ActionScript 2.0 :: On The Mouseclick Rollover Loop To Stop And The Down/click Sound To Play?

Aug 16, 2009

I created a movie clip that I am using as a button. I created the states in the clip (up, down, over) and the graphics work, but the sound is driving me crazy. I have a rollover loop that plays and a special click sound on the down/press. On the mouseclick, I want the rollover loop to stop and the down/click sound to play. Also, a getURL is happening on the release. Basically, everything works, except you can't hear the down/click sound. All sound just stops on the click.THis is AS2. Here's my code on the first frame. In the clip/button itself, I have the states labeled, the sounds placed using the properties and a stop on each keyframe of each state.:

playa.onRollOver = function() {

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I just read this tutorial ::[URL]..Got it to work fine, and even added a function to have a click sound play on rollOver.

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on (rollOver) {


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Professional :: Creating Rollover Sound - Stop Once Move The Mouse

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package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
[Code] .....

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var soundReqTele:URLRequest = new URLRequest("sounds/telephone_ring.mp3");
var soundTele:Sound = new Sound();
var controller:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
soundTele.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, soundLoaded);


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ActionScript Code:
addEventListener("dropped", dropper);
function dropper(e:Event):void {


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I'm trying to get right. Essentially I want the beeping sound to loop infinitely while there are no pauses in the writing of the text, but I want it to stop once the last loop that was going when a pause in the writing started has finished, and then start up again when the pause ends.Now I could just easily set the loop to stop once a pause starts, but then there is the chance of stopping the loop mid-sample and making the pause sound abrupt, and I don't want that to happen.Now please watch the current swf:And please read my script for better understanding

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Movie When Click On Different Sound Button?

Aug 6, 2007

I have a flash animation with three different icons which play individual audios.

In one of the movies called 'bird' that I want to stop, I have in the first frame following code.

x = new Sound();
x.loadSound("mp3/cocky.mp3", true);
which works fine.

This movie 'bird' is then inside another movie called 'container' , any everything then sits in one scene.

In the movie 'container' I have three buttons which play individual sounds using same 'x.loadSound("...' method.

You first see and hear the animation of the 'bird' and it's sound playing straight away. After a 30 sec sound and the animation stops.

All working so far fine up to this point... But What I need is , when the user clicks on one of the other buttons to play the sound WHILE the 'bird' is still playing, I want to stop the 'bird ' animation.

At the moment it stops the sound of the 'bird' but NOT the 'bird' animation. Naturally If I wait 30 sec 'bird' animation stops and no problems there after. Only if and when user clicks before the 'bird ' animation is the problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play A Sound On Click?

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May 2, 2006

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When finishes the music the button not return for stop button, it continues showing to the animation of the play button , How can I make when to finish the music the button comes back to the state where it was.


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IDE :: Sound On/Off Button; Loop; Auto-play?

Jun 23, 2008

I'm almost done building a full flash site where it navigates by position of timeline.I just need a simple on/off button for a soundloop to loop and play automatically. the on/off button just simply turns it off (toggle is optional). on it doesn't have to resume, just start the pool again.

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Play And Stop Movie On A Key Click?

Apr 7, 2009

I just want to play and stop my movie on a key click.I don't want to have the drop menu open and have the user click 'play'. Isn't there some way they can just press any key and the animation will progress forward?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Stop Previous Sounds / If Click On New Sound

Dec 23, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Sound Play On Click?

Jul 12, 2010

The sound only plays when I hold the mouse button down. I need  it to play when I click it. But it has to stop the sound from  playing twice import; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,f); function f(e:Event):void{ SoundMixer.stopAll(); } here is a link to my swf file [URL]

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Sep 11, 2006

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//Action Script 2.0


snd=new Sound();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play More Than Sound When Click Button?

Apr 17, 2011

i want to gotoAndPlay more than one sound Ex: when i click the button i want to play frame label m2 and frame labe m1 sound

playy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK ,pl);
function pl(event:MouseEvent):void

the sound play in the same time i want to finsh play frame label m2 then stop then play frame labe m1 and stop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop A Sound Then Play Another And Back To It ?

Sep 4, 2010

Stop a sound then play another then back to it ?look at the Attachments files

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play / Stop Sound On One Button?

Jan 27, 2011

When you click the first time on the button, it should start the song, when you click a second time on the button, it should stop the song. how do i make this with actionscript 3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Sound Automatically Stop Another?

Jan 11, 2010

I have 2 samples that play with a click on a button, however, I want one of them to stop playing if the other one is played; so that only one sound will ever play at any one time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Sound In First Class And Stop In The Other One?

Apr 9, 2010

I am trying to make some sound script for my website, but I need to stop the sound when portfolio's class will open.[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Sound Play First And Then Stop It?

Feb 10, 2011

make the sound play first and then stop it?

var music:Sound;
var trans:SoundTransform;
var channel:SoundChannel;
var musicOn:Boolean = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Sound Play Once Then Stop?

Dec 14, 2009

When my avatar bug makes contact with another type of bug, he eats it. Both bugs are movie clips; when the avatar gets into the collision detect zone of the edible bug, it triggers a quick animation in the "edible" bug: he becomes a blur for one frame then disappears (as though eaten).

The problem is the sound effect - a quick "whoosh". It needs to play once then stop. What happens now is that it's triggered repeatedly - a problem if the avatar passes over the edible bug slowly. If the avatar later passes over the spot where the edible bug was, the sound is triggered multiple times again. So I need the sound to play only once, then stop. There will be several copies of the edible bug's movie clip that need to behave the same way, so once the sound stops playing it needs to be available again for the next collision.

Here's what it looks like now:

private var sfx_edible:Sound = new eat();
function detectCollision(myevent:Event):void {
if (avatar_mc.hitTestPoint(edible_a.x, edible_a.y, false)==true) {


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