ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable Number From An External File
Oct 30, 2009
Im running AS2 on Flash CS4 for this: I've found a million posts on similar topics, but none seem to do what I want, even though I feel like its very simple. I've tried a ton of different codes and can't get anything to work. All I want is for Flash to pull a number variable from an external file, lets just say a txt for now. I then want to be able to use this variable for calculations within flash. The only thing I can get to semi-work is having a txt file that says MyNum=5 and then putting the following in flash: loadVariables("Test.txt" , _root);
If I trace the variable "MyNum" it will output the right value, but its as a string no matter what I do. My most recent attempt to get it to be a number is to put the following on a later frame:
var NewVar:Number = MyNum;
var NewVar2:Number = NewVar + 1
Despite hardcoding multiple variables to be numbers, the output I get is 51, which means its still displaying as a string. My other issue is that you have to wait several frames before the variable is recognized. Do you have to wait numerous frames to use these loaded variables? If so, is there a way I can code it so that flash will just wait until it has the variable before moving on? I can't seem to get any loading function to work for it, but I don't just want to pull my next action down the timeline some arbitrary number of frames and hope its enough for flash to pull that number from the file.
I'm currently doing a board game, in which you get asked questions and answer them for points. the questions get loaded from a .txt file. what I'm trying to do is that the questions appear in a random order everytime the game starts. I already have the shuffle function working, it shuffles 51 numbers (the number of questions in the game) between 51 variables, so each variable is assigned a different number and they don't repeat. My problem is that I can't figure out how to apply those numbers to the variable that get loaded from the text file. I could make many IF statements but that would be a lot of code, so I tried doing a function, but it didn't work. this is the function:
I have a movie player that works fine when i hard-code the url value in the video function, but when i try to pass that url/file path from an external file, the video doesn't load. I suspect that there is something i'm doing wrong with the quotes. What am i doing wrong?
I'm loading a external text file to flash and according to the number present in the text file i'm trying to do a IF - ELSE command. It's not working coz the value I load from the external file is string. How can i get this as intiger.
I have an external SWF file that is a dynamic chart. It normally requires (in the object and embed tags on the HTML page) a variable passed to it that points to an XML file.
What I want to do, is create a "container" program that simply has a few buttons, that when clicked load up that same chart.swf and point it to a different XML file.
What I can't figure out is how to get that external file to recognize it's dataURL parameter that it normally receives off the html tags. (BTW, I can't edit that chart.swf, it's a purchased product.) I tried setting a root variable of the same name in my container to point to a new XML file, but that doesn't work. I tried setting that variable, and using loadMovie with a GET to pass it the name, but that just looks for a string that flash seems to be interpreting literally, so it can't locate the file at all (I.e. it's looking for the literal name "chart.swf?dataURL=datafile.xml")
var loadText = new loadVars(); loadText.onLoad = function(success) { if (success) { myVar = this.myVar;
to load an external variable to load one movie, on the data.txt I have myVar=video1 my problem is that he is not loading video1.swf to container mc, but the trace to the cvariable name is correct
I have an external SWF file that is a dynamic chart. It normally requires (in the object and embed tags on the HTML page) a variable passed to it that points to an XML file.What I want to do, is create a "container" program that simply has a few buttons, that when clicked load up that same chart.swf and point it to a different XML file.What I can't figure out is how to get that external file to recognize it's dataURL parameter that it normally receives off the html tags. (BTW, I can't edit that chart.swf, it's a purchased product.) I tried setting a root variable of the same name in my container to point to a new XML file, but that doesn't work. I tried setting that variable, and using loadMovie with a GET to pass it the name, but that just looks for a string that flash seems to be interpreting literally, so it can't locate the file at all (I.e. it's looking for the literal name "chart.swf
I have one fla called index.swf it import another swf called (home.swf) through addChild()In home.swf, there is a button.i am trying to make this button activate an event in index.swf I tried using root but not worked I tried use stage but neither worked.
I have this code: var loadText = new loadVars(); loadText.onLoad = function(success) { if (success) { myVar = this.myVar; [Code] ..... To load an external variable to load one movie, on the data.txt I have myVar=video1. My problem is that It is not loading video1.swf to container mc, but the trace to the variable name is correct.
I'm having trouble with this script. I have an external text file, from which all of the text on the page is loaded. I also have a series of thumbnails, but I need to have different numbers on each page, so I figured I'd put the number of thumbnails into the text file too and then run a loop to create the thumbnails and buttons dynamically. The loop works fine, until I try to use the value I have loaded from the text file. I think it is something to do with it being in a separate function, but I have tried making it _global.counter, I have tried putting the whole for() loop inside the myData.onLoad function. Basically, I have tried everything I can think of and still the loop does not run when the counter value is specified externally.
probably a hugely embarrassing beginner question, but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. I think it's probably (hopefully?) just a syntax problem I'm loading the content of a dynamic text box from an external .txt file and I'm trying to find a way to change the content from a link in the .txt file (if that makes sense). The code I'm using to change the dynamic text box at the moment is:
for example i have 2 movie clip, clip1 and clip2, and i want to play one of them, which defined in a external txt file variable like this:&c=1& or &c=2&my problem is, i have just one frame to make this!i tride to make simple my question, it's a bigger project!there is more than 2 movies and can't use if(), i just want to change the number of end of movie clip instans name some thing like this:
ActionScript Code: clipname= "clip" var trc = new loadVars()
Background: I have a project where i need to create multiple objects that consume the same base calss from an external .as file. each of the individual fla files that consume the base class need to pass a variable to the base class so the class can return information specific to the fla.
My question is,if i have an external class path set up, how do i get a variable on the first frame of the movie to be visible to the base class && how do i call upon its value from within the class.
So i have an external text file organized like this:
/* $file: data.txt */ &title0=Sacrum &detail0=Detail text for Sacrum &title1=L5
There are 28 of these 'title' and 'detail' pairs. The 'title' text is to fill a dynamic text box and the 'detail' to fill another dynamic text box depending on which section the user is mousing over.
My issue is getting the text from the file stored into arrays. For my test loop I keep getting undefined as the stored value, and i know it has something to do with converting a string value to object..
var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); lv.onLoad = handleDataLoad; lv.load('data.txt'); function handleDataLoad (success:Boolean) {
I am trying to load an external variable text file into a movie but it is returning compiler errors. Please suggest a solution. The source code is ......
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myTextLoader.DataFormat=URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIAB LES; myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
The external file is "gxcvrt.txt" while name, slogan, rep, button1-7 are the variables to be loaded.The compiler returns the following errors (highlighted in red)
Line 4 '{' expected Source = function onLoaded(e:Event) :void {
i have a project and i need that when a specific variable equals a specific value a random number decreases on the current number, its easy to make it decrease but i need to decrease instead of 4 to decrease a maximun of 5 and minimun of 3.ere is the code :
I have been working on a Flash movie that loads variable data from an external XML file and dynamically displays the item names in a menu which may then be clicked to display other dynamically-loaded content that corresponds to the menu item that was clicked. I have now come to a standstill in the project as there is something I'd like to achieve but simply cannot work out how. This is my first attempt at working with XML in Flash and one of my early attempts at using variables. What I'm trying to achieve is; once the user has viewed the item's content, they can simply click "next" and "previous" buttons to display all of the content for the next or previous items in the XML document.
I know it probably sounds simple and I'm sure some of you could achieve this in 5 minutes (!) but I can't get my head around some of the coding. I assume previousSibling and nextSibling would come into play here as well as some sort of functions which access arrays of data for the previous and next items, but I'm just not sure how to correctly put these things to use. Rather than post my code and example images of the stage up here on the forums, I've created an html page here: [URL]
I'm using flash CS4 and actionscript 2.0. I have a situation where I need to locate and check the date of an external file (either .exe or .swf) and return that date string to a variable in flash. I then need to display that date to a piece of dynamic text within the flash file. Is there a function within action script that will check and retrieve the file date of an external file.
I have 2 movie clips, one being loaded into a container MC via "loadMovie();"In the main movie there is a variable with no value, in the external movie there are 5 frames, each with a value to update the variable in the main movie.
IE: if on frame 1, global value = 1 / if on frame 2, global value = 2 / etc etc I'm familiar with passing variables INTO an external swf, but am stumped on how to do it the reverse way.
I have a LoadVars object called loadText in which an external variable is loaded from a text file. Now, the whole thing works, I just want to create a template to optimize the system, so here is what I need: The external variable (in an external text file) is called page1. I am assigning that external variable to a local variable (at this point the external text has already been loaded in loadText, of course):
Im having an unusual problem tracking the value of a number variable....I have a number stored in a variable that changes up and down from 0 to 1 i.e. 0, 0.1, 0.2, etc, etc. This variable serves as an audio volume that is used with the soundTransform class.Im using the .text property for a text box:
And here is my volume down code, there is a volume up section that does the same job but reverse:
ActionScript Code: function volumeDown(e:MouseEvent):void { if(_trackVolumes[1] < 1)[code].....
If I manually type in "10" in the text box to represent full volume so as soon as the .swf file loads it says "10" in the text box, I only get the readings: 10, 1 and 0. If I leave the text box blank, it will then increment and decrement 10,9,8,7,6,etc,etc.
My question is: can I somehow have a value manually typed into the dynamic text box without the above problem happening?
And in the stage i have 3 dynamic text boxes. The 1 one has the variable number1 the secound one has the variable number2. But how do i do so in the third box it says 20? I want it to substract number1 and number 2 and show that in the box.
I create game matching things. If icon 1 == icon 2 then i delete this icons. Player finish game when he match all icons. I try give points for correct unswers. And try to calculate this poits.
Let's say i want to removeChild a movie clip instanced name: mcLife3 But instead of doing the correct: Code: removeChild(mcLife3); I need to use another Number variable called bonusLife which in this case = 3 Code: removeChild(mcLife[bonusLife]); Doesnt work...can anyone please let me know the correct syntax,