Jquery :: Cloning/appending Flash Movie On IE8?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a problem switching the content of a div using jQuery functions clone and append.

In a few words, I'm using two links to show and hide flash videos: link1 shows video1 and hides video2. Link2 shows video2 and hides video1.

Here's the code I have:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


But that doesn't work on IE: the hidden video keeps playing.

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How can I display alternate HTML with the jquery.swfobject plugin for browsers without Flash? I'm unable to find any documentation or examples showing how to do this.

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<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"


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jQuery SWFObject plugin


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JQuery :: Loading Flash Movie Using SWFObject

Feb 22, 2011

Im trying to load a flash movie using swfobject which I have been successful in doing so however the flash movie takes a few seconds to load I wanted to show a simple loading animation however the animation never displays. I commented out the code that embeds the movie and found that the animation does get displayed.

$FlashWrapper.html("<div id='PopUpLoader'>" + "<img src='images/PopUpAjaxLoader.gif' alt='Ajax Loading Gif' />" + "<p>Loading...</p>" + "</div>").flash({
swf: 'Panos/Test.swf',
allowFullScreen: true

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Jquery :: Resize A Flash Object Via JQuery Onload Of Page?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

If you view that page in IE, you'll notice that on panel 5, the video is smaller than the space it's supposed to occupy. On Firefox, it works fine because it's using the OGG video in its HTML5 video player.Is there a way to resize the Flash video via JavaScript/jQuery to fit the same space as the HTML5 video?

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Jquery :: Flash - Play Swf Movie To The End In Cycle Slideshow

Nov 8, 2010

Im working on a slideshow based on the jquery cycle plugin (found here: [URL]. The slideshow slides between different divs where I can put different content such as images and text. However i'd also like to add swf movies to the script wich just on a basic overview works. The video starts playing when the slide becomes visible but stops before it's done and goes over to next slide.

Of course this happens since i have a timer for how long each slide should be visible. What i wonder though is if there's a way with the script for it to dynimacly get the length of the video and not change slide until the video is complete and just do this for swf videos.

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Are there any special tricks required to make a flash movie play in a facebook canvas application?

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Jquery :: Mouseleave Trigger On Every Pixel, When Flash Movie Is Below Div?

Sep 29, 2011

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In FF and IE9 this is all working as expected, but in IE8 the functionOut() and functionIn() is triggered on every pixel! What's a good way to fix this?

Possible to add some sort of pixel boundaries based on the element size and position to aid .hover() ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Appending XML And Flash

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Heres My XML ...

<artist_name>50 Cent feat Slim Shady</artist_name>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Appending XML With Flash?

Nov 22, 2009

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AddNewsEntry = function(news_xml, title, body){
var entryNode = news_xml.createElement("entry");
entryNode.delete myXML.photo[1]; = new Date().toString();


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Jquery :: Track A Click On A Flash Movie (object / Embed)?

Nov 24, 2009

I am making a dynamic banner system which can handle img banners, as well as flash banners done with object/embed. The entire site makes heavy use of jQuery, including handling the 'click' events.

This obviously isn't a problem when it comes to tracking the clicks on the image itself (i track the click on the parent DIV tag. However, it fails when the advert is an SWF, as I suspected it would.Is there a jQuery workaround that would allow me to capture a click on a Flash element with the DOM?

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May 17, 2010

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Jquery :: Firefox Restarts Flash Movie If Enclosing DIV Class Changes?

Jun 25, 2011

I have a flash movie (simple video player) that is nested within a DIV, which is itself nested in a jQueryUI-Draggable DIV. Thus flash-object < div < div.ui-draggable

Now when I dynamically add/remove a class to the draggable DIV (in this case minimized which gives it a smaller size), Firefox (both 3.6 and 4 Win & Mac) will always restart the flash movie, which also restarts the video playing in that movie.

Webkit, Opera and even IE (Trident) don't give me that issue.

To clarify: I embed the flash object with the jQuery SWFObject plugin, wmode is opaque, and all the CSS declarations use absolute pixel dimensions, no % or ems involved.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Appending Variables - Flash Keeps Saying It Wont Work?

May 11, 2005

I have a flash form on a website that I'd like users to put their info in, and upon pressing the submit button, it'd insert the contents of the text fields into the url.


Where "1s" is the variable....but for some reason, flash keeps saying it wont work.Ive got flash 2k4 pro, so I dont see what the problem is, i used to do this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cloning An Extended ByteArray?

May 20, 2009

I've extended the ByteArray class, like this:[RemoteClass(alias="MyByteArray")]public class MyByteArray extends ByteArray {}and cloned an instance of this class using ByteArray#readObject()/writeObject(). However, for some reason, the cloned object is an instance of ByteArray rather than MyByteArray. This

is illustrated in the following example:
registerClassAlias("MyByteArray", MyByteArray);var b1:MyByteArray = new MyByteArray();var tmp:ByteArray = new ByteArray();tmp.writeObject(b1);  tmp.position =


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Professional :: Cloning Text Without Any Relationship?

Aug 8, 2011

Flash CS5 I wish to e.g create a clone of a text box, I have named the text in properties, I select it and go copy paste in place and it is also with the same property name, so any coding affecting the one will affect that one also. If I rename this in properties maybe I will be ok and ind that it now is seen independently of the original item.
It seems that copy paste creates a linked item, delete or alter the one and the other ones changes also.What's the best way to utilise something you have created and make a clone  to then modify this without the source also being influenced by the changes ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cloning An Object With Constructor Parameters

Apr 19, 2010

I want to serialize ThugtrisShapes' children (heritage/polymorphism) but his children like Right_LShape take constructor parameters,i have to assign it a default value (in my case null because they receive an Array type), but i get this error even when implementing IExternalizable.

Take Note: IForm extends IExternalizable.

here is a link i found about it but it still does not work...[URL]

public class ThugtrisShapes extends Sprite implements IForm
var squares_:Array;
var numsquares_:int=MAX_SQUARES;


I know that not all class' can be cloned , but cloning is an important aspect of OO programming.... There should be a solution for my problem,besides taking the parameter out of the constructor and add a setter.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cloning Loader To Bitmap : Error 1067: Implicid Coercion

Aug 1, 2009

I'm writing a class where I load a image with Loader and then tries to copy it into a Bitmap. This goes all and well when I do this in an event but not when I try to make a function of it.

Some code.....

class variables :
var imgLoader:Loader;
From Main :
imgLoader = new Loader();


So far so good. but when I try to make a function that returns a copy of the previous loaded image (imgLoader) I get the error :

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:displayObject to an unrelated type flash.display:BitmapData.

The code looks in the function looks like this :

var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(imgLoader.content);
var bmret:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bm.bitmapData.clone());

Why is this? All I can think off is that in the LOAD COMPLETE event i get a reference of the current target (I think this is the way it works), and are not using the class variable defined at the top in the code.

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Jquery :: FullBg Plugin Mixed With .flash.js Plugin: Movie Disappear When Wmode=transparent?

Oct 16, 2011

Im the new kid on the block so I apologyze if I'm not doing very well.Everything works fine till the moment in which I set the wmode param of the flash movie to transparent, then the movie completely disappears (it loads, as I can listen at the sounds) but it doesn't show.I would like to have a full background image with the transparent flash movie over it, that's all, if somebody can tell me how to fix this or even a new way to do it, it will be so good!!Here is my code, so simple, by the way:



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Jquery :: Ajax - White Screen Of Death Jquery Load() Html File With Swf?

Apr 19, 2011

I've looked high and low for an answer to this and I'm hoping someone has an answer, or at least a tip on how to avoid it.I'm loading a static HTML file into a container via the jQuery load() method. This static HTML file has a script which loads a swf. When I load that particular file, I get the white screen of death (WSOD) and the page explodes and everyone in the room dies a horrible death.I've had this happen also when using the jQuery wrap methods (wrap, wrapOuter, etc.) when a swf is present.It seems manipulating the DOM with a container that has a swf object causes this. Does anyone have a solution or a way that I can prevent it happening?

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Jquery :: Get Jquery Working From An Externally Loaded Html Inside A Div?

May 3, 2011

I'm setting up a page that uses a flash menu to load html pages into a div container by the following call:

on (release){

The loading works fine, but some of my pages had specific jquery scripts and that's where I've struck out so far. I assumed all I needed to do was transfer the script importations, css stylesheets and the jquery functions to my main document, but it won't work.

I also tried importing the html as a the complete html, which works on it's own, but not when imported into the main document. Most recently I heard I should try shifting the jquery function calls to the end of the loaded document, to after the content, My scripts work, just not when imported, so I suppose my question is how can I make the main- and imported documents play nice with each other? What say you we make this a jump-start tutorial for all us noobs to reference?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Jquery Function + Detect The End Of The Movie

Mar 23, 2010

I have website I am developing and I have an intro SWF that I have placed the following AS 3.0 code in the last frame to call the Jquery function "trigger" ; or I might be able to detect the end of the movie and then fire the function.

PHP Code:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;ExternalInterface.call("trigger")trace ("the movieEnded");stop(); 

Here is the function in Jquery in my HTML page.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Appending Variable To Instance Name?

Jul 22, 2010

I am trying to get all the button instances to become invisible on the screen. They are named img1 to img30. I thought of using a while loop to quickly run through them. The code within img1 button is:
var i:Number = 2;
while(i<=30) {
img2._alpha = 0;
The problem is how do I append the i after img, to replace the 2? so that the code runs through img 2 to img 30. I know the answer might be simple

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Appending HTML Text In XML?

Aug 23, 2010

I am appending HTML text of a textfield to an XML object. The HTML text appends fine when I append it to an XML object directly. But if I append this XML object to another XML object or to a sub node of an XML object, I am getting the "<" ">" tags getting replaced by:

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