AS3.0 :: Flash - Set Size Of The Loaded Image?

Sep 23, 2011

I'm loading images from xml file. I want the images to have standard width when they are displayed.

Here are the snippets of the code that do the image processing:

var allThumbs:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
allThumbs.width = 200;
allThumbs.height = 200;


this lines, where I wanted to resize the images before they show up in the ScrollPane.

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function preload(num) {
eval("image"+num).onEnterFrame = function() {


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mcImage.loadClip(_root.video_image, peelawayimage);

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var MCL = new MovieClipLoader();
MCL.loadClip("IMAGE.jpg", mc_ImageHolder);
MCL.onLoadComplete = function (targetMC) { // perhaps 'targetMC' should be used?
trace (mc_ImageHolder._width); // outputs mc's original size, not image's size

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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How do I match the image "save as" from photoshop to the flash document size so that I dont lose resolution?� I used Zoomify in photoshop successfully without losses.� Why is it not possible to just import an image to look the same way a JPEG file appears?

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Flash 9 :: Imported Image Size Incorrect On Stage?

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I've had this annoying problem since CS1 and persists through CS3. If i import an image (either to stage or to library then placed on stage) the pixel size reported in the properties box is smaller by a very small amount. For example, I just dropped a 1005x650 PNG on the stage. The properties box shows this as w[1004.8] h[649.9]. The file is 72ppi in photoshop. Zooming in confirms that the image is shrunk slightly. In this case, the image was same size as the stage and I could see the white background showing through on the right edge of the graphic. It means that everytime i put a bitmap graphic on the stage, I have to correct the w and h in the properties box.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a solution? Does it occur in CS4?

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Flash :: Load An Image Of Size 6000 × 8192 Pixels?

Sep 14, 2011

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I am trying which doesn't seem to work.

I have had search around the internet and found few components like BitmapDataUnlimited, and BigAssCanvas but I amn't sure if I can use them for displaying a remote image as none of them seem to have a working implemented example and just the class itself.

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Dec 5, 2010

I have code that allows users to upload images, which are of any dimension and file size, and have applied that data to a bytearray and a loader class, which is then displayed and saved to the server. The server has a memory size limit per file of 256k. Everything works well unless the image is too big. How to change the size of that source image so the server will accept it. I've been trying to assign the loader data, or the bytearray, to a Matrix, or a Bitmap, or a BitmapData, figuring one of these can scale the dimensions of the image which will bring down the file size. (To be completely clear: this isn't movieclip.scaleX -- that doesn't affect the size of the source image)

var _clickMe:ClickMe = new ClickMe();
var _imageLoader:Loader=new Loader();
var bytes:ByteArray=new ByteArray();
var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
var _faceBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image-performance Questions (jpg Vs Png, Smoothing, Image Size, Etc)?

Feb 28, 2011

I've done quite a bit of digging but it's surprisingly difficult to find informed answers to these questions. I'm making a Flash game with a friend; as far as we can tell, the code is fine, but there are some serious framerate problems that seem entirely related to the graphics.

Is there a performance difference between Movieclips as JPGs and PNGs? Most of our graphics are imported as PNGs because they have transparent sections, but I don't know whether there is a performance difference between setting image compression to JPG or PNG within Flash itselfDoes turning on "Smoothing" for an image affect performance?Obviously larger graphics have more of a performance hit, but is there any benefit to splitting a large image into pieces? Example, changing a 2000*1000 background into two 1000*1000 pieces? One thing is most of our graphics are as much as twice the size in the library as they are displayed onscreen, then scaled in the code. We had wanted to make the game still look good when zoomed in/fullscreened but that doesn't seem practical so I'm planning on resizing all of the image files to their final size in the game and removing the scaling code. Hopefully that's the major part of the problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Image Resize Based On The Users Screen Size In Flash?

Dec 12, 2009

How can i make a image resize based on the users screen size in flash?

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Flash :: Drawing Over An Loaded Image With Mouse?

Feb 16, 2011

I tried this way, but it doesn't draw on the image. Only if I tries to draw on right border (outside the image) it working.

private var oldX:Number, oldY:Number;
private var mode:String = "modeBrush";
private function onMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void {


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Actionscript 3 :: Set Dimensions Of A Loaded Image In Flash

Apr 11, 2011

How do I set the width and height of a loaded image in Flash? Setting the dimensions immediately after requesting it does not work. The width and height remain zero.[code]If I wait a short moment and then set the dimensions, it will work.I tried listening for the Event.INIT event and Event.COMPLETE events before resizing as suggested by some tutorials. Neither of the events were triggered.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Resize Dynamically Loaded Image Into Flash?

Sep 25, 2010

Am struggling to find the right as3 code to resize an image once it is dynamically called into the stage and placed in a MC. I am loading using:

var myLoader :Loader = new Loader();
var url :URLRequest = new URLRequest("myimage.jpg");
myLoader .load(url );

The stage will eventually open up into fullscreen (works ok) so I need to keep the image in its original size which is much bigger than the stage. What I need to do is shrink it on loading to the same height as the stage whilst keeping the width in proportion (oh and center it). I have tried all sorts of codes but cant find anything to work as all I have managed to do is resize the MC containing the image but NOT the image itself.

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As3 :: Flash - Wait Until Image Loaded On Button Click

May 6, 2011

I have a slideshow that loads image files with the BulkLoader class from here. When the first image is loaded completely, it gets added to a MovieClip container to add it to the stage.. and it gets displayed fullscreen, but only if a button is clicked:

fullScreenButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showFull);
function showFull(e:MouseEvent):void {


This works fine unless the fullScreenButton is clicked before the image is loaded completely, then of course nothing is visible. How do I get button click event that calls showFull() to wait until the image is loaded/added to the container or how can I add it again? What is a possible/the best approach?

I tried dispatching a custom event "firstImgAdd" that adds the image again to the container when the fullScreenButton is clicked, as well as with a try/catch block or even a simple if condition but none of them worked, meaning the image does not get added to the container after it has finished loading when the button is clicked too early.

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