ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell A Movie To Play If It's On A Certain Label?
Oct 12, 2010
I have a movie called book_mc that is on scene1 the movie has several labels (red, green, blue, and yellow) in it's timeline. Also, on scene1 I have a button called book_but. If book_mc is on the label green of it's timeline. I want the button press of book_but to make it goto and play yellow. If book_mc is not on the green label of it' timeline I want the button press of book_but to make the timeline goto and play red.
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I have a Flash movie that uses three scenes. In scene one I have a button with some actionscript to take it to a frame label in that first scene and play the movie from that point on. It works fine. The problem is, in the third scene, I am trying the same action with a different button, going to a different frame label in that third scene. I am getting an error saying the frame label does not exist in that scene. Even though it does! I've checked for typos and everything looks fine. I've copied and pasted the simple actionscript from the third scene below. Is there a line I need to add to make this work in a scene that is not the first scene?
rocketstart_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rocketbutton);
function rocketbutton(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Jun 14, 2004
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middle_layer.addChild(restore_mc); = "restore_mc";
variable page out is "restore_mc" **
// this is my code when I want that clip to go to and play the in label
var outClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
// = getDefinitionByName(pageOut)();
this is an alternate route I've triedvar outClip = pageOut as MovieClip;outClip.gotoAndPlay("in");
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PHP Code:
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, checkFrame,false,0,true);
function checkFrame(event:Event):void
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on (press) {
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Jul 22, 2002
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I combined an intro movie into scene 1. I added the menu system to scene 2.
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on (rollOver)
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Feb 29, 2012
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// Change the object into a circle.
// Change the object into a square.
However I can't/don't seem to know how to change a frame label through function parameters, or if what I'm trying to do is even possible.Also to note, while I'm all ears for any more efficient ways of doing what I'm trying to do, I would still like to know how/if you can change frame labels through function parmeters.
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Jun 29, 2009
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Feb 12, 2002
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Mar 19, 2009
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PHP Code:
function LoadXML(e:Event):void {
xmlData = new XML(;
var Intro01txt:String = xmlData.scriptText[0].narration.text();
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Nov 4, 2009
What is the code to make you jump to a "Label" in a parent movie clip, when clicking on a button.Lets say the buttons name is push_btn and I am in mc2 and the label is located in mc1.
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Jun 22, 2006
I'm trying to goto a frame label from within one movie clip, into another movie clip.For example, the structure is like this:MovieClip called 'allButtons'inside this clip, there are three movie clips with buttons in them, called 'buttonOne, buttonTwo, buttonThree'.Now, say I'm inside the movieclip 'buttonOne', which is inside the 'allButtons' clip. I want to goto a frame label within 'buttonTwo' called 'buttontwo'. How do I do this
on (release) {
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Mar 4, 2004
Is there a way to assign a label to frame of a movie clip with AS?
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Jun 5, 2009
Yesterday Kglad gave me the following :
nextTX.onRelease = function (){var nextFrameLabelNum:Number = (1+Math.round(thTX._currentframe/27))%10;
thTX.gotoAndPlay("next "+nextFrameLabelNum);
which works great IF I am moving one image at a time.What I have done now is tween 3 slides to move into a visible mask by pressing next, but when I press previous of course the above doesn't work.It just jumps to the previous three with no tween.I would like to maintain the tween but in reverse.I would like the previous just to undo, in reverse, what the next button just did with the tween?Is there anyway to make this happen with as 2.0?
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May 2, 2006
Pretend a button is selected - when that button is selected it goes to the active frame which shows that the button is selected. When you click another button it currently resets itself - BUT - I want it to go to and play frame "mouse_out" and than reset itself. Below is the code I am currently working wtih:
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Jul 23, 2004
I am creating a site, and it has a animation that it has to play before loading the next section. What I cant figure out is what function I need to create so that when a user clicks on the vision button it will play the frame after stop(); which will close that section, then have it load the frame for the section that the person clicked on. The only way I can think of doing this is creating 3 different close animations for the three sections. But I figure there has to be a way to have it play the one close animation and then goto the frame which is the portfolio section or vision section (depending on the button clicked).
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Jul 23, 2004
I am creating a site, and it has a animation that it has to play before loading the next section. What I cant figure out is what function I need to create so that when a user clicks on the vision button it will play the frame after stop(); which will close that section, then have it load the frame for the section that the person clicked on. The only way I can think of doing this is creating 3 different close animations for the three sections. But I figure there has to be a way to have it play the one close animation and then goto the frame which is the portfolio section or vision section (depending on the button clicked).
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Jun 10, 2009
I am using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.
I need to load an external movie file into the root of my main movie, so it replaces the main movie, and when it loads, it loads at a specific frame (or label)of that newly loaded movie.
Explanation: My main movie, lets call it "Main.swf", has a button which is part of a drop down (tree) list. When you click on the button, I want to load my second movie called "bearings.swf", and to immediately go to frame #2 of the "bearings.swf" movie.
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Jan 4, 2010
i made swf which contain 7 button to control 7 pages i put this swf in dreamweaver to control ths file, i tried to give every single button Avalue to tell the root which frame in which movie clip(for the button to be highlight) but it deosn't work
here is the code
////////////// the code for Buttons
on (release) { if ( != 1) {
// if there anther selected button["item"].gotoAndPlay("s2"); = 1;
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Aug 20, 2011
i have a menu with 8 buttons and every movie clip of them have the following script on it
what i need is when i press the movie clip it goes to specific scene label. i tried this code
on (release) {_parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("b")
but it doesnt work with movie clip but works with buttons only , so is there any equivalent code to use with the main code above of movie clip.
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