ActionScript 1/2 :: Sounds Placed On A Movieclip - Saggy And Later On No Sound Will Play

Aug 26, 2009

I have an application in flash actionscript 2.0 that is running with several parts under each movieclips has an animation inside with a voice over. The problem occurs when I test the movie, the voice over/ sounds plays but when I click the pause button and play again the voice over/ sounds, sounds saggy and later on no sound will play.

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May 26, 2011

I Am wondering if is possible to use one sound channel to play through an array of sounds? Perhaps by using a complete event or other means?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Conflict - Loop Sound Works But The Other Sounds Don't Play

May 5, 2004

How can I change the following so it won't conflict with sounds inserted manually in keyframes. Currently when this function is active, the loop sound works but the other sounds don't play..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use With Music Is Affecting All Other Sounds - Button Sounds And Background Sound

Apr 16, 2010

I followed the mp3player tutorial (part 3) from [URL] and got it working fine. Only problem is that the setVolume I'm trying to use with my music is affecting all my other sounds - button sounds and background sound. I'm aware of the createEmptyMovieClip/attachSound approach and got it working on my other sounds. But Lee's tutorial-mp3player is using a slight different technique, and so my normal approach doesn't quite work.


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Sound Stop All Sounds Works / Then Sound Starts Again?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using FLASH CS3.I have gone through many posts, seems to be an issue with many people.Still haven't come across a fix.Website made in FLASH. Flash movie loads and sound works great!I have a button with 'StopAllSounds' action script.[code]When I go back to main page... sound starts up again.Is there a way I can stop all sound regardless of where the visitor goes on the website?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button Sounds In Play Scenes But Not In Play Movie

Oct 11, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiler Won't Let Me Play Sound In A Loaded Movieclip

Aug 19, 2009

I have a very simple class as so[code]...

I'm loading the mp3 from a compiled swf so I don't have to compile it every time, but am having a nightmare playing it.

Even with loader.loaderContentInfo.content, I can't seem to access my play methods.

I've tried all sorts of casting combinations from the parent timeline, but no luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play And Pause MovieClip With Sound Effect

Nov 16, 2011

I have a movieclip. And I try pause n play together with sound. But I can't do it. This my code in one frame just play pause movie clip without sound..

MC_play.onRelease = function(){;;
} MC_stop.onRelease = function(){

1. And must fill the sound in movie clip or in frame?
2. How I can play n pause the sound with code?

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Professional :: - Sound Has No Valid Device Sound Path Although Exporting Device Sounds Was Requested In The Export Settings?

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Professional :: Sound Play One Time When The Movie Is Tested BEFORE The Mouse Is Even Over The Movieclip Object?

Apr 17, 2010

I am using Flash CS4. To illustrate, I created a new flash file and added a short tick sound to the library. I set the properties of the sound to export to Actionscript and named the class "overSound". I added a Movieclip object to the stage to represent a button and gave it an instance name of "overButton". On frame 1 of the main timeline I added the following code:


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Sound: Set Different Volumes For 2 Or Multiple Sounds?

Jan 19, 2003

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Sound1 Volume 100
Sound2 Volume 20

I have tried that with the following script:

DayNature = new Sound();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sound Object Or SoundChannel For Various Sounds?

Apr 10, 2010

As I have commented before I am building English teaching apps. I will have music playing in the background, words being pronounced and at times a surprise sentence. All three could sound at the same time at any given point. To build this properly should I use SoundChannel for all of these? 
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Jan 9, 2010

I made some sort of MP3 player based on an XML file, and I want to load the next track when pressed on a button. Well that part works, the problem is, when I play the next song, this is what happens:

- The next song plays

- The bar that is normally buffering is already full

- When I skip to a part of the song, it skips to the first song!

How can I "clear" a sound variable and load another one?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Background Sound And Button Sounds?

Aug 8, 2003

I made 2 sounds: background and button sound.This is the code:

_root.onLoad = function() {
backgroundSound = new Sound(this);


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Sound - Embending External Sounds In The Swf?

Apr 29, 2011

that have more than 200 sounds , so I cannot just put the sounds in my libray in flash and then instanciate them as class and play them. Because the sound it will play when I click one object is not always the same.I have this function to play background sound , where enters the name of the song I wanna to be played :

public function startMusicBack(music:String):void{
var musicback:Sound = new Sound();
var bgChannel:SoundChannel;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Volume On A Specific Sound Without Affecting Other Sounds?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm having an issue with setting the volume on my sounds.

I have a number of movieclips, that when clicked on, play a sound. I have created an Event Handler for the movieclip, that when it is clicked on, the sound plays, but the setVolume is higher.

I also have background music, set a bit lower than the rest. Here's the issue, when I click on the movieclip that makes it's specific sounds go higher, the background music goes higher also.

How do I set the volume of my movieclip without it changing the volume of the other sound/s?

Here's the code:


gameMusic.start(0, 500);


I want gameMusic to stay at 50, but it goes to 300 when I click on shark. Why would that change it?

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function(event:ResultEvent, o:Object):void {


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// Load AS2 .swf into AS3 holder
var myMC = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: All Of Sounds Play At Once?

Dec 20, 2010

Now all of my sounds are playing at once! Each symbol has its own MP3 file in it (MP3 file names are the same as the symbol names for ease, so smokescene.mp3 goes with smokescene and etc.)

// make the characters invisible
birthdayscene.visible = false;
dancescene.visible = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Play More Than 32 Sounds At Once

Feb 28, 2010

can somebody explain me this 32 sound channel limit, i am not sure i quite understand it..does this mean i cant play more than 32 sounds at once, or i cannot externally load more than 32 sounds (without actually playing more than 1 in any given time)?i am saying load because i am planning on preloading multiple sounds and have them ready for playback as soon as i want.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Muting Individual Streaming Sounds Vs Global Sound

Oct 22, 2010

how to create a mute button successfully but only with the global sound setting (so all sounds mute or play). What i need to understand is how to use the Sound class to control individual streaming sounds.

I have 3 sounds and 3 buttons. The 3 sounds correspond to clapping, vocalizing, and the instrument playing, all of the same rhythm. I want the user to have the ability to hear all 3 at once and toggle on and off (muting, not actually stopping) each sound via the respective buttons.

I cannot call the sounds dynamically, because I need them embedded (streaming) to sync graphics with them (the names of the beats change color with each drum beat) and need to see the sounds graph in the timeline. What I want is for all 3 sounds to start simultaneously, all syncing with the same graphics on the stage, and for the buttons to toggle mute/unmute for each individual sound, so that the user can hear them all, only 2, or just 1 at any point, without ever stopping the looping sounds.

This is the code I have that is working for muting all the sounds, but I have no idea how to target the individual sounds instead. The following is only for one button, but there will be 3 buttons, one for each sound:

Actionscript Code:
function setMute(vol){var sTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(1,0);sTransform.volume = vol; SoundMixer.soundTransform = sTransform;}var Mute:Boolean =


I realize the SoundTransform is what applies it globally. How do I reference each sound individually?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Stop Previous Sounds / If Click On New Sound

Dec 23, 2011

[code]I am making a soundboard and I need the code to stop previous sounds if I click on a new sound

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slight Delay In Button Sounds During Sound Stream?

Jan 30, 2009

I have some sounds on buttons:

var mySound:Sound = new myLibrarySound();
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSound);
function playSound(e:Event):void


... and that works fine. I then have some streaming music:

var myStream:Sound = new Sound();
myStream.load(new URLRequest("myPath.mp3"));;

... and that works fine too. Now, however, the initial button sounds have a slight delay -- I'd estimate about 150-250 ms. It's enough that rollover click noises happen about the time you click, and click noises happen about the time you release, etc. Now, here's the KICKER. It only happens in FIREFOX. CURSE FIREFOX. Seriously. I've been having so many Flash issues in FF3, it just drives me nuts. Firefox and wmode is a pain, Firefox and sound is a pain, Firefox has been crap for Flash development lately.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play FLV Mute All Other Sounds?

Jun 8, 2009

I have some background music playing on my website and when I click to play one of my FLV on the site I want to background music to mute. Also when the FLV is finish (complete) the background music back on.

how to do this, I'm a little rustly on this but know it is easy to do, seen it done many many times?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Play/pause Sounds

Feb 28, 2010

I have several swf file that will be loaded into the main swf file. In the sub swf file I coded & attached sounds and play it. And the problem is that when it is loaded in the main swf file the play/pause button won't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Play Multiple Sounds

Aug 5, 2010

I am making a slide show, for every image i want sound on it. For example if it the "Tiger" in the image, it says "Tiger". I have all the voice in .wav format.
Right now my slide show is xml based and in as3, i have made another attribute for voice.
Let me know how i can play different sounds for different images.

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Actionscript 3 :: Possible To Play Chain Of Sounds

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible in actionscript 3.0 to play chain of sounds (i.e. several mp3s)?Or should I manually start playing first sound, wait for SOUND_COMPLETE event, then start second sound and so on?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: All Sounds Play On Publishing

May 24, 2010

I am new to flash and have made a presentation in Flash 8 using preloaded presentation formats.i deleted all the codes in actionscript that were there in the template.Now when i publish my presentation, sounds of all screens start to play together in the first screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sounds Wont Play?

Nov 16, 2011

Im testing out playing sounds, I've looked at lots of articles and I feel my code is correct but no sounds are playing.Declare

ActionScript Code:
var testSound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("sfx_test.wav"));
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();


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