ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Press Cycles Through Next Page

Feb 28, 2012

I have a "Menu" button that goes to a menu page on the timeline when pressed.
The stop(); action works great.
But... if I hit the same button again, it does not return to the menu item but goes to the next timeline item and displays that page. Repeated "Menu" button hits cycle to the next timeline item. If I got to the "Home" button (first item on the timeline), then it lets me start fresh. No other buttons have this action when pressed repeatably.

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Unfortunately, it isn't working. Is there an error with how I typed this? Or do I need to change something so it will work?

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like this

(static) name
(input) name
(static) email
(input) email


then a submit button. on the right hand side of all of these fields.It seems that when I press tab, instead of cycling from one input text field to the next, and then ending with the highlight on the submit button, it keeps tabing up to the "Address" line of my browser.I'd rather it tabed through each of the text fields.

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Nov 10, 2008

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Press On Button And It Goes To The Next Scene?

Jan 19, 2012

I know how to make a button and all.. but what do I do to make it go to the next scene?

scene 1: Startsidan
scene 2: Sidan

I made a frontpage and when I click on the picture I want it to go to scene 2, where it enters the inside.

the button is called PortalenKnappen, I want to be able to just press on it and it will go to the "sidan(scene 2)" that's empty at the moment.

what would I have to write? I've tried "portalenKnappen.onPress nextScene("sidan", 1"); but it doesn't work.

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On Button Click Page Flashes Back To Main Page

Oct 23, 2009

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Jan 24, 2009

Sorry for bothering you with questions like these, but I've never worked with Flash before, so I've got no knowledge in as3. So I'm trying to make a full flash website, and I've read some good tutorials on the net, but some of the script codes the tutorials provide doesn't work. I'm trying to link a button to a page like google, or a page on the flashsite. I just purchased Flash cs4, so that might be the reason why the tutorial codes doesn't work..

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Play A Sound On Button Press?

Aug 11, 2009

OK, say I have a button that does something, like go to the next frame, is there anyway to have it play a simple sound located in the library without looping?

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F8 :: When Press On Button / Will Go To Another Frame Of Layer?

Apr 28, 2010

How can i do that when you press on a button you will go to another frame of the layer?I am using Macrome6dia Flash Professional 8!

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Motion After Button Press Navigation?

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I'm still struggling with a move from AS2 to AS3 so please be gentle with me I have this code for a submit button used with a log in form and I'd like to allow users to press the enter key as well as clicking the button.


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