ActionScript 2.0 :: Scope - _root In Gallery.swf Doesn't Work Within Index.swf?

Oct 27, 2006

This is a situation: i have a index.swf in which i have holder movieclip in which i load gallery.swf (where i load pictures in it's holder mc). The thing is i used _root in gallery.swf so when i publish it separately it works, but it doesn't work within index.swf. I suppose there is a scope problem where _root adresses _root timeline of index.swf instead of gallery.swf when index.swf is published and gallery.swf loaded inside. I tried to solve this by putting: Code: this._lockroot=true; inside of gallery.swf but now my Flash 8 player just freezes when index.swf is published and gallery.swf loaded into it but i have no idea why? What would be other solution for this problem?

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at com.objects::Torret/updateObject()
at com.objects::EngineApi/loop()


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var AppMethod : Object = {
testFunction : function() { trace(this) }

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navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
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trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410

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Oct 3, 2011

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Professional :: Why The Gallery Doesn't Display Images On PC

Dec 16, 2010

I have one folder called "Gallery" consists of the following 4 Files/Folder. It works fine on my Virtual Machine. I copied the "Gallery" folder to my PC and tried. but it doesn't show any images on my PC. It doesn't throw any error either. It throws an error if the location of images is not correct. What could be the problem? I tried a lot but fail to understand.
Folder "Gallery" contains the following:
1) Images (Folder)
2) Gallery.swf
4) Gallery.xml

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