ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Use MC To Constrain Drag?
Feb 25, 2010
I have a MC called planPOPUP which is draggable and at the moment I am constraining where the MC can be dragged to by using the 4 co-ordinates method such as:
Now would it be possible to, instead of using that method, place another MC around the edge of the stage, making a border, and then have some code so that whenever planPOPUP touches the border MC it cannot be dragged over it? Thus constraining it to within the borders of the stage?
The blue bar has the instance name track and the pink dot has the instance name puck.
I need the puck to be constrained within the blue area at all times, and this is where my maths failings work against me! So far I have the puck moving along the x axis only like this:
I'm trying to create an interactive piece, where the veiwer can move sliders to effect to movement of other pieces. I understand how to contrain the movement of the sliders, and I've done so, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to constrain the movements of the mc's effected by the sliders. How do I do this without using the drag function?
I have a movieclip that is locking to mouse center when dragging it. I know how to set up the boundary code, though the movieclip images are different sizes, so didn't want to have to create a custom code such as:t.startDrag(true, 290, 85, 910, 390);for each movieclip.does anyone know how to constrain the draggable item to within the left, top, right, bottom boundaries inside of a movieclip?
I have recently created a game where your drag and drop planet movieclips into individual planet movieclip targets. I had this going fine untill i decided to make it so that the user would have a custom cursor (a claw grabber is anyone is wondering).
Now, when i grab a planet with the cursor and drop it into it's intended target. Nothing happens.
Im making a "game" thing for class. and i am using the Drag and Drop tutorial and applying the code to my game. its supposed to be a shape thing like when we were little you put the correct shape in the correct hole. i am using buttons inside movie clips and adding the code to the button.
star is my draggable object openstar is a movieclip/target that is supposed to (when the star is dragged onto it) change to the frame labled fullstar where the star is filled in. the star and openstar are on diffrent layers. does that make a diffrence?
I have a movie, within this movie I have a container which loads an external swf, the problem I have is that when this movie is viewed within a browser, if the browser is resized then the external swf that loads into the contanier resizes, going smaller or larger.How do I constrain a particular container to stay the same size, 100%?This is the script I have that loads the external swf, is there a way to constrain container?
I'm loading a .swf (flash game) (719 x 480) into a new .fla that is bigger (1280, 720) than the dimensions of the .swfThe game appears to load well, but when I start playing it, I realize that the game is messed up because it is actually running in the dimensions of the .flaCan somebody tell me how to constrain the loaded .swf to 719 x 480?NOTE: I can't change the .swf game file's codingAnd the .fla stage-size has to stay the same.
I load swf files continuously, but if one of the swfs has some defective code such as Mouse.hide() the mouse disappears when the swf is loaded. I want to constrain such malicious code in loaded swfs. There is also another problem related to containing loaded or loading swfs. When I load a swf which loads another swf to operate, It never completes loading (Event.Complete of contentLoaderInfo) because it needs another swf to load. However, the swf should be loaded before it runs. Since loaded swf is as-2, loader does not give any error. I am also suspicious whether or not it will give error if it is as-3.
I'm at a bit of a coders block, and I'm sure it's quite simple. I tried using the following:Code:((angle-180)%360) + 180But for angles < 180 degrees, it works just fine, but after that it get's a little funny. I know why it's doing that, I'm just looking for a way to fix it.
I am trying to created a constraint to a rectangle. I have the startDrag working and I am trying to constrain a square to the movie size of 600x400.I have been searching online help files but I can not for the life of me get it to work, would someone beable to put me out of my misery. I have attached the demo file I am working with but I will also post my script here for thoughs who prefer that...
[code]...Now if I load this swf into a bigger SWF the mouse is acting in the entire movie as if it were in de loaded swf. This also happens when I test it (ctrl-enter) and make the resulting box bigger... the mouse will not fade at the border of the swf any more, but at the border of the containing window....) is there a (easy) way to constrain the mouse behaviour within the box of the loaded swf (like the MOUSELEAVE event triggered when i leave the box of the loaded swf in stead of the entire stage?)
I have a MC on stage with instance name of holder.I load a swf into holder. I want the swf which is bigger than holder to have the same height and width as holder.var myLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); myLoader.loadClip("contact.swf", holder);
I have some script that loads an external image into the UILoader that also has a mask created based on loaded image width and height, which also centers on stage. That works great. On user click somewhere within the loaded image, the image then scales from that mouse position out. i.e.: if I click top left corner image scales from that point out, center, left, right... etc. using the tween. That works great.
On mouse move image then pans reverse to mouse position. i.e.: I move mouse left image pans right, move mouse up image pans down, top left corner image pans down bot right...etc. Also using tween. This is where it becomes tricky. The image does pan, however it does not pan completely to left, right, up, down, diagonally and so forth. once mouse reaches boarder of mask the image pan stops, unless mouse is way outside boarder.
Then that creates another problem where the image now pans so much that it goes past the boarder and almost out of sight. Ideally when mouse moves to masked boarder, panned image should be at its image boarder then stop. Constrained within the masked boarders.
Code: var myImagePanTween; function moveImageTween(e:TweenEvent = null):void { var CurrentMouseX=mouseX; var CurrentMouseY=mouseY; [Code] .....
I think there should be away to include a constraint within the Tween, as well calculate the image size so that when mouse reaches boarder the image should be panned to its width/height, up, down, corners ect.. within the mask. Make sense?
I'm doing a tutorial on using the startDrag function but have no idea how to get the coordinates for my rectangle.How do you find the 4 points? I've tried using my mouse to pinpoint the location but that doesn't work.Here is the generic code:myMovieClip.startDrag(false, left, right, top, bottom);
how to constrain the proportions of a flash site so that when a browser window is resized the swf resizes to fit?Is it actionscript needed in the fla or some html in my dreamweaver file? [URL]
What I would like to have happen, is when the user drags arrow_mc, it will only rotate between 0 and 90 degrees. If you go above 90 degrees, and continue dragging, it will stop moving. The same would happen if you went below 0 degrees.Currently, the code below works, but you can go around in circles back and forth.Iwith figuring out how to constrain the drag rotation between specifid numbers, in degrees.
ActionScript Code: arrow_mc.onPress = function () { arrow_mc.onMouseMove = function () {
I have a small movieclip where an external image gets loaded into a custom shape mask. The user can then drag the image around. This is all working fine.
I am now trying to constrain the movement allowed so that the image cannot ever leave the masked area.
On my startDrag() function i have tried to include the following properties but i cannot get this to work:
I have 9 images that are draggable on my screen - and when pressed become the top image- using the script below. I'd also like to constrain to a rectangle (or coordinates) - ideally adapting the exisiting script and movie clip set-up.
I am designing an interface where a person will drag a circular measurement tool (called a goniometer) over part of an image, and then rotate two different arms on the tool to measure an angle.The entire tool itself needs to be draggable by its center. So far I have the arms rotating by means of pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard, but it would be more realistic to have the user drag the arms to rotate them. I can't think of how to accomplish that, though.
So I have a Sprite and if using startDrag(), how do I constrain the movement to x-axis only? that is, move it horizontally? The free x,y movement code sample is here, directly from Adobe's livedocs: [URL]
I have a movie clip (pano_mc) that I can click and drag left and right. When I drag it to the right, it stops dragging when the left edge of the clip reaches the left edge of the stage. This is great!
When I drag the image to the left, the right side edge if the clip does not stop at the right edge of the stage, but continues to click and drag until it reaches the left edge of the stage.
I need the left edge of the clip to stop at the left edge of the stage and the right edge of the clip to stop at the right edge of the stage.
Here is the code I have so far
The pano_mc is registered to the top right corner and is 7024px in length. I know it is a bit large. The axis_mc is anchored to the upper left.
I'm moving an HSlider thumb via the accelerometer. The following code works fine. The problem, though, is that as I keep tilting the device, xSpeed continues to increment. This means that when I now tilt it the other way, the thumb doesn't move for a while -- since, depending on how long I was holding tilted in that intial direction, xSpeed has been going up and up.So this works, but with the abovementioned flaw:
private function readAcc(e:AccelerometerEvent):void { xSpeed -= e.accelerationX * 4;[code].......
But what I want to do is to stop incrementing xSpeed once the hSlider.value == either the minimum or the maximum. Sounds simple, but when I put in if statements, they prevent the thumb from moving at all:
Enable the development of apps that use very large bitmaps. BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels (16,777,215 pixels), and maximum bitmap width/height is no longer limited to 8,191 pixels.Does this mean that limit does not exist anymore, or it just has been raised to a greater value (as it used to be in previous versions)?
how to constrain the Mouse movement along with the MovieClip I am dragging. In the following example, if Mouse travels outside of the box, it stops responding to MOUSE_UP. I would like Mouse to be constrained to the same area as ball during dragging, that is, when ball reaches a boundary Mouse will stop as well.
ActionScript Code: var box:MovieClip = new MovieClip();, .75);
I am developing an AS3 website (client's request) but have run into a little trouble. My template.swf contains a fixed Header/ Footer and is resized to fit the browser window. The middle content is resized when the browser is resized using:
Has anyone managed to build in a constraint for moving objects around with senocular's Transformer tool version 2? It doesn's seem to be that easy, as the translation is done by using matrices. A similar thread can be found here but that's a solution for version 1, which is quite different.