I�ve built my site using external SWFS. The problem is; I want to keep the loaded SWF viewable until the next requested file is ready. At present, as soon as a button is clicked the screen goes blank and the new file�s preloader kicks in.
What is the best way to keep a sub menu visible? The way I have it coding, is onRollOver the menu button, the sub menu is displayed. I want the submenu to disappear onRollOut of the entire menu... how would you do this?
That is I want to hide the contact_person and list nodes.Deleting the nodes from the dataprovider cannot be done.So what i did was to create a custom tree data descriptor by extending DefaultDataDescriptor.Then override the getChildren method and applied a filterfunction to the collection returned by super.getChildren.The problem is when i hide the 'list' node I cannot have the child nodes to show up.So is there any way I can hide 'list' but show the children of 'node'?
how to keep track of loaded MCs? I have a navigation system loading content MCs. The problem is, when I choose another nav button, I want it to (onPress) figure which clip is currently loaded then gotoAndPlay a frame label in that clip, which will play an exit animation and load the content area corresponding to the newly pressed button.
Someone on Flashkit suggested having the loaded content MC send a variable to the main time line to act as a kind of flag to say which section is active but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.
Im loading in my main swf, which will take the place of the preloader(which consists of the entrance) like so...
Code: var entrance:Entrance = new Entrance(); addChild(entrance); import gs.TweenLite;
However, for some reason or other, my loaded swf isnt visible until i resize the stage.Ive been trying various things with the way the preloading is done, but it doesnt seem to change anything, and also ive tried taking out the tweens but that doesnt do anything either.
If you play fallingBlocks.swf you can see text in the upper left corner. Now if you go to moviePage.swf and click the little square at the top it loads fallingBlock.swf but the text is not displayed. The text is embedded.
I have got some images that i have loaded flash from another website.
i have used the tween function to make it move about. i would like to know if there is a way to have many images in the same symbol and change there visiblility so that you can only see one at a time. when i use
I'm using UILoader to load SWF files which I have no source for. These SWF files were created in AS2. They use masks. Width and height return unmasked values.
I'm trying to find the visible width and height of the clip so I can scale it properly.
For example I want a SWF to fit within a 50x50 space. The visible SWF is 65x65 (but I don't know this) and the unmasked size is 100x100. If I set the width and height of the loaded movieclip to 50x50, Flash scales the clip based on the unmasked portion, and I get a clip scaled much too small. Keep in mind I have no control of the SWF content, so I can not override width/height, or get mask size.
I have a Flex application that loads some data from the database. During this I want my custom preloader stay visible. When I postpone the dispatchEvent( new Event(Event.COMPLETE)) in the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE handler, the loading will never happen because the next frame is not entered. How can I keep the loader running until all the data is fully loaded?
I have my main menu movieclip placed on the main stages and I use it to load some external swfs. However when I load them, the menu disappears because it is covered by the loaded swf. How can I set the depth of my top menu so that will always be visible when the external swfs are loaded? Should the depth be set on the main time line or inside the main manu movie clip? This is the code in my main menu that I am using to load the swfs but my main menu is a movie clip placed on the main timeline...
Code: var swf:MovieClip; var loader:Loader = new Loader(); var defaultSWF:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/welcome.swf"); loader.load(defaultSWF); stage.addChild(loader); [Code] .....
My question is: Set parentSprite.visible = false will make all children in parentSprite all invisible, right? And is there any way to just make parentSprite itself invisible without effecting it's children?
I want to click on an object and make it appear and disappear. As the object is rectangular, I figured putting a white button the same size on a white background on a layer underneath the object would do this, but I can't seem to make it happen.I'm a complete novice, frustrated as I've been trying to achieve this all day and I'm sure it should be pretty simple, but could you give me the idiots guide. I know how to name an instance, make an object, script in actions on a separate layer. I would like to draw the button myself and give it an instance rather than drag it off the button component (as I can't work out how to make the component button white, change its size etc.!)
When the checkbox (cb1) is clicked the "my_Dyn_Txt1" is visible. The problem I'm having is - when I move forwad and back in my frames the checkboxes which were clicked are not visible due to
Code: my_Dyn_Txt1._visible = false
How can I make ("my_Dyn_Txt1"), a clicked checkbox STAY VISIBLE even after I move forwad and back in my FLA frames?
Okay, this should be relatively easy but I'm running into errors. My main character is visible in the beginning of the game (where the main menu is) and because I coded it so that all of the enemies don't spawn unless the main character is visible, the enemies spawn too. As a result, if you stay at the main menu for long enough, the score continues to go up, the health goes down when enemies attack, etc.
when the video reaches 1 minute, a button appears. is there a way to hide the button again if the user uses the seek bar to go back to the 30 second (or any time before 1 minute) point?
I have created a website header that rotates through various images. I have another image that I would like to be off to the left side but partially cover the main header images. I really don't want this image to change with the other images. Is there a way to put this image on its own layer in flash and have it visible the whole time, while the other images change?
i am doing a mario game with flash, as3. i want to mario stay above box when jump above it or i dont want mario to pass through box while walking. mario should crash box like wall.
I'm making this banner, or FMA if you rather call it that, for a company (school assignment). I have some text fading in and out displaying the message. But I want an interactive FMA.I want to make some buttons, and when you go mouse-over on them, I want a picture to be displayed (different image for each button), WHILE the animation keeps going. Thats not the tough part.However, when the animation repeats (starts from the beginning), and if I'm holding the cursor over the button connected to the picture, the picture disappears and I have to go over the button again. [code]
I have an as3 app that loads SWF's with various movie clips inside with a size of 1280 width and 720 height. I would like to fit these SWFs into a content box of height 885 width by 500 height. The SWF must keep a ratio of 1.77. This would be easy if as3 recognised the SWF being 1280 height by 720 width. It doesn't however, and takes the size of the movie clips inside the swf which varies (as long as it's within the original size boundaries). how I can make the SWF's fit into the content box even if the movie clip sizes and therefore the original SWF sizes vary?
I need to use a custom cursor.I am doing so by simply hiding the cursor and having a small MC follow the mouse around with a setInterval.I need to make sure the cursor stays at the highest level. The stage is blank and all content is loaded using script. I was just setting up the cursor at the end of the script and using getNextHighestDepth. That was working fine, but now I need to load external stuff into the movie. How can I set up my cursor so that it will stay above all the other clips, regardless of when they are loaded?
I have created a cd-rom in flash which autoruns and opens up as a fullscreen projector. The cd launches various powerpoint files from without the movie, however, once i close the powerpoint file, the projector is no longer fullscreen.
Is there any way I can keep the flash movie running fullscreen behind the powerpoint files, so when i close them, the flash movie is the same.
Let's say I have an object, and I use a motion tween to animate it around. Great. Now, I want that object to stay at the final location while other stuff happens on the stage. I can't figure out an efficient way to do this. You can't copy individual frames of a tween, and copying and pasting the whole tween and breaking it up into individual frames and then removing all but the last frame is a bit... time-consuming.how I might be going about using tweens wrong? I feel like I'm just not doing things the way it was designed.
In my attempt to keep a movieclip on the bottom, I used this code: ActionScript Code:setChildIndex(movieclip,0);However, whenever I play an animation over it that is NOT in a movieclip, it will always cover the animation.For example, I have a shape tween that is not a movieclip. Whenever I lay this movieclip over it with the above code, it always covers the non-movie clip. Is there any way to prevent this?
However, there is one issue that plagues a lot of viewers, their players not being able to rend the frames in time.Flash rends each frame on the spot where it is needed, this is obviously needed for actionscripting and similar. But this also means that if a frame takes too long to rend, the player has to do something about it.
The player actually does one of two things, depending on if there is any streaming sounds going on or not.If there is a streaming sound, Flash drops frames to keep in sync. Otherwise, Flash just ignores the issue and draws the next frame as if it didn't have any lag detection.Obviously, neither of these is desirable. What can you do about it? Well, the obvious thing is to not do crazy graphics that takes forever to rend. But what if you can't change the graphics?
There is one thing that you can always do, change the antialiasing level the player is using to do the rending. It's 4x4 (High), 2x2 (Medium) or none at all (Low). This makes the rendering go faster, since it is rendering to less pixels.You can also do other things that are movie dependent to reduce the work load. Things like spawning less particles in a particle effect or outright not having some effects. But those are all movie specific and difficult to work with in a general way.
One idea that I had was to draw everything to a bitmapdata of a smaller size and showing that instead, however, that has it's own issues. For one thing, I do not believe that the player can do it's "changed only" redrawing when you do this. Second, there is the issue if you want the corresponding bitmap instance to be smoothed or not. And of course, if you do this, zooming in will not have the infinite resolution that Flash is known for.Obviously, you need to know when the movie is lagging in order to know when to do this. However, the best I can think of is timing the enterframe events and checking if it has been too long since the last one. This works to show if you are having issues reaching the target framerate or not, but it does not show the load if you are not having trouble reaching the target framerate.
Now, assuming that we have a metric for how well the playback is working, the big question remains: when do you change the rendering settings? And how do you do it?Yes, it is just a simple property of the Stage class for the antialiasing, but that is not what I mean here. I mean, how do you say if it should be changed or not? When it's even lagging one frame? When it's not lagging for one frame? The same, but for 20 frames? This is something I don't know what to pick.
I'm having an actionscript 2.0 problem with keeping score. I have a dynamic text box with a variable called score. I have the following action code for that variable:
_root.score = 0;
For the correct answer button I have this action:
_root.score = Number (score) +10;
This works fine to increase the score by 10 for each correct answer. The problem is that I can't get an if statement to work for when the score reaches 150 to gotoAndPlay a certain frame. I've tried various syntax, I've tried it on the action for a button and an action for the timeline with:
onRelease = function () {
(My learning game is set up to allow for users to answer up to four extra questions to reach the score of 150). Nothing has worked so far.