ActionScript 2.0 :: Animate Multiple Movieclips Without Using Lot Of Functions And SetInterval?

Nov 3, 2005

Is there an easy way to animate multiple movieclips without using a lot of functions and setInterval??I want an animation to start and before it's finished another one starts, right now I'm using a ton of functions and setInterval but I'm sure there's a cleaner more efficient way to achieve this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Speed Up - Generating MovieClips Dynamically Using AttachMovie And Then Using A SetInterval To Animate Them

Jan 11, 2009

I am generating movieClips dynamically using attachMovie and then using a setInterval to animate them. However, if I repeat the operation the second set of mcs move twice as fast, the third set three times as fast etc. I can't for the life of me work out why.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Have Multiple SetInterval Functions?

Apr 17, 2006

I'm trying to fiqure out a way to have multiple SetInterval functions. what I'm trying to do is have text highlight a sentence using the setinterval function than after the number of chars needed are highlighted I want to be able to clear the interval and then start with the next sentence through another setInterval.

The program I'm trying to write is somewhat of a text to speech. I have a audio clip and a static text box. the audio is supposed to sync with the highlight of the text. the only way i could fiqure to generate the sync with a highlight was through setSelection as a loop.

var i:Number = 0;
var my_snap:TextSnapshot = test.getTextSnapshot();
var count:Number = my_snap.getCount()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval/clearInterval Functions In A Cleaner Way?

Aug 18, 2007

i was wondering if someone could pls help me to code the setInterval/clearInterval functions in a cleaner way?

var timer:Number;
obj = new Object();
RHArrow.onRelease = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 MovieClips Through SetInterval

Jul 17, 2009

I'm trying to pass two movie clips into a set interval function, just for a simple fade effect. It's been a little while since I've used the setInterval so I may be missing something, but I thought it was possible to pass movie clips into a interval function.

Here is what I have so far:

btnHitArea.onRelease = function() {
intMain = setInterval(fuzzy, 100, ["mc1", "mc2"]);


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Professional :: Animate Movieclips In 3d Space

Jul 31, 2010

I noticed a bug when trying to animate movieclips in 3d space: Basically the bug occurs when trying to tween a movie-clip in 3d space across a z range that is greater than 5000 or so, which then results in very odd behavior (see end of movie above). What strikes me as especially odd, is that the whole tweening rate is messed up when this occurs, it's as if the program decides to only tween half of the distance that I give it.

I know I can workaround the problem by just scaling the object as well while it's moving, but that's besides the point. It was the very first thing I tried in CS5 and took me less than 5 minutes to find. I doubt i'm the only one. =Edit= So it seems the exact value is 5760. that's the largest distance flash will tween an object in the z direction. Also, it doesn't matter where that range is, for example I can go from 0 to 5760 or 4000 to 9760, both work just fine. This means I can work around this problem by creating two seperate tweens, but that really shouldn't be necessary, and is very bothersome considering how the new tween system works, it automatically tries to add a new keyframe to the current tween, where the limit still applies.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using SetInterval With MovieClips - Instance Not Been Scoped

Dec 18, 2009

I have created a number of Movieclips as part of my Navbar such as About Us, Contact etc. I'm using setInterval to send them to a function that springs them open one after another using the tween class. The they are dynamically generated and positioned using the following code, however when I want to use them as buttons by using onRollOver or onRelease they act like I'm not scoping them correctly. In other words the cursor does not change into a hand when over them. This is a setInterval issue as if I have them open just using attachMovie, the scoping works just fine.

The actual code is as follows:
function aboutUs () {
var mcAboutUs:MovieClip = this.attachMovie("mcAboutUs", "aboutUs_mc", 20, {_x:197, _y:520});
var x_elasticTween:Tween = new Tween (aboutUs_mc,"_xscale",Elastic.easeOut,0,100,1,true );
var y_elasticTween:Tween = new Tween (aboutUs_mc,"_yscale",Elastic.easeOut,0,100,1,true );
} function setIntervals() {
_global.intervalID1 = setInterval(this, "aboutUs", 1000);

There are more in here, each going to its own function to attachMovie and Tween them. This all works fine.

this.aboutUs_mc.onRelease = function() {
OnRelease is suppose to activate another function that generates the "About Us" page but nothing happens as if the instance is not been scoped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animate Multiple Objects?

Oct 25, 2010

I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc,I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.. th0 object not found.......
code is like this
// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Animate Multiple Objects

Jun 28, 2005

I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc, I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.

code is like this
// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval For Multiple Clips In One Function?

Apr 7, 2011

My issue is that I want to set up a system whereby I can register clips to a class that will have certain properties set and then animate changes in those properties. Namely, each clip is placed at a different _y position at authoring time, then at run time be repositioned at a different _y position, only to be animated back to the original position. I want to do this so I can edit the clips in their destined places to layout their positioning.

Visually, my code works fine but, as is apparent from the "trace("muvUp "+thing);", the interval isn't being cleared. And what's worse � at around 40000 (of getTimer()), the clips start disappearing.

I've attached a file but here's the code I'm working with (as you can see with the lines I've commented out, i've tried a few different options):

function wordsClass(){}
wordsClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
wordsClass.prototype.onLoad = function(){


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Flex :: Animate Multiple Objects Within The Same Parallel?

Jul 20, 2010

I have multiple spinning balls that I want to animate altogether. Here's what I have so far but when I play the parallel (, nothing happens.Where am I going wrong?

<fx:Vector id="kfP1" type="spark.effects.animation.MotionPath">
<s:MotionPath property="baseColor">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop To Create The Multiple SetInterval's Based Off The Array

Jun 21, 2006

I would like the loop to create the multiple setInterval's based off the array, but the function called is not clearing the setInterval...

var timecode = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4);
// use the array to assign the interval
for (var i = 0; i<timecode.length; i++) {


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Flash :: Instantiate Multiple Instances Of Exported MovieClip Then Animate Them?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a movieclip created in the IDE exported to Actionscript via the Library panel (Linkage?).I instatiate multiple instances of it via a loop on the timeline.I want to move them around randomly via Actionscript. How do I do that?I tried using listeners, but I have no way to store values to make each movement unique.

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Actionscript 3 :: Animate Camera Along Multiple Bezier Paths In Processing / D3?

Nov 9, 2011

I have a network graph visualization generated using Gephi containing many nodes and edges.I need to produce an animation of a camera (or moving movieclip) to "flythrough" the network along the path of the bezier curves, visiting each (not necessarily every) node at random. I've made a quick animation of what this would look like.

How can I achieve this programmatically through AS3 or Processing or using mbostock D3 javascript library on github? My attempt in AS3 so far has been to convert an SVG produced by gephi into AS3 code using Miller H. Borges Medeiros' tool then try to adapt a bezier tweening library such as Zeh Fernando's example but I'm having difficulty.Medeiros' converter is splitting quadratic beziers into 4 separate quadratic beziers, and I'm not sure how to transform flash's curveTo Method into an array of bezier points as in Fernando's code.Then there is the problem of animating the camera through only those nodes which are connected to eachother.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash For Loop Loading Multiple Images Into Multiple Movieclips

Feb 5, 2012


I have a group of 16 images that I would like to load 1 of each into each movieclip. I want image1 to be inside of visual1, image 2 inside of visual2, and so on. the images are named like, 1960s_(1).png where the 1960 (year) part is coming from the rangeNum variable. The above gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type int.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images On To Multiple Movieclips?

Sep 16, 2009

I have 50 images that need to be on stage, which will be embedded into 50 different movie clips. I named the movie clips image1-image50 and the images are in an external folder named 1-50. Every freaking article or tutorial I have found clearly explains how to upload one image, or just one at a time. I can do that, and spend 2 days renaming all the functions, but I do not want to do that. Is there a better way to just load all 50 images, place them accordingly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Images Into Multiple MovieClips?

Oct 26, 2009

I have 24 movie clips on the stage: my_menu.image_holder_mc1 thru my_menu.image_holder_mc24. I want to load an image in each one. How do I identify the holder which to add a child.

The Code I have so far is....

for (var i:Number=1; i<=24;i++){
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); = "image_"+i;


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Binding Functions To MovieClips (AddChild Name)

Jan 8, 2011

I'm trying to make a td game for fun and I need to make function to build towers and if I want to build the second tower it changes the first one... But I thought if i could change the name of the first tower's name when it builds to other var and it should be fine, but the problem is that those 2 towers will shoot together or something, so is there a way to bind functions to movieclips that are created with actionscript (addChild(Name))?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Modular Functions With Movieclips?

Mar 30, 2011

I was looking a tutorial that shows how to make modular functions, the user only used numbers, i was wandering if there is a way to use this with movieclips or childs.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling Functions In MovieClips?

Jun 16, 2007

I have this REALLY wierd problem. I have a MovieClip that is attached onto the stage. In this MovieClip I have the init() function. When I try and call this function, after the MovieClip has been attached on stage it doesn't work! I can't belive it!

MovieClip Frame 1
function init(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Invoking Functions In Loaded Movieclips?

Jan 26, 2009

I've not touched AS2 since AS3 appeared, but circumstances brought me back to using AS2,Is there way to invoke the functions/methods in a loaded movieclip? I know you can do that in AS3 by invoking the Loader object's content's function, but I haven't been able to do that successfully in AS2. I'm currently using the AS2 MovieClipLoader object, like so (snippet):[code]as set up, I intended the target movieclip's function 'invokeInternal Function' to run, but it doesn't seem to be doing it although the SWF itself loads successfully.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access MovieClips And Functions In Loaded SWF

Sep 28, 2011

I'm trying to simply access anything inside this loaded SWF and all I get is 'null'.
I have code in the parent SWF that needs to tell the child SWF movieclip what to do but nothing works. This was a piee of cake in AS2 and I can't seem to get anything to crossover in AS3.
Here's my code: 
import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();

panel2 traces null and all the clips loaded within pull up undefined property errors.

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Assign Functions To Dynamic Movieclips In A Loop?

Dec 8, 2009

I have done this same thing in ActionScript 3, but am not familiar with ActionScript 2, which I am forced to use for this project. I am loading products into a SWF via XML and attempting to add a click event to each dynamically-created movieclip. Simply tracing the text from a node in XML will do for now. I'd like to assign a property called "desc" or "description" to each movieclip and have it trace that property's value when clicked. Here is the relevant portion of my code as it stands[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating MovieClips Through Functions With Arguments?

Sep 17, 2009

I have the following code, which should display some square clickable clips over a map. This is done by calling a function (shown below) with arguments. However, when I call this function, only the last box is shown... The clips are drawn on the same level (9000) but that should not be a problem as they wont overlay...functions calls....

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Functions In Duplicate Movieclips - Position Is Not Right

Apr 9, 2008

I will have 5 type of buttons. Each type I will duplicate (+1) at some condition. Each button is sharing a same functions, just some difference in value and positions. Button type's name:bug1, bug5, bug10, bug20, bug50


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listener Functions Applying To All MovieClips Using Class

Jan 14, 2009

I am currently having a mc in my library use a class. The mc is duplicated and put on the stage. Inside the class the mc gets a rollover state. Problem is that, although the rollover listener and function 'works', any action that is given is applied to all objects linked to that class.

Select allpublic class cities extends MovieClip {
private var theStage:*;
public function cities(cityid:int, cityname:String, mymc, ref:*) {
[Code] .....

So pretty much on rollover on one of the mc's makes them all alpha = 1 and rollout makes them all alpha = .85 instead of the one being rolled over. It does make sense I guess because they are all calling that same function I think. I also tried referring to the specific mc (mymc) instead of the parent and this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reusing Functions - What Movieclips The Function Should Be Applied To?

Sep 11, 2009

I somehow am able to write bits of code but am still learning how to restructure code so that it is more efficient.I have 15 buttons. Each one, when rolled over, should change the color of 2 movieclips underneath it (and when rolled out, should change back). I have the below code so far but I don't think I have to re-write the functions each time. How do I "re-use" the function code (or, only write the function code once), but specify what movieclips the function should be applied to? These are just 2 of the buttons of the 15:

menu_mc.invis1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, changeColor);
menu_mc.invis1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, changeBack);
function changeColor(event:MouseEvent):void[code].................

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Inactivate .onRollOver - OnRollOut And .onRelease Functions Are Still Active For Movieclips?

May 5, 2009

My setup has several movieclips in different layers. My problem is that .onRollOver, onRollOut and .onRelease functions are still active for movieclips lying underneath. Is it possible to inactivate these functions and then activate them again when it is needed? Or how do I solve this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval - How To Remove A SetInterval?

Jun 14, 2006

im looking for how to remove a setInterval. i searched but the answer which was supposed to work dident for me.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Multiple Delay Functions

Apr 21, 2011

I have multiple buttons with the following script applied which waits a second while a transition animation plays then loads a new image into the container... There seems to be a problem with having this code applied to multiple buttons unless I make the function and interval identifiers unique (i.e. transitiondelay1/waitFunction1,transitiondelay2/waitFunction2, etc.). I don't really want to have to do this to each button.[code]

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