Html :: Why Flash Not Showing In IE

Jul 10, 2010

i have created a simple menu in Flash. I have added the following code to my page

and it works perfectly in Firefox but doesn t show in IE

<embed height="50" width="540"


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Flash Not Showing In HTML Page?

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I made tables as a test and uploaded it but the swf's arne't showing.

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Actionscript :: Flash HTML Text Not Showing

Jan 19, 2010

I'm trying to display HTML text in a text field on the stage, but the text formatting doesn't show. I am embedding all font variations in the library (arial bold and arial regular) and I even have dynamic text fields on the stage that embed arial bold and arial regular.

Still, this code does not display bold text:

myField.htmlText = "Regular and <b>bold</b>";

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Html :: Showing A Splash Page Over Flash Element?

Jul 23, 2010

Check out the link below, as you can see my overlay is hidden behind the flash element. However, the blue bar with the 'Continue' button appears above everything. Does anyone know what CSS changes I need to make so the overlay will appear above everything below it? The background loads an iframe.


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Carousel Icons Not Showing Up When Flash File Added To Html?

Jan 27, 2009

I am not new to html or flash but, some what new to XML. I created a carousel based off the tutorials and it works great on my computer but, when I create an html file and attach the .swf file the flash file loads but, the icon images or anything from the .xml file doesn't appear.This is what I use to load my .swf file :

<div id="spacer">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" [code].....

Do I have to put a special script in the html document for it to be able to see the xml file?

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I am displaying dynamic content in my flash. Dynamic data is coming from XML and in flash file, html entities are not showing right, strange characters are displaying there. Here is link, [URL] See featured work description at the bottom of the link above, if there is no special characters in description then refresh the page. You will see special character in description (like question mark and sometimes square box, etc.)

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height: 100%;
height: 100%;

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Not sure if I should be posting here or on the Dreamweaver forum [there's a similar post there], but .. I hope to have some music on my site and have been playing around with various Flash based, XML driven, mp3 players [though I'm a beginner with Flash]. I've got one to look [more or less] as I want it but it doesn't work! It works when previewed within Flash CS4 but not within Dreamweaver. The mp3 [the Josephine Foster song] is there, the XML file is there - I can't think what I've done wrong. Here's the url:[URL]

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I uploaded an swf file, if I go into the file directly from file path, everything shows up fine. But when I tried to embed it on html, the UIloader wouldn't show up. I have no idea why that happens..

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<?xml version="1.0" ?>


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var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myswf.swf");var loader:Loader = new Loader();
// Btns functionfunction btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

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Mar 1, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CDATA Not Showing HTML In Text Field

Nov 19, 2009

Simple XML import with text and an html link and an image. For some reason the html tags are rendering as text, not html in the dynamic text field. I have looked at countless posts and tuts but found nothing that helps. From all I've read I am doing things right, but obviously I am not. I must be missing something..[code]...

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Trying to get a text field in my Flash MX movie to pull from and XML file with CDATA tags to show as HTML. I've checked the box to render as HTML for the text data field... but I'm having problems with the Actionscripting.

The field from this line is what I need to recognize as HTML reading CDATA tags:

this.ref["textField"+i].text = subnodes[3].firstChild.toString()

I know I need to do more than just change it to ".html" instead of ".text" and have tried a couple things, but nothing seems to work.

//Create the XML Object
myXML = new XML ();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing HTML Form And Hidden Variables From Flash To Html Page

Dec 3, 2003

I have a html/flash site now, [URL]. i access email from my site itself by giving the userid and pwd text box which i copied from the actual website hosting my email access. i copied the entire <form...></form> tag to my page and thus was able to put the name and pwd in my home page only and access the email in a separate window. now i have redesigned my webpage using only flash. i would like to know how i can implement the same using flash. as i have not much experience using action scripting i am a bit stuck about how you pass the hidden form variables. the below is the the exact form syntax:


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Html :: Float HTML Elements Over .swf File Without Triggering Flash Events

Jan 26, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has came up with a way to float html elements, with some content, over .swf without triggering any flash events.

In my case the problem is I have flash map, and drop down menu on top of it.

I simplified this into the following example:


If you mouseover any elements in gray box, you will see that stuff behind it, in a flash file, triggers hover effects.

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Html :: Flash Movie That Reads Html Values And Rotates Them Every 10 Seconds?

Mar 5, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to create a flash movie that rotates values that are stored in HTML. For example if i have these 3 containers:

<div style="display:none">
<img src="someimage1" />
<span class="text1">text1</span>[code].....

I want to have some flash movie rotate these values every 10 seconds. I don't want to program it hard into flash, it has to be variable. It has to display the first set, then after 10 sec the second, and so on.Maybe if it is possible something that stops the toggle, and skip to just the second, or just the third.I also don't want to use javascript to do this (jQuery etc.), because this conflicts with another timer on the website.Is there a way of doing this?

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Html :: Flash - Play A Background Audio Across Multiple HTML Pages.?

Nov 17, 2010

Is there a solution to have the background audio/music play across multiple page on a website, WITHOUT restarting on every page load.The website currently uses a frameset, but I'm looking for an alternative.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An Html Or Html File In A Flash Movie Clip?

Feb 21, 2009

new using flash, is it possible to load an html or htm file in a flash movie clip?

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Html :: Expanding Flash In HTML Covering Text Links In Firefox, Chrome, Opera?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a piece of Flash on an HTML page that when you hover over it, it expands out to reveal more information.There are text links that it expands over, however in everything but IE, when it's not expanded those links are still covered by the Flash making them unclickable.I have the Flash piece in a separate DIV wmode set to transparent.

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Flash :: Layering (100% Width And Height) Over HTML: Can't Access HTML Elements In Firefox / Chrome / Safari

Jul 4, 2011

when I layer an swf over html, with all the good stuff in place (wmode = transparent, z-index), I can't access the html elements in Firefox/Chrome/Safari. Here's a link to a test [URL] This is a stripped down version; I've also tried using swfobject.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash + HTML + Variables - Go To The Home.html Page An Animation Will Play From Start And Then Stop At The End Of It

Feb 25, 2010

when you go to the home.html page an animation will play from start and then stop at the end of it. However, for all other pages i.e contact.html aboutus.html we need the animation to skip to the end straight away and not to play the whole animation through. I was thinking this would be controlled by a variable or some kind of external text file ect. Basically in the first frame the actionscript needs to basically say

"if this html page is aboutus.html then go to the last frame and stop" and with the index page it would say "if this html page is index.html then keep playing"

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Flash :: Html - Create HTML Pages Using AMFPHP (on Server)?

Jan 10, 2010

I have AMFPHP installed on my server. I have a flash app that can call it's methods. I want to create some HTML (on server created) pages which will contain HTML code and results of AMFPHP functions. How to create such thing?

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Flash :: Html - Using Images In Flex / Html Controls

Jan 4, 2010

Using the flex text area I am trying to put an image inside a list. Whatever I do, the image is pushed to a new line. The html is below. I want to show text and the image on the same line in list item 2. I have taken some of the formatting out for readability.


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Html :: Flex - HTML + CSS Dynamic Render In Flash?

Apr 11, 2010

I have HTML + CSS text. I need some lib with simple function like "Render String Var conteining HTML" So no external files (like in flash lib called HTMLwraper you just have to play your SWF on top of HTML). dinamic! I give it string it renders It into some conteiner (not as a bitmab but as if it was real HTML dynamically rendered in flash). (And I need real HTML + CSS support not what normal rich text block gives us)I am going to use it in with Flex (Flash Builder) so I like MXML component model but even pure flash AS3 will workout.It should be Free and Opensource (any license like GPL, LGPL etc will be ok).So Is out there such flashflex library for HTML + CSS dynamic rendering (rfom given String or XML)?

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May 8, 2010

Is there a way to create a mini window in flash that contain an HTML web page?

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