ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Setting Variables Through Button Press For Scripted Animation?

Jun 3, 2009

getting the following working:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


What's supposed to happen is when you click button "go_0", the object "square" will animate moving down.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Variables On Press And Release?

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I am trying to create a scrolling text section for a cd-rom I am creating.I have created buttons for the scroll up and scroll down and so far all I am able to get is a click click click to scroll up and down 1 line at a time.Would prefer to make a loop so when you hold down the button it "scrolls" until you release.Have had no luck in setting variables on press and release.

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return defined if my_mc was on a different frame?

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depth = 1;
mouse_over_colour = 0xCCCCCC;
mouse_clicked_colour = 0x666666;
area_width = 200;


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var rollSpeed = Number=14;  var facingRight = true;  ichigo_mc.onEnterFrame = function() { if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { this._x += rollSpeed;  this.gotoAndStop("right");  facingRight = true; 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Playback - Play The Whole Animation When You Press The Key Just Once?

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ActionScript Code:
var space:Boolean = false;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Painting Program Key Press Variables

Dec 1, 2010

I'm currently working on a few small paint programs designed to emulate certain famous painters. I'm using a pretty basic AS2 painting program and simply manipulating it to my needs, but have run into a few problems that trial and error have not been able to fix.For two of the programs I would like the up and down arrows of the keyboard to change the size of the brush, which is currently set by the variable ranWidth (one of the other programs uses random widths for the brush).For one of the programs, the left and right arrows will increase or decrease the paint opacity.One of the programs will be a pointillism style drawing program, so instead of drawing a line as it does currently, I'm trying to have it draw a series of dots, without having to click down every time.Third, my color selection right now changes randomly each time the user clicks down. This works fine for some of the programs, but others it really is neccesary to choose a color. I've tried creating buttons with on release functions that would change the color variable but havn't got them to work properly.I know its a bit of a list but I think most of the coding is fairly simple, I'm just new to actionscript and trying to learn the ropes. I've used keys to change items before but am not having any luck.Here is my basic script for one of the painting programs. This one simply draws lines in different colors at random sizes.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing The Function Of A Button Depending On Previous Button Press?

Mar 14, 2007

I'm loading in 5 jpegs from an external file using "loadMovie" and i have 5 corresponding buttons (1-5) to load them with.

I want to change the jpeg the button loads in depending whether a separate navigation button has been pressed -


navigation buttons:

-motorbike pics
-car pics
-lorry pics

If a user clicked on "car pics" then the loading buttons 1 to 5 would load "car1.jpg", "car2.jpg" and so on...

similarly if the user clicked on "lorry pics", the same loading buttons 1 to 5 would load "lorry1.jpg" and "lorry2.jpg"

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Rotate On Button Press Or Button Hold 180 Degree

May 14, 2010

here is my code,
This is running on Enterframe but  I want to ratate 180 degree and on button press and hold button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simulated Button Press Of A Dynamically Created Button

May 29, 2008

i have a set of buttons cranked out from and XML file. how can i emulate, in code, a press on one of those buttons? i'd like to 'press' one of them for an initial state so that the list it controls will load first off instead of waiting for the person to click it manually and THEN show the list it's connected to. thing is, the first loaded list is going to be random, so i need to 'press' what on another day/load would be a button that the user would press themselves.

in other words, i have 3 buttons. on random, i have to 'press', say button 2, to start. users can press 1 or 3 and then 2 again if they like. another time, it's button 1 that gets 'pressed' on load, etc. make sense? i have a sneaking suspicion it might be easy... or stupidly convoluted.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (MX 04 Pro) Setting Variables For An Mc?

Dec 12, 2004

What i need is to set some values for a few movie clips and then use them all at once. Eg, i'll have 5 mcs in my movie, each with either variable = 1 or variable = 2 etc assigned to each of them differently. Then i want to run some code kinda like

if (the variable on mc_one < 4){
do some stuff

Im not sure if im going about it the right way, but i think its fairly obvious what im trying to do

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (MX 04 Pro) Setting Variables For A Mc?

Dec 12, 2004

What i need is to set some values for a few movie clips and then use them all at once. Eg, i'll have 5 mcs in my movie, each with either variable = 1 or variable = 2 etc assigned to each of them differently. Then i want to run some code kinda like

if (the variable on mc_one < 4){
do some stuff

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Setting Variables From External Txt?

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to control some of the global variables in my script through an external text file.I have a variable called "_global.scrollOrNot", which determines whether I want flash to use the text window with a scroll-bar or the one without a scroll-bar. I am trying to control that through an external text-file called "ScrollCommand.txt". Here is my code:

the external txt states:



this is were I have a problem. It will always choose "MCtextFeldSB1noscroll". I have tested the whole thing with other variables, which were not changed by any LoadVars function and it works just fine then. As soon as I change the variable using the LoadVars function it will not work any more.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Variables In A FOR Loop?

Apr 23, 2009

I used to dynamically set some variables using a FOR loop kinda like so PHP Code:

//Sorry, from memory
var possibleValues:Array = ["red","green","blue","yellow"];
for (i=0;i<possibleValues._length;i++){
_root["colorNumber"+i] = possibleValues[i];

Second question, using that code in a function would set the variables at the root level making them available throughout the timeline. Without "_root" how do I get that variable available to everything?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Variables In Different Classes?

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to set the variable to classes in the loader like this

loaded_swf.content.classname.code = "AS3";

But that wont work for some reason?

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Flash8 :: Setting Up Variables In Different Levels?

Dec 25, 2010

Actionscript Code:
if (Key.isDown(attack2Key)&&shot2reload == 0) { for (i=1; i<2+1; i++) { shot2++; shot2reload = 30 var newname =


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Actionscript 3 :: Setting Flash Variables Not From VB?

Oct 9, 2011

I'm trying to pass flash variables to SWF file from my VB application.It worked in AS 2.0 using:SetVariable method of ShockwaveFlash object but it doesnt' work in AS 3.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Variables To Parent?

Feb 8, 2010

I have loaded a movie clip into the "root" from the library using addChild. Inside this loaded movieclip, I need to populate a variable, but this variable is in the main time. The value must be sent when the user click on the clip that has been loaded. I have tried the following using a mouse click event listener.

MovieClip(this.parent).currentScore = 20;

but it won't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting And Then Checking Against Variables?

Jun 14, 2005

how I could somehow create an "if then" statement with variables for my website.

Basically I just want to have a button that checks for a certain variable when you click it (I want it to check if a movie, lets call it "movie1" is already loaded). If it comes back false, then movie1 and movie2 both get loaded.

This way, after movie1 is loaded for the first time, it wont be loaded again. Basically, movie1 is just my background for all my other movies. So clicking button1 for the first time would load movie1 and movie2. Clicking button2 AFTER button1 was clicked would only load movie3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Variables With Checkbox?

Dec 18, 2009

let's say 30. they are nothing less than colors of different shades/tints. firstly i need to randomize the loading of one of those movieclips when i push a button and secondly i want to control that randomization with a couple of check boxes. let's say i have a first row of checkboxes which control the particular color that is going to beoaded(red,green,yellow,blue) and a second row that controls the shade(extremely dark,very dark,dark,light dark,neutral,light bright,bright,very bright,extremely bright). for instance if i choose yellow and green from the first row of check boxes and neutral and light from the second row i want the movie to load randomly yellow and green movieclips with those particular shades(neutral and light).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Variables For Timer Function

Jan 1, 2011

I'm making an animation of calculating a projectile motion with air resistance based on Python code from [URL]. I include the relevant portions of codes as follow. I'm not familiar of the vector object in AS3 so I translate them into variables as follow:

Actionscript Code:
//timer related variablesvar
fps:uint = stage.frameRate;var interval:Number = 1/fps;
var myTimerYes:Timer = new Timer(1000/fps);
//air resistance timermyTimerYes.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startSimYes);
function startSimYes(e:TimerEvent):void{
[Code] .....

The timer activates when the user clicks the start button. The start buttons set the variables for the timer function. The variables are created at the start of the actionscript file. The code of the start button is:

Actionscript Code:
start_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goTimer);
function goTimer(e:MouseEvent):void{m = int(airText_mc.mass_txt.text);
A = int(airText_mc.refA_txt.text);
Cd = int(airText_mc.Cd_txt.text);
rho = int(airText_mc.density_txt.text);
[Code] .....

The result I get is the aX = 0 all the time, even after the update I specified in the timer codes. I can't understand what's wrong with the code, it's supposed to be updating every time the timer goes on.

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