ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Tweening Prototypes And Variables?

Nov 13, 2006

I'd like to use an array/variable with the lmc 1.2 tweening prototypes. I can't seem to get this to work. Can anyone see anything wrong with this code:

var myArray:Array = new Array("circle");
myArray[0].tween('_x', 400, 2,'easeInCubic', 0);
I've also tried:


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Actionscript 3 :: Prototypes - Are They Just Static Variables?

Sep 13, 2011

A reference to the prototype object of a class or function object. The prototype property is automatically created and attached to any class or function object that you create.This property is static in that it
is specific to the class or function that you create. For example, if you create a class, the value of the prototype property is shared by all instances of the class and is accessible only as a class property.Instances of your class cannot directly access the prototype property. A class's prototype object is a special instance of that class that provides a mechanism for sharing state across all instances of a class. At run time, when a property is not found on a class instance, the delegate, which is the class prototype object, is checked for that property. If the prototype object does not contain the property, the
process continues with the prototype object's delegate checking in consecutively higher levels in the hierarchy until Flash Player or the Adobe Integrated Runtime finds the property.

Note: In ActionScript 3.0, prototype inheritance is not the primary mechanism for inheritance. Class inheritance, which drives the inheritance of fixed properties in class definitions, is the primary inheritance mechanism in ActionScript 3.0.

from this I get the impression that prototypes are just static variables.. am I right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweening With Variables?

Aug 24, 2008

I am making a small slideshow of images using externally loaded pictures and moving them with actionscript

var tweenPart1:Tween = new Tween(eval("_root."+_global.ticker), "_x", Strong.easeOut, _global.startPoint, _global.centreStage, _global.speed, true);
var textAlphaPart1:Tween = new Tween(_root.textItems, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, _global.speed, true);


as you can see the target for moving the image is a variable. the only problem with this is that if you want to use this script, it cannot be in a loop script like onEnterFrame or onClipEvent(enterFrame) becase it will run thought it continousley and will keep resetting the tween. if you only run though it once the _global variable will not change and will only tween the same image.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Do Prototypes And Functions

Jul 24, 2003

Can somebody post some links on how to do prototypes and functions??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Prototypes For One Mc?

Dec 6, 2004

I want to apply two different prototypes to one mc (one for movement, one for behavior), but both prototypes have onEnterFrames in the one executed last works but the one executed before it won't.

(It may sound terribly ineffecient to have 2 prototypes for 1 mc, but one prototype is applied to many mcs, and the other is applied to only certains types of mcs (in this movie)).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use Prototypes Recently

Jul 25, 2004

I've been trying to learn how to use prototypes recently, and I want to make one that resizes a box, with elastic action. There is a button, and a box movieclip. What I want to happen is when you click the button, a prototype is run to resize the box. But, when I click the button, nothing happens. I feel I'm close, but lost :S

// Resizing prototype
MovieClip.prototype.resizeBox = function(w,h) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
this.inertia = .6;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Prototypes To Components?

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How to you assign prototypes to components?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use SetInterval With MovieClip Prototypes

Nov 8, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Swf Using Prototypes?

Dec 1, 2003

When you click each navigation button it slides to each section of pictures, each picture has an invisible button on top of it and each invisible button has its own individual instance name. When you click the picture (invisible button) it should load a seperate external swf into another movie clip I have set up. However because I have about 216 pictures (and hence 216 swfs) I dont want to have to make add a loadmovie on each button, that would get very repetitive and would increase the file size.

SO Im trying to be a smart coder here and do it dynamically. I KNOW this is possible. I want the swf to load based on the instance name of the button. I have seen this done with text files before using the _name command and it worked marvelously using loadvars so im just trying to do it using loadmovie instead.Have a look at my code.

//========================Dynamic Movie load
//this movie initializes 2 prototypes then assigns the prototypes to each button


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Build Swf Of The Menu Using A Class And Prototypes

Sep 25, 2002

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Motion Tweening Error : Motion Tweening Will Not Occur On Layers With Ungrouped Shapes .....?

Jul 27, 2009

I'm getting the following error: Motion tweening will not occur on layers with ungrouped shapes or on layers with more than one group or symbol. I don't have any ungrouped shapes (it's all text), each layer has 5 instances of only one symbol (keyframes), no objects are grouped and text is all static text.

When watching the animation, the first word (web) looks fine, on the second word (design) the tween fails on the last couple of frames of that clip (the blur filter disappears), the third word (and) is OK, and on the forth word (development) the blur filter is not applied to the last 16 frames of that clip.I broke each animation into its own MC thinking that was causing the issue, but that didn't fix anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math With Prototypes And Functions - Find The Distance Between Two Points

May 19, 2003

So, right now when I want to find the distance between two points, I go: dist = Math.sqrt((this_x-that_x)*(this_x-that_x)+(this_y-that_y)*(this_y-that_y)) BLECH! I don't want to do that every time. So I want to make a nice little function that I can apply to an object. Problem is, I don't know how to do this. Is it possible to end up with something as easy as: Math.dist(thisclipname, thatclipname)? How do you guys set up functions that do bulky math and return nice clean numbers?

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Tweening In Functions?

Aug 4, 2009

I have some buttons on a stage that when click change the scale and the position of another movieclip sitting on the stage. All works well but I'd like to make it bit
Is it possible to tween, maybe with an ease, between the current position and the position when the button is clicked?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Tweening ID

Apr 28, 2010

how to identify the tweening name, if running more tweens on the screen, For example... creating few circle and animating randomly on the screen. I want to remove the circle when the tweening class finished...

here my codes...

var MC:MovieClip;
for (var i:int=1; i<=10; i++) {
MC=new mcircle();;


how can i remove circles when the "removeCircle" function called ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Better Way Of Tweening Pages?

Feb 15, 2009

I currently have a flash file and it all works fine, but I'm about to update it and it will become a little complicated to update the way I have set it up.

I have 15 pages (going to be updated to 40pages soon) and a side menu, clicking on one of the tabs in the menu will animate the relevant page onto the stage. Here is the code I am using[code]...

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PNG Images Pixelated When Tweening

Dec 3, 2009

I have imported two images from PS to Flash in PNG format. They are the perfect size and ready to use (i.e. not scaling these images). When I convert them to movies, the animation looks great in Flash, but when I export them they only look good when I have the HTML settings set to "Best". If I don't have this setting on, it looks like crap (i.e. very jagged). These are photos btw, not vector images or shapes.

The reason I want this to be optimized without the control of HTML is because I am creating web banners for advertising. When I submit my swf file to the webmaster, they basically will embed the swf with whatever settings they choose. If they don't have the setting on "Best", the file looks like crap. Allow smoothing is on.

1. When I import the PNG image, can I safely select JPG compression via the Bitmap Properties? Or do I need to keep it as lossless? If I select JPG, I can considerably reduce the filesize, although I'm not sure if that causes the images to look jagged as well.

2. Is there anything I can do outside the HTML settings to display my animations without the jagged edges? I need to keep my filesize under 50Kb which is pretty hard when working with photos and animation etc.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Tweening With +/- From A Set Location?

Jun 9, 2009

I know the basics of tweening with action script but I have a picture set in the center of the stage at x = 50.  On a click I would like that picture move - 10 x from that position so it will end the tween at 40.  On a different button I would like to do the oppositie, + 10 x to its current position so if it was at 40 it would be back to the start and if it was at the start it would be at 60.

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Flash :: Motion Tweening In CS4?

Nov 22, 2009

I tried to refresh my little flash knowledge -- but I stumbled upon a problem with the new Flash CS4!
When I try to make different blur or alpha effect on one keyframe I got after making the motion tween -- Flash adjust the other keyframe as well (got the same reaction on both keyframes as if it was the same instance of movie clip -- and not as in old flash; the keyframes created separated or independent instances)
The only thing working for me is when I move the movie clip out of the stage on the first keyframe -- and it correctly move its position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shape Tweening Using It?

Sep 4, 2010

I was wondering if there is anyway to shape tween two primitive shapes using actionscript. The shapes will be drawn using AS3 and then i need to tween them. no timeline should be involved.

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Anyway To Hide Tweening Path?

Feb 2, 2011

Just wondering if there is a way to hide the tweening path (ie motion path) of a motion tween animation when scrubbing. I have a number of objects in motion and while I am scrubbing the animation, the tweening path is kind of distracting so I would like to hide them. Is there anyway to show/hide the tweening paths?

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Professional :: Flicker When Tweening?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm making a banner in flash, and are moving some simple objects around.I mainy use vector squares, but when I tween them (classic tween) in a slow motion, the shape starts to "flicker" or "lag". Why is this?I think there has to be something with the calculations Flash is doing, but why can't it make the animation smooth?

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Actionscript 3 :: Tweening RotateAroundExternalPoint?

Jun 20, 2010

i'm unsuccessfully trying to rotate a rectangle around an external point while tweening. i'm trying to lock the top of the red rectangle to the line while it tweens from left to right and rotates from 0º to 90º.the image above shows 3 states of the tween. state 1 shows the red rectangle at the start of the line with no angle. state 2 shows the red rectangle has tweened half way along the line with an angle of 45º that is also half the total angle of 90º. state 3 shows the final position of the tween where the red rectangle has an angle of 90º and is placed at the edge of the seems the problem i'm experiencing is that while tweening, the rotation causes the top of the red rectangle to lose sync with the black is my code that doesn't work, but hopefully will give you a clearer picture of what i'm attempting.

var angle:Number = 90;
var previousAngle:Number = 0;
var distanceObject:Object = new Object();[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening In New Image Over Old One

Feb 6, 2010

I have an image that tweens in under a mask, then when a button is clicked a new image appears in the same way further down the timeline. When the button is clicked, the old image disappears and the new image appears as the mask reveals it. This leaves a blank spot in its place on the page a very brief period while the new image is being revealed. What I would like to do is have the old image stay visible (not suddenly disappear) in the background (when the button is clicked) until the new image completely appears over it and covers it up. Placing the old image in a new layer under the new image is not an option because there are so many images that they could jump to or from that it is impossible to predict which image they would go to next, so I need to find a way to keep the previous image still visible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Tweening And Looping?

Feb 25, 2004

know a few basics of actionscript but nothing more. I'm trying to create a simple intro to a have a movie clip (a line of text) moving across the stage using a this simple code:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
speed = 3;
this._x += speed;

-So now that I have it moving, as soon as the front end of it reaches the edge of the stage I wish to have it wrap to the opposite edge of the stage and repeat. So if that is too wordy basically I want a constant line of text moving across the screen.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Using Tweening Take More Space

Sep 30, 2004

Does tweening take more space to do than to animate with AS?Also, frames that are not wanted, do they take space too? want to know because smaller the file faster the loading, right?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweening Just The Bottom

Jul 12, 2006

i'm looking at the site [URL] and notice that when you click the links, when the content box resizes, its height only expands from the bottom and isnt equally distributed. Is there a special way to do this? Or do you think they just have a movie clip on the bottom that expands both way and is just covered by another of the same color so it appears as if only the bottom is expanding?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Is There A Way Of Tweening Colour

Apr 15, 2007

Is there a way of tweening colour using actionscript. Like you would using an alpha fade but using color instead.Say I have a button that once pushed it turns a square from orange to blue, but gradually fading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set A Delay On Tweening?

Aug 10, 2007

how do you set a delay on this type of tweening?

ActionScript Code:
new Tween(menu1, "_y", None.easeNone, menu1._y, -83, .25, true);

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IDE :: Tweening Bitmap Sections Gone?

Jan 19, 2009

I believe in CS3 it was possible to place a bitmap at a keyframe, then create a later keyframe, and break that bitmap up and move the sections. Then, create a motion tween to animate the peices flying apart (or back together).In CS4, this doesn't seem possible--anything I do combines the broken up bitmap into a single entitiy, rendering any tweening useless. Both Motion and Classic tweening seem incapable of such a simple task. (Shape tweening animates the peices, of course, but loses their individual shapes in the process, resulting in a mess).take a bitmap photo or a drawn rectangle or oval, and using tweening to animate it breaking apart?

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IDE :: Blue Box Tweening Across The Screen?

Sep 29, 2009

This is ridiculous. All I have is a blue box tweening across the screen, nothing else, and it is having all these intermittent distortion *blips* in the box as it tweens. Only 1% of my cpu is in use! Below is a link with a zip that has both the fla and swf. Could someone download it and tell me if it blips on your computer too? why I don't seem to be able to get a simple tween to work without getting distortion??


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