ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Change Recursion Into Loop

Sep 29, 2009

I'm making something that requires a recursion of over 256 times, I know you can use things like "for" to turn it into a loop. Here is an example:

ActionScript Code:
var number = 200
var i = 0
var match = false
button.onPress = function() {
} function Check() {
[Code] .....

This as you may have gathered is utterly pointless, but it's a good example. This basically cycles through all whole integers until it finds a match with the number set as the "number" variable when the button is pressed, then it displays "true" in the dynamic text box "box" when it's found a match. So basically it checks if the number is 1, if not it restarts the function and checks with 2 (i++) and so on until it finds the number. All of this works fine until you try and work out a number of 256 or more, then the message comes up about the "it's probably a loop" so on.

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scratch scratch

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<object width="150" height="150"> <param name="flashvars" value="offsite=true&lang=en-us&page_show_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2Fsho w%2F&page_show_back_url=%2Fphotos%2F49111858%40N06%2F&user_id=49111858 @N06&jump_to=&autostart=true"></param> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="


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for (var i in stars){stars[i].star.transform.colorTransform = myColorTransform;

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for (var i = 1; i<=10; i++) {
var 'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt':TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.x = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.y = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.text = "Hello World"

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Jun 13, 2004

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Jul 20, 2009

I have need of loops / nested loops that pick different figures depending on where you are in the loop. The whole function needs to run through 'ml' times. 'ml' is a dynamic figure. Loop 1 = While the loop is within the first 12 iterations, 'exconemp' must equal 100. For iterations 13 - 24, 'exconemp' must equal 102.5, for 25 - 36 it will be 105.06, for 37 - 48 it will be 107.69. This needs to change every 12th iteration until it has reached 'ml'. The calculation takes the value of the previous 'exconemp' and then multiplies that by 0.025.

Loop 2 = While the loop is within the first 120 iterations, 'abc' must equal 0.015 and any further iterations must use 0.01. This must also work in a way to figure out whether 'ml' is higher or lower than 120 and work accordingly. My main issue is this - how do I get the loops to run through as this: While the iteration is < 12, do this, THEN take the final figure (12th iteration) and start on 13 - 24, do this THEN etc etc. How do I produce a THEN statement? I can get the code to pick up the final values, but not change along the way.


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