ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Appears At Random Times Into The Stage
Feb 24, 2004
I am wondering how to make the MC "bonus" appear at random times onto the stage and stay until the MC has stopped playing or it has been clicked on. I.e
- after 5 seconds, "bonus" appears on stage.
- the 20 frames inside the MC play and then it disappears.
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Similar Posts:
Feb 24, 2004
I am wondering how to make the MC "bonus" appear at random times onto the stage and stay until the MC has stopped playing or it has been clicked on.
- after 5 seconds, "bonus" appears on stage.
- the 20 frames inside the MC play and then it disappears.
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May 3, 2010
What I want to do is to get the movie to display random images (from a selection) for random amounts of time (subject to minimum and maximum times).
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Jan 4, 2010
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Aug 1, 2009
why my flv video is pausing itself at random times. I did this by removing code and ruling things out. It seems that any usage of setInterval while playing an .flv file will cause the video randomly pause itself. Sometimes it's after 3 seconds, sometimes 12, sometimes 30.. completely random.
Why would setInterval randomly pause flv playback? I'm rather suprised that there is not more info online about this bug, as I'm sure a large number of people are using setInterval and also playing an flv file.Try this code for yourself and you should see what I mean. You will need to save this to a folder and copy a .flv file to the same folder for this to work (as with any script that includes files). It might not work on the first or second time, but do the "Test Movie" in Flash a few times and you should see this happen.
function getMessages() {
trace("got messages");
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Oct 20, 2009
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Mar 25, 2002
i want that a MC appears randomly on the stage but with the 1 second, and then after 1 second, it randomly appears somewhere else on the stage (800x600).
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May 2, 2004
I was taking this tutorial, >>LINK<< I want to change it from,
on (click) {
Duplicate Movie clip to,
onClipEvent (Load) {
That way once it load's it will duplicate the circle MC a random number of times. This circle MC is inside of another MC so it wouldnt be _root i want it to goto, it would be t_mc that I want it to look for it in.
So in the t_mc MC I put this code,
onClipEvent (load) {
i = i + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "circle" + i, i);
And on the circle, I put this code,
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = (random(100) + 50)
this._x = random(250);
this._y = random(150);
[Code] .....
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Feb 5, 2003
What i need to know, is how to make create random instances of the objects falling (as seen on footer) , so i need to figure out how to create random instances and random times in which they fall.
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Mar 28, 2005
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Mar 28, 2005
Is there an actionscript to play a movieclip at random times? This is when it reached the end frame of the timeline.
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Mar 31, 2011
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Apr 1, 2011
Create a 12x9 grid;Populate the cells with random numbers ranging from 1-9;Assign a symbol (custom graphic) to each cell depending upon which random number is generated in it;Limit the amount of times each number in the random range is used to 12.My question is simply this: how do I, using AS3, create a random number function that will only use each number in its range a maximum of 12 times (it is important to note that my grid consists of 108 cells using the numbers 1-9 exactly 12 times each)? So for example, if the random number function populates 12 cells with the number "4," it will then exclude that number from its remaining iterations.I am adhering to OOP standards so including script in actual timeline frames is not desirable.
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Mar 25, 2008
Is there a way to detect when any particular movieclip appears on the stage's timeline in AS2?
Attempt #1: The MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame hack
All Movieclips have an Enterframe event. I set it to attempt to delete itself within the function so it runs once. Unforunately, this isn't possible (delete this.onEnterFrame) doesn't work, unless we delete the prototype.onEnterFrame dierctly as well. Of course, we can set the enterFrame to null, but enterframe will still be called despite it being nulled. So, what are the performance hits as a result of this?
Is there a way to flush away the MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame (by deleting it: deleting MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame), and then re-declaring it again "MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame=someFunc", so that layter clips that appear on-stage can be initialised accordingly with the enterframe "frame1" function? Yes, but redeclaring the function again would also apply the same enterframe event to the previous clips on the stage which had alraedy been initialised, which would waste more cpu cycles. Unforatunelay, it seems the Prototype thingy affects all instances on the stage, not the constructor itself upon initialisation. So, doing MovieClip.prototype.onEnterFrame=something, will cause all Movieclips on the stage to have that event, which is going to suck!!!
Could i hack the MovieClip cosntructor and create a totoally new one? But i think all these are hardcoded alraedy.
I want the function to run only upon instantiation of the MovieClip when it appears on the Stage's timeline.
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Nov 25, 2010
I have a button that, when it is clicked, should cause a text box to appear. I can make text appear as a trace so I know the button's working, but I have no idea how to either get the trace onto the stage - it only appears in the .fla .output window. I think what would be preferable would be to get a text box to appear as the event but can't work it out....
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Jun 18, 2009
I'm working on a portfolio site that loads external images and swfs (using loadClip). Many of the swfs are banners that have stuff that's viewable off the stage...whoever developed them wasn't smart enough to mask it off, and I don't have the source files.
The first problem I have is the extra stuff is showing up when i load it. The second is that its messing up the width and height properties of the clip (which I need to use to resize a frame that fits around the loaded swf/image). Is there anyway to get the size that the swf document was actually set to with actionscript? That way I can set up a mask. Otherwise I think I'd have to manually create an fla with a mask and correct size for each existing swf that externally loads that swf. Unless anyone can think of a better solution?
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Aug 10, 2011
Maybe the title is not self explanatory but in most iphone games eg you click the correct example and you see a +100 points mc appear and rise and alpha out. I did this with a png done in photoshop BUT not all goes well - it doesn't work.
It seens perfct but I can't see it work. The funny thing is that the custom currentBubble - with a dot after you see the code hints but a dot after pb100 - you see no code hints. Well not normal.
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May 4, 2009
ive been trying to get a mouseover working but im having some trouble.
I need it so when i mouseover a movieclip text appears in a textfield at the bottom of the stage.
also when i click the mc the text stays there as im dragging it into the correct location.
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Feb 5, 2010
im trying to use this fullbrowser scroller in my site but it appears only if stage/ browser window is resized with mouse. it should appear right away! here is the site and here is the files
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Jun 24, 2009
i want to have multiple blocks moving over my stage, but i want use just the one mc in the libary and my function, what adds a new block with random color, alpha and speed.I think, that i have to use addChild();, but i have no idea how to use it properly.
Attachments: (7.1 K)
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Oct 13, 2009
I have a MC that I add to the stage multiple times using addChild. My adding code is:
function executeAddChild():void {
for (var j:int = 0; j < picturesList.length; j++) {
var MC:MovieClip = new box();
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Apr 16, 2010
I am trying to duplicate a movie on the stage 4 times evenly spaced out
Actionscript Code:[code]..............
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Mar 3, 2009
I have a navigation bar that I want to stay at the bottom of the stage at all times, and also resize based on the stages width ( - 100 ). I was originally using the Event.RESIZE event to do this, but I wasn't happy with it's feedback.. So I switched over to ENTER_FRAME. Basically, My first attempt, not sure if i'm on the right track. Right click to bring up fullscreen option in demo.
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a for loop wich passes 11 times:
private var currentItem:uint;
for(var i:uint = 0;i<10;i+){
So the problem is that the array only contains 6 items. So when it comes to the 6th item the currentItem resets and the next 4 items that are getting added are the 4 first from the array again. Now when i trace the items, the last 4 trace "null". how can i add items from the array multiple times without losing its properties etc?
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Sep 15, 2010
actully i create a Movie Clip by Code and i Want its appear On stage 5 times ..But its add only single Movie clip on the stage ..program has no error
ActionScript Code:
package com
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Oct 18, 2009
What I am trying to achieve is to remove an array (containing a single MovieClip multiple times) from the stage alltogether, once you call an end public function. I can remove all the other Movieclips on stage (that are not in the array) using this.removechild(MyChild) The array is located in a package, calling another package where the MC is located, and put on stage with Event.ENTER_FRAME.
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Sep 24, 2009
I have 5 movieClip buttons. I want the GALLERY button to stay on the stage at all times, "which it does" but i want when the user clicks on 1 of the other 4 buttons for the remaining 3 to disappear. Example... when the user clicks on the KIDS button, the COUPLES, PORTRAITS AND BELLIES buttons disappear, or when the user clicks on COUPLES, for the KIDS, PORTRAITS AND BELLIES buttons to disappear, and so on.
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May 11, 2005
I have a flash piece that I want to loop 3 times and then stop.
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May 30, 2010
i'm new to AS3. how do i go about executing a custom function n number of times and then executing another function n number of times repeatedly?
function firstOne():void { }
function secondOne():void { }
i need firstOne() executed say 3 times and then secondOne() 3 times and then firstOne 3 times again and so on. i'm trying to move a movieclip 3 times to the left and then 3 times to the right continuously.
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