ActionScript 1/2 :: Loop Fails To Execute Code But List Of Commands Works - Baffled?

Jan 19, 2011

I've got 13 movieclips that all run a function (setNames) contained in a child object (namer) it contains. The function displays text in a dynamic text boxI've set them up with the instance names mark0 > mark12 so I can target them with a loop and array notation which is something I often use. But the loop sometimes doesn't work, however a list of 13 separate lines of code works fine. Am I overloading Flash with too much code commands at once, and is there a way around this?This doesn't work...

for(i = 0; i<13; i++) {
//sets names


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var sw:int = stage.stageWidth -1;
var sh:int = stage.stageHeight -1;[code].....

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// so the first is 0;[code]....

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function l1top(l1:Event)

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<level>error</level><code>NetConnection.Connect.Rejected</code><descri ption>Admin user requires valid username and password.</description><timestamp>Wed 13 Apr 2011 05:09:26 PM EDT</timestamp></result>


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why the routine would fail on the web, but work perfectly on my own hard drive?

fileExists = new LoadVars();
fileExists._parent = this;
fileExists.onLoad = function(success) {


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Php :: MiniGame Works Fine In FlashCS5 But Fails Online?

Mar 31, 2011

I was wondering what is everyone's experience are on why a network request would work in FlashCS5 and in a browser locally but when i post it online it fails.The survivorId is sent from the string query. Both tests were done calling a network database.I've tried the following:Outputing the survivorId in a text field and seeing if the parameter variables were being sent correctly.Set the "Networking Only" option in the publish settings.Also is there a way to output trace actions from browsers for more in depth debugging?*EDIT: I have recreated the bug locally in a browser. Without trace actions i don't know if i can figure it out.*EDIT2: That bug only showed up because its from localhost (Apolligies, this is just wierd)Heres My Code, There is the "Stage" then it goes "localSurvivor"(movieClip) then in side that localSurvivor movieclip the "lPlayer" class is addChild() to localSurvivor MovieClipStage-> localSurivor-> lPlayer(survivorId);On the stage is this code:

//Set localP Id
var survId:Number = root.loaderInfo.parameters.sId;
//Object(root).informationTxt.text = survId;


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SWF Works Fine On PC, But Doesn't Execute Online

Sep 3, 2009

I created a custom google voice callback swf so someone could put in their phone number, and google voice will call them and connect them to me (essentially calling me). Everything works fine when i run it from my computer, but when I put it online it doesn't work.

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I've provided a link to the fla for your view, and I'll also post the embed code I have on my site.

Embed code:

<div id="gvoice">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="616" height="162" id="gvwidget"


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Jun 8, 2009

I have a menu which is a external Swf, It consists of 6 swf files.These menu's are loaded dynamically containing info from XML.When you click on of one the 6 buttons I want to use loadMovie to load'one of the swf files specified on the button' into a container called 'Scroller'.The idea is that it replaces the loaded swf with another one when you click another button.I gave everything instance names including the scroller.When i test the movie It does load when i click on button1.When i click on button 1 again, it even loads again.If I Click on button 2 (or 3,4,5,6) after i clicked on 1 it replaces the first swf.But after that nothing else works. When i click on one of the other buttonsthe trace doesn't even come up.

movieclip.button1.onRelease = function(){


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Actionscript 3 :: UrlLoader Open URL Fails In EXE Flash, Using Browser It Works

Apr 21, 2011

It rarely happened, I use a flash in exe type to access url in local server. It usually success to access the url. When it fail to access the url, open the ie to access the browser. the url works. After using browser, flash success to access the url. The url would return the JSON content. I use URLLoader to load url, and the return error is no responding when it happen.

If the error happen, it would not access the url even restart the computer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaderinfo Event - Works Fine Locally And In IE But In Firefox It Fails?

May 4, 2010

I've createa simple flash banner (FL10, CS4) that is used stored in multiple locations on a server, which is sent a relative path to an XML file via FlashVars. relative path images are then loaded from this xml file.the base class for the banner is.Thins all works fine locally and in IE but in Firefox it fails about half the time to trigger the loaderinfo Event.COMPLETE  call.(essence of the Base class below:)

public class Banner extends MovieClip {
public function Banner() [code]....

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Actionscript :: Local Loading Of Images In It Fails In A Browser Works In Flash Player

Apr 6, 2012

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Flex :: App Fails To Compile With Mxmlc Command-line But Works With Flash Builder IDE

Apr 21, 2011

i have this flex app (it's a flex project created from flash builder), and it compiles fine when i build it from the fails to compile when i do it from command line through mxmlc.i am invoking the mxmlc at the location "flash-builder-installation"sdks"flex-ver"inthe mxml file is test.mxml.i don't have any dependency on any of custom swc file.i am getting the following type errors when i compile it.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [flash Cs4] - Swc And Code Execution - Stop() Commands Don't Get Executed?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm trying this:

- create some asset in library, export for as in frame 1

- export an assets.swc, and set the relative library path publish option in othes flas that use assets.swc

- Then, there's a document class that uses other classes tha use the assets in assets.swc

Problems start when some asset has some code inside. Say, a button with stopped event states. Well, the stop() commands don't get executed, so the buttons are effectively instantiated, but their timeline plays until the end. Probably because they're not initialized in the timeline (being exported in frame 1, so, in fact, before).Usually, without swc, to solve this problem one would put all assets in frame 2 and then check for cuttentFrame == 3 (http:url...). This is what I'd really like to avoid. And from here the question: is that possible? Is there a way (in flash, not flax) to use swc to properly get assets containing some simple code (usually stop commands) in their timeline?

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Flash :: URLRequest Event.COMPLETE Loop - Trace Commands Output

May 18, 2011

How can I reorganise the code below so the trace commands output i for each element in the photourls array and not just the last element? In a 6 element array, the trace(i); line outputs 5,5,5,5,5,5 rather than 0,1,2,3,4,5.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copy And Pasted Code, First Code Works, Second Doesn't?

Jun 9, 2011

I've literally been staring at this for 7 hours. I'm missing something.I have two movie clips on the stage. The instance name of the first is puzzleAK. The instance name of the second is pieceAK.The first is linked to a custom class called GeoPuzzle. The second is linked to a custom class called GeoPiece.The code compiles but throws an error (as explained).The code in the main timeline:

puzzleAK.fullName = "Alaska";puzzleAK.abbrev = "AK";puzzleAK.isLocked = false;trace ("made it through puzzle definitions: " + puzzleAK.fullName + " " + puzzleAK.abbrev + " " + puzzleAK.isLocked);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execute My String As Code?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a for loop generating a string that needed to be executed as code.
var new_content_string:String = content_string.slice( 0, -1 ); // After generating my string, I slice the last letter.content_txt.htmlText = HERE // Here is the place I want to execute my string

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Won't Execute Code

Sep 29, 2011

I am getting a strange issue in Flash CS5. I have a .fla file that was working fine up until recently. Now, when I Ctrl-Enter to Test Movie...nothing happens.

I have a Document Class set up (and when I click the pencil button, it opens up the right script, so Flash knows where the code is) called Main. In the constructor, there is a trace('Main()') just so I know the constructor got called, but that trace isn't showing up. A few days ago this same code was working fine, so i'm guessing I knocked around a setting or two in the IDE (not sure which, since Flash has the classpath set correctly)[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execute Code From A String?

Mar 29, 2011

is there a way to execute code that is stored in a string?(i guess the operation would look something like this)

var myCode:String = "{trace('Hello');trace('World')}";
var myFunction = myCode as Function;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execute Same Code But With Different Variables?

Apr 12, 2011

Im working on a small project for school and im drawing a stickfigure with action script by drawing a line from his body to a moving point which represents his hand. the line bends at the elbow when the arm comes close and keeps a steady length. I've got 1 arm working perfectly fine but for the other arm and legs i want to do the exact same thing but i dont want to copy/paste all the code and change all the variables for each arm. How can i get AS3 to use the same code but just change the input and output variables?

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