ActionScript 3.0 :: Value Of A Number Variable?

Mar 7, 2012

Im having an unusual problem tracking the value of a number variable....I have a number stored in a variable that changes up and down from 0 to 1 i.e. 0, 0.1, 0.2, etc, etc. This variable serves as an audio volume that is used with the soundTransform class.Im using the .text property for a text box:

ActionScript Code:
trackVolText_txt.text = Math.floor(_trackVolumes[1] * 10).toString();

And here is my volume down code, there is a volume up section that does the same job but reverse:

ActionScript Code:
function volumeDown(e:MouseEvent):void
if(_trackVolumes[1] < 1)[code].....

If I manually type in "10" in the text box to represent full volume so as soon as the .swf file loads it says "10" in the text box, I only get the readings: 10, 1 and 0. If I leave the text box blank, it will then increment and decrement 10,9,8,7,6,etc,etc.

My question is: can I somehow have a value manually typed into the dynamic text box without the above problem happening?

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var number2 = 10

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// navigation
var picNum:Number = 3;
for (var i = 1; i<=picNum; i++) {
_root.nav["btn"+i].topText_mc.text = [i];
_root.nav["btn"+i].alphaTo(30, speed_fadeIn, tweentype_fadeIn, speed_fadeIn);

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var tArray = new Array();
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[Code] .....

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Heres my code...


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Im running AS2 on Flash CS4 for this: I've found a million posts on similar topics, but none seem to do what I want, even though I feel like its very simple. I've tried a ton of different codes and can't get anything to work. All I want is for Flash to pull a number variable from an external file, lets just say a txt for now. I then want to be able to use this variable for calculations within flash. The only thing I can get to semi-work is having a txt file that says MyNum=5 and then putting the following in flash: loadVariables("Test.txt" , _root);

If I trace the variable "MyNum" it will output the right value, but its as a string no matter what I do. My most recent attempt to get it to be a number is to put the following on a later frame:

var NewVar:Number = MyNum;
var NewVar2:Number = NewVar + 1

Despite hardcoding multiple variables to be numbers, the output I get is 51, which means its still displaying as a string. My other issue is that you have to wait several frames before the variable is recognized. Do you have to wait numerous frames to use these loaded variables? If so, is there a way I can code it so that flash will just wait until it has the variable before moving on? I can't seem to get any loading function to work for it, but I don't just want to pull my next action down the timeline some arbitrary number of frames and hope its enough for flash to pull that number from the file.

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on (release) { money -= random(200); }on (release) {gotoAndPlay (2);}
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_root.power = 1;
_root.p += 1;
duplicateMovieClip(, "plus"+p, p);
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trace(this.length); //outputs 3
var tempLength:Number = this.length; //tempLength should be the number representation of the loaded value
thisObj.buttonLength = tempLength+2; //I need to add 2 onto the this.length value
trace(thisObj.buttonLength); //outputs 32, which kind of makes sense, but I need it to output 5.
thisObj.buttonLength is declared as a number, and Flash does not output a type mismatch.

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Jan 8, 2011

Need to send a user to different frames depending on a number input into a text field. Here is what I have, but regardless of number, it send them to Frame 20. New to AS and having a tough time figuring this out.

var HDLrange:int = int(enterRange_txt.text);
enterRange_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void


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Nov 2, 2004

im importing a few variables with this

myVars = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable With A Number And Be Able To Call Up The Proper Mc (i.e. Product1_mc)?

Apr 2, 2009


What's the proper way to write this line so I can replace the "j" variable with a number and be able to call up the proper mc (i.e. product1_mc)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Counter Variable - Round To Number From Range

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to syncronize an audio and some text by highlighting it. In the main movie I have counter variable which calls and timeVars variable which calls I have onEnterFrame function that highlights the text while sound is playing.

My code is:
function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
var minutes:uint=Math.floor(soundChannel.position/1000/60);
var seconds:uint=Math.floor(soundChannel.position/1000)%60;
debug_txt.text='position: '+pos;
[Code] .....

Highlighted text needs to be updated on audio forwards and backwards. I think onEnterFrame isn't being able to catch the timeArr values.

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