ActionScript 2.0 :: Turn OnClipEvent Code Into A Generic Function?

Apr 24, 2006

I am trying to turn the following code (which works well when applied to a _mc) into a generic function I can use on the first frame of my main timeline:

onClipEvent (load) {
this.speed = 0; // current tween velocity
this.tScale = 100; // target scale[code]..........

Have tried various ways without success.

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I'm trying to create a generic function. Let me explain. Let's say I have an xml structure as follows:

<tree name="icons-b demo">
<folder name="OverLook Hotel" icon="./icons-b/building.png" path="2062095255112918">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Function Handling Generic Vectors?

Jul 22, 2010

I have this question regarding vectors. Is there a way where I can make a generic utility method which would for example, subdivide a vector into two vectors and would be able to handle all types of vectors, whether they contain <int> or <string> or <myClass>

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public function splitVectorIntoTwo(v:Vector.<T>):Vector.<Vector.<T>> {
var result:Vector.<Vector.<T>> = new Vector.<Vector.<T>>();
//Do logic
return result;

I don't know if this is possible but else it hinders our development quite a bit by using vectors since we can't use some generic utility methods as they will not accept generic vector types and you have to create a specific method for every vector type, one for Vector.<int> one for Vector.<string> etc.... With arrays, since they are not type-safe they can be passed within every such method.

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Sep 22, 2011

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function MyFun():GenericType{
// if int
return 10;
// if string


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [fmx] Generic Function To Move Objects?

May 14, 2004

Alright so... I really don't know the best way to approach this. I had a LOT of code that I thought could be generalized into a function. I don't know how to explian it... here is the code:i attached it...I know it's a lot of code... I just... I don't know what to do with it anymore! When it was in a bunch of small functions, it worked (sort of) just seemed reallly messy and annoyed me.Oh btw its causing the hero to jsut go to 0,0 and then a hit symbol appears there, and then nothing happens, the hit doesnt even dissappear.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Function To Place A Component On The Stage?

Apr 18, 2009

My requirement/need  is the AS3 code for placing any type of Component(viz., Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, radiobutton, Slider, Scrollbar,Label,TextField, etc.,) on the stage with desired width,height, X and Y parameters(values) which we mention in "Properties" tab of Properties Window in flash. Hence, What i need is, (say)a generic ActionScript 3.0 method/function, which places any of the components present in "Components Panel" onto the stage. the function prototype or signature may be like this:

function addComponent(int <width>, int <height>, int <XPos>, int <YPos>)
t is a general query i think so. i.e., A basic programmer's task for defining a function for my requirement.I think,if I want to add a Button onto the stage at 100,100 pixel position and the button component's width and height are 50,50 respectively, (i.e., button.X=button.Y=100 && button.width=button.height=50).So, a button must be placed at 100,100, then, the sample code looks like this:

Button <btn_instance> = new Button();     //creates Button instance
<btn_instance>.addComponent(50,50,100,100);// properties of button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grasp Applying Generic Function To Mc OnEnterFrame's?

Dec 17, 2004

So, I'm a beginning to intermediate Flash and AS guy grappling with some programming concepts.I find that when I create my own functions from scratch, especially to define a generic function to different movie clips, in this case to their onEnterFrame functions, I get unexpected results.The bottom is some code from a new simple website I'm trying to code. My problem is that I can't get the function working in a generic way. I know I may be taking the completely wrong approach and totally missing something, but I am continuously coming up with problems (seems to be a misunderstading of scope at a deeper level, not simple variable timeline scope, but inherant scope within functions, etc..).So, I will just copy paste the code here and try and comment as much as possible. For claritie's sake I will remove button codes except option1 and option2.

//initialization of a few global and one timeline variable. These should
//be self explanatory in the code so I wont go into to much detail
//my probs arent in the detail but in the overall relationship of the


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Function To Place Component On Stage?

Apr 18, 2009

I am new to flash and ActionScript 3.0.I am learning ActionScript 3.0. My requirement/need is the AS3 code for placing any type of Component(viz., Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, radiobutton, Slider, Scrollbar,Label,TextField, etc.,) on the stage with desired width,height, X and Y parameters(values) which we mention in "Properties" tab of Properties Window in flash.

Hence, What I need is, (say)a generic ActionScript 3.0 method/function, which places any of the components present in "Components Panel" onto the stage. i.e., As per my idea, the function prototype or signature may be like this:
function addComponent(int <width>, int <height>, int <XPos>, int <YPos>)

i.e., A basic programmer's task for defining a function for my requirement. I think,if I want to add a Button onto the stage at 100,100 pixel position and the button component's width and height are 50,50 respectively,
(i.e., button.X=button.Y=100 && button.width=button.height=50).
So, a button must be placed at 100,100, then, the sample code looks like this:
Button <btn_instance> = new Button(); //creates Button instance
<btn_instance>.addComponent(50,50,100,100); // properties of button.

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Actionscript 3 :: Border Container Create Generic MouseOver Function?

Dec 15, 2011

I try to create a function to change border property of border container.To do that I create a function for each border container on my MXML.But I'd to code better and to do a generic function.Today my function is:

protected function bcContact_mouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


bcContact is one border container Id.I try to replace bcContact by this but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using The OnClipEvent Function, And Does Not Allow The MouseOver Option?

May 19, 2010

I have a scroller, which works well, except I wish to remove the scroller and track, and just use the left and right buttons. This is also goes to plan, except I wish the left/right buttons to operate as soon as the mouse glides over them. The script is written using the onClipEvent function, and does not allow the mouseOver option. By looking at the code below, does anyone know if there is a way around this? I'd love to know if it's possible!


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnClipEvent(load) And OnClipEvent(enterFrame)?

Jan 6, 2005

I'm using the code contains onClipEvent(load) and onClipEvent(enterFrame) and duplicateMovieClip() to make the snowing effect in the 2 first movie-clips but then, i cannot stop them in the next movie-clips. (All of my movie-clips in 1 scene only.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding OnClipEvent (Data) To Function On Frame 1

Aug 26, 2004

How would you write this into a function that lies on frame 1:
this.sendSent.text = "MESSAGE WAS SENT";
this.textEmail.text = "EMAIL";
this.textSubject.text = "SUBJECT";
this.textName.text = "NAME";
this.textMessage.text = "MESSAGE";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc's OnClipEvent(enterFrame){} Function Lower Cpu Usage?

Feb 16, 2005

I have a whole bunch of onClipEvent(enterFrame){} events going on. Would taking all that code and putting it into just one mc's onClipEvent(enterFrame){} function lower cpu usage? What is a good way to have enterFrame functions die if not needed?

I have 5 nav buttons. The first two have sub sections. (1st one has 2 elements, 2nd one has 4 elements). The way I set it up, each of these buttons checks on the _y position of the button below it. I then use a move function with inertia to move the bottom button, and all buttons on top of move along with a springy feel. Also, when these move, I show the 2nd frame of each of the buttons in the corresponding section, for it shows the text of each button. This is the way I am doing it right now (By setting everything in one enter frame function it seems to run a lot smoother than when each element had its own enterframe function for just one line of code):

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent.link1_1._y = _parent.link1_2._y-20;[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code To Turn Auto-Play Off?

Sep 15, 2010

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flvPlayback.addEventListener ( MetadataEvent.METADATA_RECEIVED , onMetadata ) ; ("Movie.flv");


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ActionScript 1/2 :: What Code Will Turn Layer Vis On Or Off Dependent On Magnification

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Turn Off Carousel Function?

Aug 8, 2010

I am trying to figure out how when i hit my home button how to turn off the 3d carousel function so that the carousel disappears.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Turn A Function Into An Array?

Apr 29, 2008

Im just starting out on really learning java scripting and flash interaction... got this little test function to work great... how to turn it in to an array... I've tried and tried and have gotten no were... so i was think may-be some one could show me what a few of the ways to do it so i can see a good working model for me to go off of.... here is the actionscript (don't poke fun i'm still learning...)


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Flash :: Professional - Converting Every Brush Stroke Into A Symbol - Turn Function Off?

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Game Engine :: Flash Multiplayer Turn By Turn?

Oct 7, 2011

I'll start off by saying I'm a newbie, just putting that out there. How do you make a turn by turn multiplayer flash game? I don't know if an engine is made in AS3, PHP, Javascript, or whatever,I made my game already, it's just that it isn'tmultiplayer yet. Basically, there are lines, and each player crosses out a number of lines, and the last player to cross out a line is the loser. I want it where one user crosses out some lines, then presses End Turn, then the other does their turn and then presses End Turn to allow the other player to move his cursor. But how can I get both players to see the same frame and only have one player have the ability to move the cursor during a turn? Is there some easily adaptable multiplayer engine for flash for newbies out there

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace Some Code Which Loaded An External Image And Triggered And Function Once Completed With Code That Uses And Embedded Image?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to replace some code which loaded an external image and triggered and function once completed with code that uses and embedded image. The relevant code looks like this.


public function Globe()
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();


The commented out section is where it used to take the loaded image and apply it to a texturemap.I need to replace the lines of code in the first function with something that calls the second function correctly.

I have tried using function imageLoadComplete (e:Event = null)and calling it with imageLoadComplete(); in the first function but although it compile and runs without error, the program does not work properly. I suspect this is to do with the dispatchEvent(); line which I do not understand.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delaying Code Within A Function

Aug 6, 2009

I have been searching the internet for help on how to delay code within a single function, but every solution I have found so far relies on creating event listeners for a timer and then running commands from the event handler functions.I am writing a 'console' type interface where the user types in a string which is, upon pressing enter, processed in one function and then sent to a final function to display the result.[code]I want to somehow insert a pause between each call of that last function, updateDisplay.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Get This Code To Function Properly?

Jan 11, 2010

In the moveThings function, the if part is only ment to play if the cursor is over the circle (ball_mc), which follows a bit after the cursor. However, something is wrong that makes it play this part (the first if statement in the moveThings), while it's meant to play the else part in that function unless the cursor is over the circle in which case the if is true.So what is wrong? I'm assuming that it's something with

if(-20 <= (stage.mouseX - ball_mc.x) <= 20 && -20 <= (stage.mouseY - ball_mc.y) <= 20)

that makes the computer play that statement even though the cursor isn't over the circle.

View 3 Replies :: Cannot Get Session In Generic Handler

Nov 5, 2010

I am now using FancyUpload (flash upload) to allow user to upload files in a small project. I use Generic Handler to handler in server when user uploads his file, but I'm getting error:
Can't get session in Generic Handler (.ashx) when using Firefox or Chrome etc except IE
I read so many solution and finally found out that Flash has some bug that can't send cookie in Firefox or Chrome except IE. Maybe I can check the session in Flash before it's start to send the file to the server or check session in Generic Handler before save it, How to do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Doesnt Code Execute Outside Of The Function?

Jan 3, 2011

I have unfinished code I'm working on. It has a listener event and a function. I notice when I put the for loop outside the function (it would be below the last line) it doesnt execute. Why doesnt the code I type outside of the function execute? I need to know for future reference


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Actionscript 3 :: Function Compressing Re-usable Code?

Jan 13, 2012

In my quest to learn ActionScript 3.0 I have stumbled across another situation where I know what I need to do, but just can't figure out how to do. I have written code to animate a menu with 3 buttons. These 3 buttons reside in a seperate class file known as and I am animating them within my file which builds the application and places the relevant details onto the stage.So in my file I have written the animation code that I would like to use to animate the buttons. Whenever a button is clicked, an event is dispatched which a handler listeners for then executes the relevant function. So the function for animating my 3 buttons looks like this (bear in mind that the buttons are arranged in a place holder in which in turn is loaded in a new MovieClip in the file)[code]I also tween the logo from here too. It works fine which is great, but is there a way I can make this code more simpler? I may not be able to and I have tried to find my answer online but alas I cannot find what I am looking for.

I am loving how I am learning something new each day and by building up slowly I am learning more functionality and broadening my knowledge of ActionScript (although some of it is very confusing!)Is there any good websites out there that can help? I have a subscription with but i find that their explanations can sometimes be hard to understand. I love text based tutorials where I can follow at my own pace.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combine Similar Code Into One Function?

Oct 19, 2009

I have a project which uses very similar code for I think 12 or 13 different movieclips. I actually copy-pasted a good chunk of the code changing words and numbers here and there.[code]The main point of this part of the project is that each movieclip is a selector on a scrollbar. I just wanted the selectors to look nice, so they tween up and down on rollover and when they are clicked they change from black and white to color. Also when clicked they move a very long movie clip called customizing_forms_mc, into view on the stage. The code is inside a movieclip that contains all the selectors. There is a layer for each selector and on that layer is the code for that selector. I was thinking that there might be a way to call a fuction perhaps with the variables that are brought to the function being strings that i could substitute in for the names of the movieclips. I tried attatching the fla or an swf but they are both too large. For a more detailed look at the code on the stage:[code]As I previously said there is a scroller with the selector buttons and when clicked they bring a certain part of another movieclip into view. Of course, everything is masked so it looks nice.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Code Contents Of A Function Object?

Dec 21, 2011

Say I need to know if a movieclip is draggable (for reasons of changing a custom cursor to an appropriate graphic).

I can check if that movieclip has a function assigned to it's onPress event.I store the assigned function in a Function object variable.

Can I see what code is inside this Function object? If it contains a "startDrag()" or "stopDrag()" method?

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Flex :: Designing A Generic Toolmanager?

Aug 14, 2011

I want to handle multiple operations on a UI Component (button ,textfield, swfs,custom objects etc) in like scaling,skewing ,color,rotations etc etc and save them too. Earlier the actions were done

using a single tool and single mxml file but now the tool is separated into different tools. Was wondering how i can design / use something like Toolmanager class to handle actions etc?

Also the tricky part is that some objects can have more operations defined for them Like 'object1' has 3 operations that can be performed on it and 'object2' has 5 operations defined on it.

We are using MVC design pattern but no frameworks as such. What are the different design patterns that can be used to do this? Edit: To be more precise i want implement this in AS3 OO way.The application is similar to drawing application which supports addition of various images,text,audio,swfs etc. One added user can perform various operations of the adding color,scaling skewing,rotation etc etc and custom effects and after that export the drawing as PNG.Likewise some effects that are applicable to text are not applicable to images and vice versa. and some effects can be common.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combining Two Generic Objects?

Jul 30, 2008

I just want to combine two objects and their properties together.

For instance if I have...

var appleObj:Object = new Object();
appleObj.type = "apple";
var orangeObj:Object = new Object();


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