ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Custom'd Scrolling Textbox?

Dec 6, 2005

What I'm tryin 2 do in Flash MX 2004 is create a Dynamic Textbox that scrolls. However I want the scroller to be on the left hand side and to be made up of my own custom graphic.All I need is for the user to be able to drag and pull the 'scroller' up and down.Heres a short animation of what I wuld like.Basically they pull the green arrow up and down to scroll through the text. The arrow cannot go up past the text vanishing point neither below it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trigger Event From Scrolling Textbox?

May 12, 2010

I'm using AS3, loading external text into a text box. Let's say the text box shows 20 lines of text. Is there a way to trigger some kind of action, for example, changing an image on the stage if the user scrolls the text and line 30 appears in the textbox? Kind of like a cue point for scrolling text.

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var my_format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
my_format1.font = "EventFont";
my_format1.size = 50;
my_format1.color = 0xFFFFFF;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Text File To Display In A Dynamic Scrolling Textbox As HTML?

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I am trying to get a text file to display in a dynamic scrolling textbox as HTML. What do I need to put in my code so that the textbox displays it correctly and leaves out the HTML tags?

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Xml :: Access Stage Object (textbox) Within A Custom Class?

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package {
public class ChatHistory extends MovieClip {
public function ChatHistory()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Scroll Button - Box Keep Scrolling

May 30, 2005

I have a dynamic textbox I would like to scroll. Currently I have 2 images set to scroll up and down with the following actionscript.


The code works fine, though I want when I press, the box to keep scrolling. Currently I have to press, press, press, press, to get a small amount down.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Dynamic Text With Custom Scrollbar

Aug 13, 2008

I have created a custom scrollbar for some dynamic text ("services_txt") under a movieclip ("servicestext_mc" with the instance name services_mc). The name for the scroller is scroller_mc.

The scrollbar works fine, but it doesn't seem to want to connect to the text box. I keep getting error message 1120: Access of undefined property services_txt.

I've tried scrolling my text several ways and seem to keep getting this error - I have a feeling it's because I've inputted the text manually and forgot to do something, instead of using an external text loader. Here is the code I've inputted:

var scrollPercent:Number = 0;
var minScroll:Number;
var maxScroll:Number;


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Flex :: 4.5 : Strange Scrolling Behaviour In Custom Layout Used In A List

Sep 15, 2011

I created a custom layout for a list, to be used on a mobile (android). I used this as example : [URL], using virtualization. Now the problem I have is with scrolling : when scrolling to the bottom of the list, there seems to be always a "bounce back", as if the list would have reached and as if the bounce/pull effect is taking place. But in fact the list has not reached the end at all, in fact I can not even scroll to the last element in the list. When going back from bottom to top, there's no problem at all.

I trace the top and bottom of the Scrolling Rectangle (Rectangle.getScrollRect) and there I can see that when scrolling down, the top and bottom parameters increase, but when releasing the touchscreen, all of a sudden the parameters decrease again with a certain amount, and so never reaching the end of the list. All my code is available on google project hosting : [URL]

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TreeItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Flash Pane On Scrolling WebPage?

Jul 1, 2008

This is a repost, but I've still not figured out a solution. I have a Flash movie that appears on a webpage. The Flash contains scrolling content ( scrollpane, text field, whatever).

The containing webpage is tall, and therefore also has scrollbars. My Problem: When users try to use the MouseWheel to scroll through my Flash scrolling data, the browser page scrolls as well. It's very annoying.

I would like to be able to have the MouseWheel scroll my Flash scrolling content when it's over the flash, but scroll the webpage when it's not over the Flash.

Does anybody know a way to supress wheel-based browser page-scrolling while my mouse is over a Flash movie??? Is there a way to eat/stop propagation, whatever, of the wheel event in the brwoser, either from Flash or from Javascript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textbox.text On Frame Before Textbox Exists?

Nov 24, 2003

I have some button code on frame one. that looks like this:

[AS]on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
mylogin = new LoadVars();
mylogin.password = password;
mylogin.username = username;


basically sending and recieving variables from a php page. I want to be able to specify what my textbox on frame 5 says in the onLoad statement. Is this possible?

Currently the only way I have been able to get the text to display is either to use the textbox variable and declare that in the onload statement, or to put textbox.text = mylogin.message; on the actual frame.I doubt there is a way to do it, because the actual textbox hasn't be created yet, but if there were a way, that would be nice.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textbox.text On Frame Before Textbox Exsists?

Nov 24, 2003

I have some button code on frame one. that looks like this:

[AS]on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
mylogin = new LoadVars();
mylogin.password = password;


basically sending and recieving variables from a php page. I want to be able to specify what my textbox on frame 5 says in the onLoad statement. Currently the only way I have been able to get the text to display is either to use the textbox variable and declare that in the onload statement, or to put textbox.text = mylogin.message; on the actual frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Mc Not Stop When The Movie Clip It's Scrolling Ends

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Actionscript :: Document Class Textbox In Flash Cs3?

Sep 11, 2009

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Mar 17, 2010

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Actionscript :: Can't Type Symbols Such As @ And $ Into Flash Textbox

Aug 17, 2010

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Flash :: Textbox - Resize The Text Box Depending Upon The Swf?

Mar 1, 2012

in that i have a text box.when i enlarge the swf window the size of swf is large.In that time i want to resize the to do this?

i need to adjus the x,y ,width and height depend upon the stage height and width.


when i resize the window it looks like that

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Actionscript 3 :: Display Name And Age In A TextBox On Flash Document?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a class Person i.e. the definition of Person with name and age. SuperClass is main Class. I want to display name and age in a textBox on Flash document.

I am newbie to Flash. Something wrong in the class structure or coding conventions. It gives error "Call to possibly undefined method addChild".

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;


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Actionscript 3 :: Updating Flash Textbox Text ?

Mar 30, 2012

I created a text area on my stage using the text tool, then converted it to a MovieClip symbol. I called it ScoreLabel and I clicked "Export for ActionScript". I named the instance of the text area scoreLabel. However, when I do this in my code:

scoreLabel.text = this.score;

it doesn't change. That line is in my file, which is the document class. How can I change the text shown in this text area using ActionScript? Maybe I need to import a library?

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