required for a user to get flash if they don't have it but want it.

It seems my options are to accept invalid html5 but not have the flash work properly, or have the classid and not have valid html5.

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Flash :: AIR, Flex - Check If Regex Is Valid?

Aug 23, 2011

i want to check in Adobe AIR if given regex is valid. I'm looking for somtehing similar like here: How to check if a given Regex is valid?

I dont want to compare regex and text-value - i jus want to check if this regex is valid. If someone type invalid regex - for example: "x{5,-3}" or "(((^^$$$)//)" or something like this i just need to communicate to him that this regular expression is not valid - its not proper regular expression.

In Java it can be done by:

try {
} catch (PatternSyntaxException exception) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Valid Dates Within Flash Without Components?

Jan 16, 2006

Is it possible to ensure valid dates within flash without using the Date components?I am making a form where the user defines both their date of birth and a reservation dateSadly, I have been told that my database spits nuts and bolts if you give it an invalid date. Have tryed the Date component. It works well for reservations. But when it comes to Date of Birth it wouldn't work cause scrolling 20 odd years month by month would be too painful for a user.

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Flash :: Multiple Video Players On W3c - Valid Page Is Slow

Apr 14, 2010

I have a web site that displays a column of flash videos. The page is w3c-valid. The problem is that the page loads very slowly and sometimes crashes my web browser. Until the page is fully loaded, the videos are slow to respond and play. Is there a way to make these videos load their preview images only? What should I do to speed the page up? The videos are 360x264.

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Valid Strategy For Secure Image Upload From Flash Client?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm creating a flash application that will post images to a url for saving to disk/display later. I was wondering what are some suggested strategies for making this secure enough so that the upload is verified as coming from the application and not just some random form post. Is it reliable enough to check referring location realizing that I don't need bulletproof security, or perhaps setting authentication headers is a better strategy even though it seems unreliable from what I have read. The application and the server script will reside on the same domain and is in java - is there a way to check for a 'session' or something like that?

Another thought I had was some sort of simple hashed key type system, I could hard-code a key into the flash application and pass something to the server based on that - the server would also know this key and be able to verify if the value passed was based on that? The app is a public app, so authenticating users is not an option. After more research I am thinking about using a hard coded salt key on both ends, then sending an MD5 hash of the base64 encoded image bytearray+salt to be matched on the server side.

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ActionScript 3 :: Load Data From HTTPs Without Valid Certificate In Flash Editor

Sep 21, 2011

I'm trying to load some data from a https-server that when you visit via a browser returns "The security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid.". But when I accept anyway, the flash on the page page load data.

But when loading from the Flash Editor it return a:
[IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: https://{url}"]

This is what is returned when loading data in Flash Editor from a https server without a valid certificate? Or could there be another problem? The url to the https-server is "changed" via the hosts-file in Windows. Could this cause any error? I have tried changing the hosts pointing to my local webserver, which works fine, but that isn't via https.

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Flash :: Retrieve Valid Sound.length Property Before Streaming Loading Is Done?

Oct 13, 2011

I would like to know what bitrate is song, so I count it this way:

var bitrate = Math.floor( 8*_snd.bytesTotal/_snd.length);

but unfortunately I can not retrieve valid value for _snd.length before all the song is loaded. Is there any other way to achieve that value?

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HTML :: Making SWF Clickable Link With Pointer Icon

Aug 21, 2010

I have a swf embedded into a site, and I want the swf to be clickable so when you click on it it goes to another page. I tried wrapping the whole flash object in tags, and that makes it clickable but the biggest problem I'm having is when you roll over it with the mouse the pointer icon doesn't come up, it just looks like the regular arrow. I tried playing with the css and doing cursor:pointer, but it still doesn't work. I can edit the .fla file and add some actionscript 2.0 to it, but I'm not sure what to add or where. I'd rather do it through html or css, but if I have to do it in flash that's ok too. Also, I have an invisible button over the whole thing called, MYbtn

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Professional :: Making A Swf Wait Until The Rest Of The HTML Page Is Ready?

Jul 2, 2010

I have a site with a common SWF embedded at the top of each page, and then regurlar graphic/text HTML content below it.I was anticipating that the SWF might have a bit of a delay for it to load, and that the rest of the page would be appearing pretty much right away... and that DOES happen from time to time.
However, the one thing I wasn't expecting, and don't quite understand, is that sometimes the SWF will appear first and even start playing, yet the rest of the page doesn't appear for a second or two, so I end up with this SWF movie floating in black.
Not entirely sure what is holding the page back, since most of the graphics are shared/common on each page.  There are some embedded videos (with poster frames, so they shouldn't take too long to load) on some pages, which are probably the culprits.
What I don't get (besides how to further optimize the pages), is why the SWF appears and plays, if it is an element within the table that contains all the content of the page.  I thought that tables only display once EVERYTHING in it is loaded... So, why would the SWF appear before the other elements are ready?  I'm assuming the other (non-common) elements are not finished downloading... although I'm starting to suspect that maybe they are, and the delay is something else... like the embedded QT's 'initializing' or something?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Form Does Not Think There Is A Valid Date?

Jan 31, 2003

I have a UI component calendar that populates a text box that I validate before I let the form send.All works fine in this department until you put the date in the text box manually, then the form does not think there is a valid date. This is because I validate the two dates not by what�s in the textbox, but by what date the person chose in the calendar UI component.Confusing I know.So, how can I take a date someone puts is a listbox and formulate it so it looks like this

There date = 2/31/2003
Formulates to inputday = 1
inputmonth = 31
inputYear = 2003

I think if I have it in this form I can validate the date against the current date.Or, where is a good web site with form/date validation?

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ActionScript 2.0 ::get The Values And Compare To See If They Are Valid Or Not?

Aug 2, 2002

I'm in need of a code that creates a cookie, so the next time someone enters the site, the animation won't come out.

How do I create the cookie? How do I get the values and compare to see if they are valid or not?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Release Code Valid?

Feb 27, 2008

This on release code has two getURLs and Google Analytics seem isn't tracking the "clicked" ads. I'm wondering if more than one getURL in an event function a valid code or it doesn't work that way? What's alternative solution if this code is not valid?:

box.onRelease = function():Void {
getURL(link[p], "_blank");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking If A Path To FLV Is Valid?

Sep 11, 2008

check if a filepath supplied to a FLVPlayer component is valid or not - as in the player will fail, but I don't know how to ACT on it. I tried various try-catch and I tried listening for stuff - nothing seems to work. This is AS2 I'm concerned with.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 'Play' Is Not A Valid Instance Name

Apr 7, 2011

When I open one of my cs3.fla's and save it as a cs5.fla and then export I'm getting the following output message.

'play' is not a valid instance name. Please enter an identifier that is not a reserved keyword or function.

This only happens when I export it for the first time after opening it (if I close that file down and open it again I get the same message)

I dont have any clips with the instance name 'play' or anything like that

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Actionscript 3 :: Shouldn't Extend A Class And Is It Valid For MVC?

Dec 15, 2010

I am considering using class extension as a way to connect my model with my controller. I tried looking on the internet but could not find any information on this topic. This led me to the question of when a class should be extended and for what reasons.


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Actionscript 3 :: Event That Fires When A Url Is Confirmed As Valid?

Aug 22, 2011

I have a block of code that I want to execute directly after a url is known to be valid. What I mean by 'valid' is that the program has checked to see if that filepath actually exists. This could be accomplished by a COMPLETE listener, because after all, a loader couldn't finish loading its content if the referenced file didn't exist, but I want it to happen before any of the bytes begin to get sucked in. I have also tried the HTTPS_STATUS event, with a conditional saying "if the status is this [some non-error status number], then run this block of code." This would have worked great, except that different environments produce different network codes, and some even can't distinguish between errors and non-errors, just returning 0's no matter what. Because of this, I can't write a conditional that works no matter what browser....

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Flex :: Sockets And Looping - Getting The Valid Connection?

Jan 13, 2012

On my network I have a couple of pc's all running a bespoke server which will return the username of the person logged in when queried.I have the following piece of code.

private function LoopAndList():void
var loopSocket:Socket;
var fourthOctet:Number = 6;


Now when this runs it doesn't work as I first thought. The iterations go though. the fourthOctet value is decremented. But somethinjg strange happens. You will notice in the above code that I have a hardcoded IP address in the loop. I have put this there to ensure that there is always a valid connection. So am aware it will always be connecting to

But the connection only happens on the last connect call.

The ouput is:
Connecting to
Connecting to


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Branch Target Was Not On Valid Instruction

Dec 14, 2008

This is one of the oddest errors I've encountered from the flash compiler. It spits out a bunch of compile echo text like:

- 49:pushbyte 0
scope: [global Object$ AS3.script::Parser$] AS3.script::Parser
locals: AS3.script::Parser? int Boolean int String? *
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Dictionary To Attain A VALID Word

Mar 2, 2009

how to send a word to the dictionary and get a true false result? I have a wordgame in mind. User selects letters and form a word, it would be great to send it to a dictionary - and then get a booloean return for the judgement and scoring. I came across the help which says AS 3.0 has a dictionary class.

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