UILoader Won't Allways Load Its Image?

Jul 23, 2009

my UILoader won't allways load its image.I named it "imagem".The source string comes from the buttonīs label.The click function loads simultaneously 3 UILoaders (imagem, imagem_prev and imagem_next and one caption (legenda) consisting of a simple string.Every now and then it doesnīt properly load the images.I have pasted the function for the click EventListener bellow.

function abrir_obra(e:MouseEvent):void{ var theContent:String = e.currentTarget.name var contentArray:Array = theContent.split("_"); index2=contentArray[2]; var alvo:String = e.target.text; var st:String=myArr1[1];
MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndPlay(31); imagem.visible=true; imagem_prev.visible=true; imagem_next.visible=true;[code].....

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stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,followFrame);    function followFrame(event:Event):void {
var dx:int = myUILoader.x + mouseX;    myUILoader.x -= dx / 10;        var dx1:int = myUILoader.y + mouseY;    myUILoader.y -= dx1 / 10;

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loadImage.source = "bookmark.png";trace( loadImage.content );
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Swf Load An Image File In An Image Container Within The Swf From The Querystring

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery: Replacing Xml To Load New Image Set?

Oct 7, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Image Gallery: Replacing Xml To Load New Image Set?

Feb 23, 2005

Second, I'm struggling a bit on xml and hoping for a hand. Your xml image gallery is a sweet piece of work, and I would like to be able to add the functionality of being able to load different galleries from a menu without loading a new mc with gallery inside it. I managed to botch the file up pretty good on my own, and was wondering if there is a ready answer nearby.So I'm thinking have but1, but2 and but3, with a seperate xml file for each. What would you recommend for a smooth way to swap the the xml files to the gallery, and load the first image of the new xml file? Also, can it be done with one big ol' xml file while keeping the galleries seperate? It's not necessary, but could be handy, and save some loading.

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var k3:Boolean=false;


How can I load all img with site.?

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Mar 16, 2011

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