ActionScript 2.0 :: (Flash CS3) Defining Variables To Different Buttons?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm trying to assign actions to various buttons for a website I am building, however I would also like to play a little movie first each time before linking to their individual different frames. The movie is the same for each button but then, obviously each button ultimately needs to link to a different frame. I'm guessing a nifty mix of gotoandPlay and variables are the answer but I'm getting myself in knots.

The structure of the site is as follows.On the main stage I currently have 4 frames. Each frame contains a different "page" of the website. The "home" frame has the navigation bar (including a sub-menu movie which has a number of buttons nested inside it which I think is going to be tricky). At the end of the "home" movie, there is a little fade animation which is labeled/ red flagged on the timeline - and it's this little animation I would like to have playing when a button is clicked on before linking to another frame.

At the moment the best I can manage is that when the button is clicked it goes back to the beginning of it's movie (a problem with the target paths perhaps?) as opposed to a label within the parent movie.I also think where I'm getting confused is exactly where I am supposed to define all the various variables and pieces of actionscript. The little snippits of code I have are as follows: Within the button I am trying to link, so far I have:

_level0.frame_to_goto = "artwork";

The "artwork" tag is the frame specific to that button (this is one of the sub-buttons that is nested within a submenu movie).Then in the movie for the webpage I have the following in the last frame of the mini animation that I want to play before the button links to the artwork frame:

if(_level0.frame_to_goto != undefined){
trace("An error as occured!");

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var cColor1:Color = new Color(mcBut1.mcFill);
var cColor2:Color = new Color(mcBut2.mcFill);
var cColor3:Color = new Color(mcBut3.mcFill);
var cColor4:Color = new Color(mcBut4.mcFill);
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//define the function
function attachVid(nc, ns, curVid, vidFile) {


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setVars = function (clip, value) {
clip.val1 = value;
clip.val2 = 0;

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stop();var comprarXML = new XML();comprarXML.ignoreWhite = true;comprarXML.load('flash/comprar.xml');comprarXML.onLoad = checkLoading; function checkLoading(success) { rootNode = comprarXML.firstChild; ButtonReleaseAndContent ();} function ButtonReleaseAndContent (){ for (i=0;i<12;i++){   // my buttons are not generated dynamicly, that  why the count. btTemp =


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if I have a setup like this[code]...

I start the movie and it traces "null" which makes sense. But when I click on a button it doesn't trace the button name. I know the disconnect is at the point where I'm clicking the button. Is there a way to put a listener into the content movie clip that will run the code again when a button is clicked?

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import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var lang:String;[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Saving And Loading Variables Using Buttons

Jun 21, 2011

So I want to do saving and loading for variables. I.E. I want to save a variable by pressing the save button. When you use the "load" button, the variable is what it was when it was saved. I've tried this but it didn't work...

//Code on the frame
var saveState = SharedObject.getLocal("Cookie");

//Code on the save button
on (release) {; = _root.blah;

//Code on the load button
on (release) {
_root.blah =;

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Feb 7, 2004

I have a movie clip button that has 3 states:up, over, out, and press.the action script inside the movie clip button looks like this:

onRollOver = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Using Script In Buttons To Change Variables

May 27, 2004

I'm trying to use actionscript in a button to increment variables in my program. ie. when you click the button it increments a variable and so displays different information in one of my dynamic text boxes. The program doesn't seem to recognise the button input. I understand you have to give your button an instance name but I'm not sure how to set up the code to recognise this input. The code in my button is on (release) { buttonup++;} This is meant to increment a variable of that name but doesn't appear to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Variables - Next / Prev Buttons [fmx]

Apr 26, 2003

I have a movie which consists of 4 buttons( PLAY, PREVIOUS, NEXT and STOP)


These buttons work correctly and advance or reverse in sequencial order (slide1,slide2,slide3,slide4). However the movie can run from start to finish wihtout the use of the navigation. My problem is that if I let the movies run independently and then choose to use the next button while(for example) "slide3" is playing, the movie jumps to "slide1". Note that these slide labels are located within movieclip named "allunits" I know that the variable currentSlide is still equal to 1 thus returning the playhead to label "slide1".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Variables To Show/hide Buttons?

May 1, 2006

var showbutton="buttonone";
var currentpage="pageone";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling A Movie Clip With Buttons And Variables?

Mar 12, 2002

I have two buttons (a and b) and a ball movie clip (ballMove) on the screen.This is what I want to happen:The ball starts off under button A. If you click button A, the ball stays where it is. If you click button B, the ball moves over to button B.When the ball is under button B it won't move if B if clicked, but will move to A if A is clicked.How I plan on doing this is within the ball movie there will be three motion tweens, staggered so they don't overlap. The first isn't a tween at all, actually. It is one key frame at the very start of the movie timeline. I have labelled it "beginning". Also, it has a stop action and var busbus = 1. Bus is the variable I want to use to track the position of the ball.

The next tween is the ball travelling from point a to b. The start frame is labelled "atobbegin". There is a keyframe at the end labelled "atobeend". A stop action is on this keyframe, and also bus = 4.The final tween is the ball travelling from point b to point a. The start frame is labelled "btoabegin" and the end keyframe is labelled "btoaend" with a stop action and bus = 8.Eek, just got Deja, moving right along....

On button A I have assigned these actions:
on (release) {
if (_root.ballMove.bus == 4) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Variables Do Dynamic Created Buttons?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a 13 buttons to wich I added Event listeners using a for loop:

for (var i:Number = 1; i < 13; i++)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Variables (on The Buttons) To Control External Movies?

Oct 14, 2002

I have a movie which is made up:

Level0= my interface layout with buttons

Level1= the different sections of the site, are loaded into this level (eg. home.swf, aboutus.swf etc.)

Because each of these sections has both an 'in' and 'out' transition, i want to use variables (on the buttons) to control these external movies that are loaded into the main movie (im even starting to confuse myself

basically in a nutshell... can you use buttons which control a movie ,which has been loaded at another layer, using variables....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combining Logical Operator With Variables Defined By Radio Buttons

Aug 7, 2008

I have completely hit a wall. Here's what I'm after. I have two sets of radio buttons, each of which controls what loaded swf appears on stage. Then, depending on which button is clicked in group one and which button is clicked in group two, a third swf appears. I can access the value of each radio button, and I'm passing it into a variable (I think - the trace command works) but when I drop it all together into an if/else statement, no data is passed.

Here's the code:
//printArea is a movie clip on stage, which has dynamic mc's attached via code
var thisFront;
//function for what happens when fronts radio buttons clicked
frontListener = new Object(); = function(evt) {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variables True/false Custom Variables Work In Flash?

Aug 20, 2008

How do variables true/false custom variables work in flash?

For example, what I want to do is create a simple true=false variable that I can call on an if statement later.

For example:

Var1 = true;
if (!Var1)


I noticed that neither the "Var1 = true;" part or the if(!Var1) part worked in flash.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Defining Path Using XML?

Jul 16, 2010

I am trying to get a dynamic text box embedded in a button to populate on (XML) load but am having trouble with the path. The text boxes not embedded populate just fine. I have attached my FLA and my XML is below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Defining CSS Styles Dynamically?

Jun 19, 2009

I am trying to define a CSS style dynamically. how to get around hard-coding the values this way:

code: var styles:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
styles.setStyle("mainBody", {color:'0xff0000, fontSize:12});

I tried something like this, but it isn't working:

code: var styles:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
styles.setStyle("mainBody", {color:colorVariableFromParentMovie, fontSize:sizeVariableFromParentMovie});

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