ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Mc Inside Mc?

Jul 20, 2006

But I have a serious problem. Someone has to help me before I lose my mind. That's the project I've sent before. I've just returned from holiday and I'm stuck in focusing between mc's. My .fla file is included. I want my app to jump to the next movie clip after entering a letter to the current one. But there I have the problem : accessing mc inside mc. You'll see the details on the .fla file.[URL]..

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package {
import fl.containers.UILoader;
import fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer;


but how can i access the parent DataGrid or anything outside of this class ?In Java it can be done, but how can i pass any value to this class. My use case is that i click on a delete button and the row is deleted, impossible to do if i cannot access the parent DataGrid and call methods to work with it.

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for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
_level0["button"+i].enabled = false;

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I'm currently learning OOP through Sen's information here at Kirupa, and I've decided to try out his "creatures" exercise mentioned in his Best of Senocular thread...I still have a bunch to learn, but I wanted to go ahead and ask a question for a problem I am having right now.The situation is a random number of sprites are created, and they move around the stage,interacting. They all have a certain amount of "health," defined as a variable in a MovieClip prototype applied to the MC. When they hit, I want their health to go down a little bit, so how can I access a particular MC's "health" variable while I'm outside of the MC itself?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Accessing Button Inside Movieclip/ScrollPane

Apr 19, 2010

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facebookbtn.on (release) {


^ This also does not work, with or without the button name before on(release).

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Professional :: Accessing Button Inside Movieclip/ScrollPane

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to understand how to build a button inside a movieclip.  I have a template that has movieclips within movieclips, and when I create a button (all using AS2) the button will work if I test the scene, but in the whole flash movie it does not work.  I also have some buttons located inside a ScrollPane that also do not call correctly.
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facebookbtn.on (release) {

^ This also does not work, with or without the button name before on(release).

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Accessing MovieClip Inside Button Object In AS3 (Flash CS4)

Apr 7, 2011

I want to dynamically load the graphic of the button into an mc inside each frame of the button (up and over). Inside each frame I have a movie clip (canvas and canvas_over). The green box is the button object (header_btn):

This is my code:
var hLoader:Loader = new Loader();
hLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, hLoaded);
hLoader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
function hLoaded(event:Event):void {
[Code] .....
It would be nice though if as3 allowed for buttons to contain objects.

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Flash - Accessing A Button Inside A Loaded Swf File?

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to access a button inside an external swf file that I loaded. Problem is every time I try to access this button I get an error saying that it's null!

Here is my code:

public class DocumentClass extends Sprite
public var loader:Loader;
public var swfFile:URLRequest;


Now this should work, code-wise I think its correct. The problem is that loader cant find the required button. There is indeed a button in the loaded movieClip with an instance name of "button", I double checked that.

[URL] basically i was just a layer too high and this is why i couldn't access anything..

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for ( var i =0 ; i< myMovieClip.numChildren ; i++)
trace ( myMovieClip.getChildAt(i) );

Problem is numChildren comes "1" only, as if it doesnot consider those 10 pieces of bitmap.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MovieClips Inside Custom Class

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private var myObject:Object = new Object();
private var myArray:Array = new Array();
myObject[dynamic_name] = true;


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Feb 2, 2010

I have an object with an Array of objects inside. Each object has a name property. To scope it directly I would use:

ActionScript Code:
obj._arrayOfObjects[0]._object name; // trace returns the first object's name in the array
if you understand this so far then here is an easy question for you.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Input Fields Inside MovieClips

Jun 17, 2010

I have a couple of Text input fields sitting inside a MovieClip and i am wanting to know how do i go about accessing them from outside the MovieClip and obtaining the value of each input text field?the movieclip is called myinstance the movieclip code is in a value like this public var myinstance: MovieClip = new Ccontrol(); that is for the MovieClip the actual [code]When i do that i get the message the left control is now.when it shud be the left control is A or what ever the user entered in the input field b4 they click on the button savedcontrols.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing The Text Inside A Row From A DataGrid Without Selecting The Row?

Jan 31, 2011

I am developing a coverflow application where I have populated a data grid from an xml file. Now when I click on the cover flow , it generates a pop up with a result drawn from a random number generate function.This random number matches with the index of the data grid and displays the row in the pop up. I could not access the text inside the row. How to do it?


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Accessing A MovieClip Inside A Loaded Movie?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm running into an error accessing a movieclip from a loaded swf. Inside of my loadedMovie.swf file, I have a movie with the instance name of "bg". I want to change the width of that to movie clip when it is loaded into the parent movie but I'm getting an error saying "Access of possibly undefined property bg through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader."

Code: Select all/* ---------- LOADER ---------- */
var myLoader: Loader = new Loader();
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("loadedMovie.swf"));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Movieclip Inside Window Component?

Jan 16, 2007

I'm having trouble accessing some components that reside inside of a movieclip that i'm displaying inside of a window component through the PopUpManager:

var my_MC = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(_root, mx.containers.Window, { title:"movieClip", contentPath:"my_MC", closeButton:true });

how can i access any components that exist within the linked movie clip in my library? i have two labels that I want to update but can't figure out for the life of me how...

i've tried:

_root.my_MC.content.<label name>.text = "blah blah blah"

but no worky.

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IDE :: Accessing Dynamic Text From Inside An AddChild Object?

Aug 27, 2008

Can't figure this out for the life of me. Its probably something simple, but I can't find any solutions online. Can anyone help a brother out here? All I'm trying to do is assign text to a dynamic text box that is inside a movieclip (loaded from the library using addChild()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Accessing Objects Inside An Array?

Sep 23, 2009

i have a problem accessing the objects present inside an array.

For example,

var array:Array=new Array();
var obj:Object = {};
var int a=1; var int b=1;var int c=1; var int d=1;


Later I am able to get the array length but how can i get the values inside the objects??

One more thing is i am sending this array to php so how can i access the object values inside an array in php.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Dynamic Text Inside A Simple Button?

Nov 8, 2008

I have created a button symbol in the library that includes adynamic text instance called labelTxt. I've then dragged this ontothe stage to form several buttons called "btn1", "btn2" etc.I want to be able to change the contents of the text on thebuttons dynamically, but I am getting quite a few errors whiletrying to set the text.I have tried using (for example)btn1.labelTxt.text=myString but am getting errors saying that the property isn't defined.uote:1119: Access of possibly undefined property labelTxt througha reference with static type flash.display:SimpleButton.would skin a Button and use that but there are 3 quitedifferent styles (skins) of buttons on this particular chart, andI'm not sure how to do that with Buttons. And I keep thinking theremust be some easy way to access the labelTxt dynamic text in thebuttons I have created.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Property Of An Instance Inside A Dynamically Created MC

Sep 17, 2009

Im dynamically creating an instance of a movieclip, call it a game piece. This game piece has 4 frames, each with a movieclip called base(although one is red, one blue, one green, one yellow). When the game piece is created I set the frame to indicate player color. Im also changing the alpha of base to 1.0 when its being dragged, 0.5 when its dropped.

Using the following code, everything works fine if the game piece color is set to the base in frame 1 (red). If the game piece is created and the timeline moved to a frame other than 1, I throw an error when trying to access base.alpha (this would be the second, third, and fourth instances of base in the game piece timeline). Heres the strange part, this is only a problem when the game piece is first created and added to the display list. Once created, even after the error has been thrown, I can access the alpha of bases 2, 3, and 4 in the drag start/stop listeners. Heres a link to the work in progress, and the relevant sections of code (shortened for brevity, t1 is the top left piece on the pallet, others just repeat the same code):[URL]

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