ActionScript 1/2 :: Use AttachMovie To Attach A Movieclip To Another Movieclip?
Oct 28, 2009
I'm trying to use attachMovie to attach a movieclip to another movieclip. Both the movieclips are set up as buttons (ie. they have _up, _over, _down, _hit states). The problem is if I define event handlers for both mcs, only the event handler on the parent clip works.
I had a movieclip which contained a button in it exported as "mc". Then I attach this movie clip onto the stage using: _root.attachMovie("mc", "link1", 1); But i couldn't find it with AS. I mean, how can i refer to the button inside the movieclip after I attach it onto the stage using attachMovie?
I am making a site and have a component on the stage that is put there dynamicly through AS 2.0. When I F5 or Ctrl F5 it seems that the actionscript is read allover again?Only the script that is situated in the specific label. What if I have script in that label that creates a news reader. I f12 and the news reader is there I jump to another label with the menu. when i jump back to the home label the news reader does not appear on the stage. after a f5 or ctrl f5 it does.Do I have to attach the movieClip in each label to assure a the dynm-movieClip script is on stage for the ctrl f5 issue?
Im trying to create an inventory where when you click an object it will automaticly go into your inventory, the inventory is embedded in other movieclips.I have quite a few spaces(movieclips) in the inventory box when it is open but I just need it so when you click an object it attaches to a movieclip in the inventory.I also need it so that if you click a different item it attaches to the next space in the inventory rather than overlapping an item you have clicked before. I would only have only about 15 (or something similar) spaces so if I have clicked 16 items the 16th item cannot go into the inventory.
A can't seem to get this creating movieclip thing, or attach movieclip. What I want is when a certain button is pressed, a MC in the library is created on the work area, at the mouse location and will continue to follow the mouse untill it is clicked. Once clicked, it stops dragging, but if clicked again, another MC on the screen will gotoAndStop(2); and so on. I have most of the script idea down. But I can't seem to get the create new MC to work.
How do I attach a Movieclip to another movieclip then use it as a hitzone?
I want to attach mEnemyIdle to a movieclip from a class which I am call this. I want the movieclip to update its _x _y _rotation based of its parent and I want to use it as a hitzone for this.
how to atach my duplicated movieclip into another movieclip?
example, i have this cart and i'm going to buy an item. i can duplicate the item and put it in the cart. if i move the cart, the item is still insdie the cart...
I have to load one movie clip symbol (with linkage identifier specified) in another swf. Is this possible? Say, in 1.swf, I have a movieclip with identifier "a_id". in 2.swf, I loaded the 1.swf using loadMovie (to one blank movieclip). After that I need to attach the "a_id" to another blank movieclip (in the 2.swf itself)
'm pretty new with flash and right now I'm stuck with a problem that I don't seem to come out off. I'm working on my new site that has 3 sections that each load a movieclip using attachMovie. Now the problem happens when I load the slideshow, its all broken and even if I change the _root to _parent or this, it doesn't work
Ok having some issues with this:I create a new movieclip:this.createEmptyMovieClip("setClip1", this.getNextHighestDepth());and then I attach a bunch of the same movieclip from the library to my new clip:in a for loopthis.setClip1.attachMovie("dashLine","dashLine"+i, this.setClip1.getNextHighestDepth());This is all working fine. BUT, I try to duplicate this movieclip:_root.setClip1.duplicateMovieClip("setLeft1",thisgetNextHighestDepth());And it seems to work - I can trace the _x/_y values and such so it sees my new clip but nothing shows up. It's just blank.So my question I guess to start is this:When you useduplicateMovieClip, does it bring with it all of the attached movieclips as well or does it not include the attached clips as well?
I am using AS2. The character, a robot, has machine guns that fire off bullets. I am trying to get the bullets to disappear when they hit an enemy. They do dmage, but for some reason they are still there. Here is the code I use to attach and delete them.
My problem is that it only adds one instance of flag_mc to the movieclip. When I press the mouse down again, it removes my old instance and puts a new one. Is it possible to make it leave the old one and add another?
what i want to do is to duplicate a movieclip into the root, but the movieclip i want to duplicate, isn't in the root, instead it is in another movieclip.get it? i hope thats i heard that the duplicateMovieClip function only works if both movieclips are in 'this', and so i'm guessing i use the attachmovie function. But it doesn't seem to work, how to use this function the way i want it to? i've looked at the flash help thing but its not exactly what i want...
This is driving me nuts... is it impossible to use attachMovie inside a movieclip you used loadMovie on? For example, I have this but it doesn't work out:
Why doesn't this just load the firstImage.jpg through the loadMovie method and then create an attachedImage_mc on the imageHolder_mc (with the secondImage_mc)? All its doing as of now is loading the first image... then if I comment the loadMovie part, it attaches the second image.
EDIT: Just a little more info. Basically I have a movieclip called imageHolder_mc that I created manually on stage. This movieclip calls LoadMovie to load in a JPG, but later on I need too replace the entire content of it with a movieclip from the library (still keeping the imageHolder_mc instance name).
I've used the command attachMovie to add custom movie clips to my flash document but now I want to change the value name (that I defined inside the movie clip as a text) in each movie clip. I found something like : this[uniqueclipname].value.text = "Name"; But I couldn't use it clearly. Is there an alternative for that? Or is there any wrong part in my code?
I used a movieClip to store the attach movieclip, but How to get back the variable from that movieClip container, such as a I set a array in the exiting movieClip
var m_click:Array = new Array(); for (var f=0; f<=this[mc_name+"_qty"]._totalframes-1; f++) { m_click[f] = 0; }
I want the attached movieClip "y_qty" with a button inside to get the m_click for changing each m_click[0]..m_click[1]..value, how to do it?
Adobe Flash CS3 publishing as Flash 8, AS 2.0 I have a movieclip named menu (instance name = mainmenu). Inside of that there is a button named btn_about (instance name = about). On the main stage there is an empty movieclip named empty_mc (instance name = mcholder, linkage id = empty). I want a user to press the button which causes a movieclip in the library named tesst (Linkage name = testid) to load into the empty movieclip (mc_holder).
Here is the code on the button: on (release) { this._parent.mcholder.attachMovie("testid", "tesst1", this.getNextHighestDepth()); } It does not work.
I used a movieClip to store the attach movieclip, but How to get back the variable from that movieClip container,such as a I set a array in the exiting movieClip [code]I want the attached movieClip "y_qty" with a button inside to get the m_click for changing each m_click[0]..m_click[1].. value, how to do it?
All I need to know is how to set the idName to attach in attachMovie to the value of a variable?The linkages are fine, the problem is just being able to specify a different clip to load depending on what a certain variable is set to.I don't have the FLA with me right now..OK, say I have a variable with the string, '00'. When this code runs, I want it to load the clip with the linkage, '00'. Say the variable's string changes to '-10'. Then when the code runs, it should load the clip with the linkage '-10'.If this isn't possible, or there is a better way...I'm working on a game. I want it to attach a different level to the stage depending on what value a 2 variables are, but I keep getting Type Mismatch, or it doesn't work.[code]The current linkages are 00 (0x, 0y), and -10 (-1x, 0y). They are comprised of 2 variables, the first one is xmap, and the second is ymap. I want to be able to combine the 2 variables and then attach the clip with that linkage to the stage..
I know how to attach a movieclip dynamically using flash 8 and cs3 but not in cs4. can u pls help me on this.
I made a movieclip named "box_mc" and i deleted from stage. It's there in library. now i want to display the movieclip "box_mc" dynamically on stage. how to do this using flash cs4 ?
I have a shell.swf and at run time i am attaching a template.swf. In template.swf file have mcMenu Movieclip.I am unable to access the or attach the movieclip at run time getting this error (1180: Call to a possibly undefined method mcMenu.)that movieclip is not available on the stage.... it is in the library of template.swf file.