ActionScript 2.0 :: Make MC Fill The Whole Screen?

Apr 22, 2010

i have a MC named "intro" with two images and a video inside it, and i need to make this MC fit the whole window, so it will be 100% maximized but keep the aspect ratio/dimensions (so the video dont get distorted and stretched).

So far i have this on the MC:

ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load) {
this._width = Stage.width;
this._height = Stage.height;

but that will just stretch and distort the video/MC to fit the window... and i need to constrain the proprtions (like when you resize a video in a video player).

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[Code] .....

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[Code] ..... 
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public var varSend_se:URLRequest = new URLRequest("DataProvider.php");
public var varLoader_se:URLLoader = new URLLoader;


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for(var i=0; i<=43; i++){
iDepth = i + 200;
this["z_Brickmc_"+i] = this.createEmptyMovieClip("zBrick"+i+"_mc", iDepth);[code].....

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