List All The Const Properties Defined In A Class?

Oct 6, 2010

How can i list all the names (and values) of public (and private / protected) const defined in a class ?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Define Const Array With Its Values Const?

Dec 25, 2009

Assume we have an array like

var myarray :Array=new Array(1,2,3,4);
i know we declare an array as constant by declaring it like


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ActionScript 2.0 :: List All Inspectable Properties In A Class File?

Aug 5, 2009

I am working on an enterprise application and creating a base class for some stage components that has knowledge of the class extending it. More specifically, I need a way to loop through the inspectable properties in a class file and place the names of these variables into an array. For example:


[Inspectable(name="My First Variable", type="String", defaultValue="")]
private var _myVar1:String;
[Inspectable(name="My Second Variable", type="String", defaultValue="")]
private var _myVar2;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using A Class As Class And Its Name As A Const - Namespace?

Oct 12, 2011

I tried using namespaces but for some reason I couldn't manage to make it work. Consider the scenario below

ActionScript Code:
package  {
public class MyClass {
public static const XML:String = "etc";


I need the XML const to be accessible so I didn't associate it with a namespace. I actually tried doing that and created a getter method to return its value but no luck. I also tried creating a static property (of Class datatype) to represent the built-in XML class but the method above ignored it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1061 Error (not Defined) When Call A Method Of A Self Defined Class

Feb 9, 2010

I am using flex builder 3.2, Action Script 3 and develop for Flash Player 10 and am quite new to it. when I call a method of a self defined class, I get the 1061 error (not defined). But the class and the method exist and are public, so what the hell am I doing wrong? Flash Builder is even offering me this method in the auto-completion, so at least the builder knows it... I have already tried cleaning the project (as this is the common source of strange errors when working with java/eclipse),

edit: solved... The problem was that a package had the same name as the variable I used for the class. Very strange error message, thumbs down for this .

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Actionscript :: Override Getting Pre-defined Properties Of Classes?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a class which extends the Proxy class, and has a statically defined member variable called num:

public dynamic class TestProxy extends Proxy
private var num:Number = 100;


I want getProperty() to be called when I attempt access num. It works for any field which does not already exist, but not for fields that are predefined.

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Actionscript 3 :: Calling A Method, Which Is Defined In Another Class, From Main Class Gives Error 1120?

Aug 16, 2010

I have two classes. The Main class calls a function, which is defined in a Second class.I'm getting the following error:Error 1120: Access of undefined property myFunctionBasically, I am creating buttons in the Main class that will add a corresponding Child to an Object in the Second class (if you click one button, child x1 will be added, if you click another button, child x2 will be added, and so forth).Here's the relevant code for the file:

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Professional :: Accessing A Variable Defined In One Class From Another Class

Mar 14, 2011

I've only been programming in as3 for a couple months, and so far I've written several compositional classes that take MovieClips as inputs to handle behaviors and interactions in a simple game I'm creating. One problem I keep coming upon is that I'd love to access the custom variables I define within one class from another class. In the game I'm creating, is my document class, from which I invoke a class called '' which invokes all the other classes I've written.Below I've pasted my class 'DieLikeThePhishes'. For example, I would love to know the syntax for accessing the boolean variable 'phish1BeenHit' (line 31) from another class. I've tried the dot syntax you would use to access a MovieClip inside another MovieClip and it doesn't seem to be working for me.[code]

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Professional :: Accessing A Variable Defined In One Class From Another Class?

Mar 14, 2011

I've only been programming in as3 for a couple months, and so far I've written several compositional classes that take MovieClips as inputs to handle behaviors and interactions in a simple game I'm creating. One problem I keep coming upon is that I'd love to access the custom variables I define within one class from another class. In the game I'm creating, is my document class, from which I invoke a class called '' which invokes all the other classes I've written.Below I've pasted my class 'DieLikeThePhishes'. For example, I would love to know the syntax for accessing the boolean variable 'phish1BeenHit' (line 31) from another class. I've tried the dot syntax you would use to access a MovieClip inside another MovieClip and it doesn't seem  to be working for me

package  jab.enemy
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FLASH CS5] Custom List Class That Manages Custom List Item Class?

Dec 2, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A List Of All The Properties Of The Object?

Dec 12, 2002

I am having a hard time understanding loops. I have seen David use it in his signature, and I understand what the loops is doing, but only from the context of the rest of the signature. If somebody could explain how the loop works, I'd be greatful. Here's what I know:

PHP Code:

for (proprtyThing in objectThing) {
trace (proprtyThing);

My understanding of this loop tells me that if I run it, I'll get a list of all the properties of the object named objectThing....but this makes no sense to me!!

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Flex :: Add Dynamic Properties From String List?

Jan 1, 2011

I have the following problem in AS3. I have a string like this one: "prop1:val1,prop2:val2,..."; I want to split and parse the string to obtain a dynamic object like this one: {prop1:"val1", prop2:"val2"}.

The simple way to solve it is to cycle through the string values and to do[code]...

Since I know the property names I expect, this works for me, but doesn't seem to be an elegant solution. I'm wondering if there is another way in as3 (similar to the reflection api in java).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Where Class Functions Are Defined

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Jul 7, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Where The Class Functions Are Defined

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where the class functions are defined?

e.g. the function function toUpperCase():String; in
C:Documents and SettingsuserIdLocal SettingsApplication DataMacromediaFlash MX

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Flex :: How To Add Spark List Item Custom Properties

Jan 3, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple flash application providing interface for taking tests as a high school assignment. One of the requirements is to use an XML file as data source.Now, having a List component bound to the XML file with questions consisting of data such as question body, question type (ie. single choice, multiple choice, open, image etc.) and possible answers (where applicable), I was wondering if I could add some additional data (and what is the best possible way to do so) to each question upon its transfer to the List component.

I am trying to achieve two main goals with this: firstly, to mark the questions to which an answer has already been given, like with such code in ItemRenderer class:
<s:Label color="{data.color}" text="{data.label}"/>
Where data.color would be set whenever the user gives an answer to a question.
Secondly, while at it, I thought of such possibility as a great way to store answers given to particular questions. In this case, the Class of the answer object would have been Object, since there has to be many type of questions (where the answer could also be a Bitmap for example).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Instance Of A Shape Defined In A Class

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to create a circle instance of FirstCircle class (by Milan Toth):

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;


I supposed the constructor would do all the work then. When testing the movie I get no error but no circle was displayed, trace statement put in the class constructor displayed the message ok. When I put the class code directly to the ACTION FRAME, it works fine.

what should I do to get the circle visible in the fla using the FirstCircle class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change MovieClip From A Defined Class?

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Feb 2, 2010

I have a very simple class[code]...

when I click I get "undefined"

How do I get at references that are defined within a class when I am on the timeline

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Actionscript 3 :: Stage Properties In Custom Class, Not Document Class?

Oct 14, 2011

I need to use stage.width/height in my CustomClass so I found some topics about it.

if (stage)


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Dec 4, 2009

Does anybody know of a website that gives a full list of all as3/cs4 methods, properties, keywords, classes, etc?

I bought a book on beginning AS3, but it only introduces some properties and methods as it uses them in examples.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Properties Of A Member Of A Class From Within The Class?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a class, call it MyClass, and there are several variables that I need to be able to access each instance of from within the class.So for instance, I need the object myObject1, a member of MyClass, to store the variable myNumber.From the main timeline, if I trace myObject1.myNumber, I get whatever number I've stored.
However, I need to check the numbers against another parameter, so I need to be able to test if myObject.myNumber == myOtherNumber. But from within the class, if I trace this.myNumber or myNumber I get null.What is the proper syntax for accessing a variable within a class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class And Base Class In Properties Panel?

Jul 6, 2011

I have an mc called sunny. In the properties panel I export her for actionscript. I put Sunny in the main class and Drag in the base class. The reason for this is that I want her to be draggable. I can't use Drag in the main class as another object is using that name. The has the drag functionality. Why can't I drag her. I already have a solution - I wrote a specific class for her and extended the Drag class. However, if I have 10 mcs I'm not going to write specific classes for all of them. Summing up: Using the base class Drag in properties panel - why isn't she draggable?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Inheritance - Accessing The Properties Of A Class From Another Class

Oct 12, 2011

I'm pretty new to fully using class's for my programming (in-frame scripting satisfied me for a while). I am having a problem accessing the properties of a class from another class. The first class (I'll call it controller) receives a reference to an object of another class (I'll call it display). Display have several specialized subclass (I'll call one SequencedDisplay). SequencedDisplay has a timer in it that I need to access:


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Flex :: Set The Dimensions Of A Custom Component Defined In A Class?

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to set the height of a vertical bar (activityBar) but it does not appear to do anything. i have tried something similar with the whole component, but setting the dimensions does nothing (even in the mxml used to instantiate the class). Indeed, I've added transparent graphics just to give the component some dimensions

FYI: I'm trying to create a mic activity bar that will respond to the mic by simply setting the height of the activityBar child (which seems to me to be more efficient than redrawing the graphics each time).

package components {
import mx.core.UIComponent;
public class MicActivityBar extends UIComponent {
public var activityBar:UIComponent;


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ActionScript 3 :: Instantiate Class From String - Variable Not Defined

Aug 3, 2011

I've got a string which, in run-time, contains the name of a class that I want to instantiate. I read suggestions to use
var myClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("package.className") as Class;
var myInstance:* = new myClass();

However, that gives me the following error:
[Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable className is not defined.

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ActionScript 3 :: Variable Flash UI - MouseCursor Class Not Defined

Jan 16, 2012

This is quite strange to me since the MouseCursor class is being used as static.
Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.BUTTON;
This is what I am using the MouseCursor class as and hence it is static. We got this error posted by a customer and the customer has also attached a screenshot of the error.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable flash.ui::MouseCursor is not defined
I first assumed that this could be perhaps because he was running an older version of Flash Player ( older than v10 ). But his screenshot clearly shows that it is running version 10 of the flash player.

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Flash :: AS 3.0 - AddChild Of A Sprite Thats Defined On A Class In A .as File?

Feb 6, 2012

I have defined some sprites in a class .as file and I want to put them in the screen. How can I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStatusEvent Error When Main Class Defined

Oct 22, 2009

Ive got a flash file linking to a FMS, its just going to be a little game, all connects fine and I have a chat client working through this. My problem is when i come to use classes to import movieclips ect...

When i set the main Class name in the properties menu and play the swf, NetStatusEvent and SyncEvent are give me the following error...

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant

If i remove the main Class name the swf connects to the server fine, or if i remove the code for the connection to the server and play the swf my movieclip attaches and behaves as the class files intended.

i may be doing a fundamental error here but i really cant see it and its annoying with the 2 aspects running independently but not together.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reffering To This From Function Defined Inside Class?

Jan 18, 2006

class className () {
function className(targetmc,linkId) {


My question is how can I set up an interval when I click on a button that is created from within the class.

I need my function updater to keep repeating untill I clear the interval.The only way I can figure out is to give the full path like this._parent._parent.instanceName.updater inside the setInterval, but although this works I think is just dumb to hardcode the instace name of the class. I could of course try to pass the instance name as a parameter, but I would really love to find out the smart way to do this (by the book).

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