ActionScript 1/2 :: Using AttachMovie With A Movieclip Declared In Another Swf
May 31, 2009
I have to load one movie clip symbol (with linkage identifier specified) in another swf. Is this possible? Say, in 1.swf, I have a movieclip with identifier "a_id". in 2.swf, I loaded the 1.swf using loadMovie (to one blank movieclip). After that I need to attach the "a_id" to another blank movieclip (in the 2.swf itself)
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Oct 28, 2009
I'm trying to use attachMovie to attach a movieclip to another movieclip. Both the movieclips are set up as buttons (ie. they have _up, _over, _down, _hit states). The problem is if I define event handlers for both mcs, only the event handler on the parent clip works.
myBtn is already on the stage:
myBtn.onRollOver = function():Void { this.attachMovie("pageButton","chldBtn",1); this.onPress = function():Void { trace("parent"); //works }; this.chldBtn.onRelease = function():Void { trace("attached Movie"); // doesn't work };};
I've tried 'delete this.onPress' for the parent mc but this makes no difference.
How can I get the attached mc event handler to work?
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Aug 23, 2008
'm pretty new with flash and right now I'm stuck with a problem that I don't seem to come out off. I'm working on my new site that has 3 sections that each load a movieclip using attachMovie. Now the problem happens when I load the slideshow, its all broken and even if I change the _root to _parent or this, it doesn't work
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Nov 30, 2008
Ok having some issues with this:I create a new movieclip:this.createEmptyMovieClip("setClip1", this.getNextHighestDepth());and then I attach a bunch of the same movieclip from the library to my new clip:in a for loopthis.setClip1.attachMovie("dashLine","dashLine"+i, this.setClip1.getNextHighestDepth());This is all working fine. BUT, I try to duplicate this movieclip:_root.setClip1.duplicateMovieClip("setLeft1",thisgetNextHighestDepth());And it seems to work - I can trace the _x/_y values and such so it sees my new clip but nothing shows up. It's just blank.So my question I guess to start is this:When you useduplicateMovieClip, does it bring with it all of the attached movieclips as well or does it not include the attached clips as well?
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Mar 7, 2010
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Actionscript Code:
if (bulletReady == true && dead == false && Key.isDown(1) == true) { for(x = 0; x<machGuns.length;x++){ bulletReady = false;
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Jan 5, 2010
How can we get information that the movie clip is attached (using MovieClip.attachMovie) and ready to use, like MovieClipLoader.onLoadInit?
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Feb 17, 2010
Here's what i've got...
_root.onMouseDown = function() {
_root.attachMovie("flag_mc", "flag_mc" + nextDepth(), nextDepth(),{_x:_xmouse, _y:_ymouse});
My problem is that it only adds one instance of flag_mc to the movieclip. When I press the mouse down again, it removes my old instance and puts a new one. Is it possible to make it leave the old one and add another?
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm triyng to use the attachmovie command to load and position a movieclip. It doesn't show anything when playing movie. I'm using Flash MX.
_root.attachMovie("Symbol", "mcp", 0);
_root.mcp._x = 100;
_root.mcp._y = 100;
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Dec 29, 2002
what i want to do is to duplicate a movieclip into the root, but the movieclip i want to duplicate, isn't in the root, instead it is in another movieclip.get it? i hope thats i heard that the duplicateMovieClip function only works if both movieclips are in 'this', and so i'm guessing i use the attachmovie function. But it doesn't seem to work, how to use this function the way i want it to? i've looked at the flash help thing but its not exactly what i want...
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Jun 7, 2005
This is driving me nuts... is it impossible to use attachMovie inside a movieclip you used loadMovie on? For example, I have this but it doesn't work out:
Why doesn't this just load the firstImage.jpg through the loadMovie method and then create an attachedImage_mc on the imageHolder_mc (with the secondImage_mc)? All its doing as of now is loading the first image... then if I comment the loadMovie part, it attaches the second image.
EDIT: Just a little more info. Basically I have a movieclip called imageHolder_mc that I created manually on stage. This movieclip calls LoadMovie to load in a JPG, but later on I need too replace the entire content of it with a movieclip from the library (still keeping the imageHolder_mc instance name).
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Jun 14, 2006
I've used the command attachMovie to add custom movie clips to my flash document but now I want to change the value name (that I defined inside the movie clip as a text) in each movie clip. I found something like :
this[uniqueclipname].value.text = "Name";
But I couldn't use it clearly. Is there an alternative for that? Or is there any wrong part in my code?
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Apr 10, 2010
I have 2 nested move clips in this order.
mc_a (grand parent)
mc_b (parent)
Now, I have a button on the stage. I am trying to load mc_a on stage using the linkage, and trying to load an image that replaces c_inst.
I am using:
_root.attachMovie("a_call", "a_called", 1)
_root.loadMovie("image1.jpg", _root.a_called.b_inst.c_inst)
But so far it only attaches the movie, doesn't load the image.
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Jun 24, 2009
I used a movieClip to store the attach movieclip, but How to get back the variable from that movieClip container, such as a I set a array in the exiting movieClip
var m_click:Array = new Array();
for (var f=0; f<=this[mc_name+"_qty"]._totalframes-1; f++)
{ m_click[f] = 0; }
I want the attached movieClip "y_qty" with a button inside to get the m_click for changing each m_click[0]..m_click[1]..value, how to do it?
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Apr 11, 2008
Adobe Flash CS3
publishing as Flash 8, AS 2.0
I have a movieclip named menu (instance name = mainmenu). Inside of that there is a button named btn_about (instance name = about). On the main stage there is an empty movieclip named empty_mc (instance name = mcholder, linkage id = empty). I want a user to press the button which causes a movieclip in the library named tesst (Linkage name = testid) to load into the empty movieclip (mc_holder).
Here is the code on the button:
on (release) {
this._parent.mcholder.attachMovie("testid", "tesst1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
It does not work.
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Aug 10, 2010
Im triyng to use the attachmovie command to load and position a movieclip. It doesn't show anything when playing movie. I'm using Flash MX.
_root.attachMovie("Symbol", "mcp", 0);
_root.mcp._x = 100;
_root.mcp._y = 100;
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Jun 24, 2009
I used a movieClip to store the attach movieclip, but How to get back the variable from that movieClip container,such as a I set a array in the exiting movieClip [code]I want the attached movieClip "y_qty" with a button inside to get the m_click for changing each m_click[0]..m_click[1].. value, how to do it?
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Aug 20, 2006
Is there a way to extend the movieclip class without using a library item and attachMovie?
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May 13, 2007
I am trying to make this class remove a dynamic Movieclip that was attached on the mainstage using attachMovie(); it wont let me remove the movieclip tho
here is my code
class close_btn extends MovieClip
function onPress () : Void
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Nov 17, 2003
I had a movieclip which contained a button in it exported as "mc". Then I attach this movie clip onto the stage using: _root.attachMovie("mc", "link1", 1); But i couldn't find it with AS. I mean, how can i refer to the button inside the movieclip after I attach it onto the stage using attachMovie?
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Nov 18, 2009
why a ComboBox component wouldn't work if it's in a movieclip brought in with attachMovie? When I click on the combo box, the menu drops down like normal, but no matter what I click on, it goes blank. Just spent a lot of time searching the net for an answer, found a few suggestions but nothing has worked.The combo box works fine if it's placed on any timeline in my main movie, but when it's in a movieclip that is attached with attachMovie, it stops working.
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Nov 4, 2010
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package {
public class theTest {
public var theString:String;
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Jan 22, 2011
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* Description here
[Event(name="complete", type="")]
What exactly is this? Is this an "import" of a certain type of event?
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Jun 24, 2010
I've got two (possibly three) logic errors going on... Well, I say logic errors as the compiler and output windows are clear from any error reports.Error 1: Dynamic Text Field*~EDIT~* PlayerText is declared at the beginning of the as and if statement now tests its text not the object*~END EDIT~*
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PlayerFormat.font = PlayerFont.fontName;
PlayerFormat.size = 21;
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Jan 7, 2004
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Apr 24, 2009
I work with FlashDevelop, Flex SDK and FP10 debug. I am able to access a local variable (xcorner) which is never declared before, at the condition that it must be declared after... in an "if" for instance. If I remove the declaration of xcorner, within the if, errors occur at compilation, but otherwise it works.
PHP Code:
public function pushShape2Pool(name:String, sh:Shape, rotAngle:Number = 0):int{
// xcorner is NEVER declared before !!!
coordSprites[0] = new Rectangle(xcorner, 0, globalBmp.width, globalBmp.height);
trace("xcorner=" + xcorner); // display 0
xcorner += globalBmp.width;
[Code] .....
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Oct 1, 2009
If we have declared some variables on a particular frame, say frame 20 in the actionscript coding window, can we use these variables defined on a frame in a class? Is there something like a global variable which must be declared to do this?The class extends to movieClip and it has been encapsulated by a movieClip which is then put on the stage to run it when the corresponding frame plays.
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Jul 26, 2009
I have been at it for days now and don't know how to get this going. I have DocumentClass and I have a simple function which returns stage width. I now would like to call this function from othr class which exist within the same package as my DocumentClass. I am able to trace the stage width when I invoke stageWidth() function from the DocumentClassAs I to understand, if the function is public, and it is being accessed by a class that exist within the same package, I should be able to access the function withou any issues.nd If I declare the function as STATIC then it is global and can be accessed by classes from other packages what am I doing wrong,
Function that I have written:
public function stageWidth()
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Mar 9, 2010
I have a NumericStepper declared as a UIComponent:
private var component:UIComponent;
component = new NumericStepper();
I need to change the .maximum value of the NumericStepper but due to the UIComponent not having a .maximum property the following code fails with the error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property maximum through a reference with static type mx.core:UIComponent.
component.maximum = 11;
how would I define a property in this scenario?
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