ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Does Preloader Start At 40%

Jul 28, 2007

The code to my knowledge is fine, I just dont know why it doesnt show the progress bar and percentage at the beggining, Starts at like 40% loaded.[code]

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Way To Start A Preloader

Dec 19, 2009

We have some problem with the speed of our website. That's why we want to start a preloader when those pages will be opened by our visitors. Example of page were we want the preloader[url]'s the first 'round' preloader and the class code is under the preview. We want to start this preloader when the file mobiledescription.php will be opened.

This is my first experience with flash. So how can i start this preloader on those pages, because i have no idea right now?

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How To Start A Preloader

Dec 19, 2009

We have some problem with the speed of our website. That's why we want to start a preloader when those pages will be opened by our visitors. Example of page were we want the preloaderWe have found a nice preloader on it's the first 'round' preloader and the class code is under the preview. We want to start this preloader when the file mobiledescription.php will be opened.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Displaying NaN At Start

Jul 27, 2009

I have made a preloader and the problem is that at the start it displays NaN. And the code is like this:

ActionScript Code:
thumb_load.onEnterFrame = function() {
var gbl = imageLoader.getBytesLoaded();
var gbt = imageLoader.getBytesTotal();
var pro = Math.round(gbl/gbt*100);
thumbProce_mc.procent.text = pro + "%";
if (!isNaN(pro) && gbl == gbt && pro != 0 && imageLoader._width>20) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Start Load From 80%?

Sep 22, 2010

basically done creating this flash file, is just for some reason the preloader doesn't appear until 80% load..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Doesn't Start From 0%

Mar 24, 2003

My preloader starts after 5%, I have posted my fla (flash 5)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Doesn't Start At Zero?

Dec 23, 2010

I know dozen of ppl have probably have already posted this problem:

My preloader doesn't start at zero, but rather it starts at 26. Before it reaches
26 it is a blank screen and i want to see the preloader when it starts at zero.

I have the bar, barbkdg, and text box all on frame 1 in different layers.

in frame 2 is a motion tween.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Small Preloader - Content SWF Does Not Start At Frame One

Nov 1, 2009

I have a preloader.swf that loads the main "content" swf of my website. All is working alright, except once the preloader is done, the content swf doesn't start at frame one. Basically in the content swf I have some images and text that scroll onto the screen at frame one before the 'home' screen, but when preloader finishes it skips the animation and goes straight to the home screen. This isn't a big deal, but obviously it would be nice it people could see the animations at the start...

The script for the preloader is:
var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent .PROGRESS, loop);
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLET E, done);
l.load(new URLRequest("content.swf"));
function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void{
var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Code Will Not Start Next Frame When Finished

Aug 25, 2009

I have this code in frame 1 [code]In frame 2 the animation/flash application starts.The preloader works fine BUT when it gets to frame 2 it stops. I cannot get it to start. I think it is a simple issue but I cannot see it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get External SWF To Start Playing Only When Preloader Has Finished?

Mar 29, 2009

Yet another dilemma with my external SWFs. How do I get the external SWF to only begin playing once the preloader ahs finished loading the complete file. Currently when the SWF file comes it has already started playing part way through the file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader : Start Movie When HALF The File Is Loaded?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm creating a movie with heavy animation and audio in Flash CS4. I have a preloader that I purchased from flash and I believe it's pre set to begin the movie when the total file is done loading. But I want the movie to begin when half the total .swf file is loaded. Here is my code on frame 1


var amountLoaded:Number = _root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal();
preloader._width = amountLoaded * 250;
loadText.text = Math.round(amountLoaded * 100) + "%";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Start MovieClip And Extend To Width Of Stage

Aug 23, 2009

I have a problem animating the preloader of the site I've been working on. I want a movie clip (a dark grey rectangle) to start at width = 0 and then extend to the width of the stage. But it just doesn't move, it preloads perfectly but doesn't really extend with the progress event.

Here's the code:
loadBar_mc.width = 0
var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);
l.load(new URLRequest("Bnaider.swf"));
function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void {
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Start Playing At 25% And Continue Loading As It Plays?

Oct 16, 2007

I know this is probably a easy change but i can't seem to figure it out.I want the code below to start playing at 25% and continue loading as it plays,
Frame 1 AS:
bytestotal = getBytesTotal();

_root.bytesloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Preloader - Start At The First Frame And Have A Goto And Play Script After

Nov 16, 2009

I am designing a website with html pages and flash pages. When the user open a flash page (embedded in an html page) i would want to have a preload script. I found a couple of them but they all need to start at the first frame and have a go to and play script after. So my problem is that I already have an important script that make a image follow my mouse and the script needs to be on the first frame to. Is there any way to have both or maybe to have the preloader on a separate file or even change the way my script is written ?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hyjix *groan* - Preloader Doesn't Show Up At The Start Of The Flash

Apr 12, 2004

so i have a loader.swf that loads in the main file, at the start of the loader there's a preloader, that, when done loads in plays the external swf. and i got another preloader on an swf that i load in, into a dummy MC 1st preloader doesn't show up at the start of the flash 2nd preloader doesn't show up at all and just shows half of the 2nd scene (where the actual movie is)


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Actionscript 3.0 :: SWF Preloader - Site Supposed To Start From A Black Background And The Image Fading In

Oct 4, 2010

I have assembled a preloader using the method from this site, everything seem to work except for one problem My site supposed to start from a black background and the image fading in. However once I placed the preloader the image dose not fade in but appears right away to the full strength after the preloader gone to 100% Looks like it jumps to a few frames after the first frame of the main swf file. Please take a look at [URL] If you reload again you will see how the image fade in.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: External Preloader - If Insert 2 Frames In Start, It Will Change Entire Game Codes?

Jul 12, 2010

i've alredy made game in timeline, and i havent made preloader. if i try to insert 2 frames in start, it will change my entire game codes.

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Multi File Preloader - File Start Loading Files But Does Not Loop?

Jan 6, 2010

what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Once The User Clicks Start Again The Questions And Answers Arrays Start From The Beginning, Sort Of Reset Themselves?

Jun 21, 2009

i am making a quiz. My problem is that once the user completes the quiz and wants to start again the quiz is already on the last question. How do i make it so that once the user clicks start again the questions and answers arrays start from the beginning, sort of reset themselves.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Button Needs To Start Timer And Move To Another Frame?

Apr 24, 2011

I'm trying to broaden my horizons with it and so I'm trying to do an update of a quiz program my employer has. Everything has worked well, except for the timer. The button that starts the game has two options, "study" or "exam"; if the study is selected, there is no countdown, just the score keeper. If the exam option is selected, the timer is show (counting up). But, press "Start" and while the quiz begins, the timer, in either case, does not.

I'm going to post the actionscript for the timer that was already there, as well as the start button. I'm hoping someone can explain how this timer is supposed to work and why it's not; and where the disconnect lies in pressing the start button and making it run.The timer is embedded in a movie clip, with two dynamic text boxes, that are for some have no instance name; and actionscript spread out over several frames.Frame 1:

Minutes = "00";
Seconds = "00";
Centiseconds = "00";


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Using Start Button To Start And Stop The Scene Or Movie?

Nov 19, 2011

Here is the action scrip that I created. Correct it if you can.

Process.visible = false;
Cycles.visible = false;


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Flash Won't Auto-start Flash Intro Will Only Start After Play (ctr+entr)

Jul 21, 2009

i have a flash clip that i am trying to imbed into a joomla website of mine, and the problem is that it doesn't auto-start. If i open the swf file it will show a blank screen until i right click play or ctr+entr, on the website it simply doesnt show the flash. here is the link to the swf file [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Text Acting As A Preloader So That Its Color Changes As Preloader Percentage

Apr 24, 2010

how to make text acting as a preloader so that its color changes as preloader percentage. i dont mean how to apply the math, i mean how to mask it or whatever action to achieve that effect?

like for example imagine the red is constantly growing to the right letter by letter (actually pixel by pixel:

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader Screen That Includes A Preloader Mask Over A Logo?

Sep 15, 2009

I just started working on a preloader screen that includes a preloader mask over a logo and a percentage dynamic text. I can get either or to work but not both at the same time. I notice that if I remove stop(); I can get the percentage to work but not the preloader image. With the stop(); embedded the image preloader works but the percentage doesn't.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Component - Make A Preloader For Flash Mx 2004?

Jan 16, 2004

I want to make a preloader for flash mx 2004 that when it finish becomes to decrement another time. I would like to do it to modify the flash preloader component.

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Professional :: Merge External Preloader With An Preloader From Oxylusflash

Dec 18, 2011

I've got an external preloader from this tutorial [URL] and i would like to merge it with an preloader from oxylusflash (its a premium preloader)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Doesnt Work / How To Create A Preloader

May 23, 2002

i tried the tutorial that teaches you how to create a preloader....i followed the instructions and it still doesnt work! what's wrg?[code]on my first frame actions....i put the "gotoAndPlay (36)" cause i tried a previous preloader that took more than 1 frame and didnt want to change my button's "goTo" frames...but i figured it wont change anything..anyways, i put that line of code as my first frame double clicking the timeline..then i create a symbol for that frame 1 and created an animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Preloader Into A External Preloader?

Jan 15, 2004

changing a preloader I have into a preloader that can be used for loading external swf.Now the code for the preloader is

loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1000);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1000);


Ie the preloader and steps through a preloader animation filling the logo (ie loader)Now I have tried changing a few things but having problems tried loading into a container and a level

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert My Swf Preloader To Flv Preloader?

Apr 27, 2010

i have a one simple swf preloader on my site. i'm showing my short fractal animation. but swf size/quality is not good and i want convert my swf preloader to flv preloader. but i'm not expert on action script. here is my old preloder script. i would like if anybody change the codes for flv. i will gift 1 year 3dfiction membership.

var loader_mcl = null;
var target_mcl = null;
var preload_anim_visible:Boolean = false;[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5's Built In Preloader Vs. My Preloader?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm wrapping up a small corporate website, but I left the preloader to do until the very end, so instead of changing any layout of my View, I just moved everything to frame 2, and put the preloader on frame 1. I'm using some of the code here: http:[url].... which seems pretty ace.

The problem I'm having though is that CS5's built in preloader is going and loading the whole swf, then it runs my preloader (on frame 1) which causes it to move strait to frame two instantly (I changed it so now it at least plays through the animation then moves on, but it's still not loading anything during that screen).that is causing flash to load the entire swf before even playing my preloader on frame 1. I don't remember having this problem in CS4.

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