Professional :: How To Keep SWF File From Expanding To Fill Whole Screen
Sep 30, 2010
I'm trying to sell this metronome: [URL]. I've submitted it to and it has been rejected for 'aesthetic reasons' I noticed when I double click the swf file it opens up in my web browser and it is enlarged to fill the screen. This is bad since I use jpeg images instead of vector art and I do not like the Allow Smoothing option in flash since it blurs the image a little. So is there a way to make my swf file show up correctly?
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ActionScript Code:
onClipEvent (load) {
this._width = Stage.width;
this._height = Stage.height;
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ActionScript Code:
function patternFill():void {
var patternBox:Sprite = new Sprite();
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var tile:Sprite = new Sprite();
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[Code] .....
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fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
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