Flex :: Animate Multiple Objects Within The Same Parallel?

Jul 20, 2010

I have multiple spinning balls that I want to animate altogether. Here's what I have so far but when I play the parallel (spinning.play()), nothing happens.Where am I going wrong?

<fx:Vector id="kfP1" type="spark.effects.animation.MotionPath">
<s:MotionPath property="baseColor">


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Flex :: Parallel Calls To Remote Objects

Nov 29, 2009

I have the following application in flex. I want to call two different remote objects in parallel.


Now what the methods do is to print sth. when they are called, then wait 8 secs and print sth. after that. When clicking each button seperatly, it works, both methods are started in parallel. However, calling both method the same time, leaves one service to wait with its call while until the other is executing. How can I avoid that?

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Flex :: Remote Object Multiple Parallel Calls?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm on Flash Builder 4.5 and I'm using remote object with amfphp and when I call two method (method1 and method2) at the same time the response of method2 always arrives after method1's response even though method2 is much more faster to return the result.re's the scenario:I set a remote object which refers to a remote php class "Newletter" which contains the sendNewsletter and getProgress methods.Here's the code:-sendNewsletter() reads the email archive and send the newsletter. After each email has sent it writes a log into the database.-getProgress() reads the log wrote by sendNewsletter, counts how many email have been sent, compares it with the total number of the email that have to be sent and return the progress percentageFrom the flex interface the users select a Newsletter to be sent and click on a "send" button which calls a function that calls the sendNewsletter() and then instantiate a loop of calls to getProgress (as you can see when getProgress returns something it calls the setProgress which updates a progress bar and calls getProgress again until the progress percentage reach 100%.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animate Multiple Objects?

Oct 25, 2010

I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc,I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.. th0 object not found.......
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// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Animate Multiple Objects

Jun 28, 2005

I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc, I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.

code is like this
// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )


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Javascript :: Do Multiple Flash Movies On A Webpage Download And Run In Parallel Or In Sequence

Nov 5, 2009

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Flex :: Could Not Play The Parallel Effect

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var parallel:Parallel=new Parallel();
var E1:WipeDown=new WipeDown();
var E2:WipeLeft=new WipeLeft();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Engines To Animate Objects

Sep 7, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animate Objects On Screen On Certain Events?

Oct 22, 2010

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Feb 24, 2010

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Flex :: Selecting Multiple Text Objects

Oct 5, 2010

Consider there are two text field objects:


Output: texta textb Now I want to select from "ta" in TextField1 to "tex" in TextField2. By the drag of a mouse. I know that by conventional methods it is not possible? Is there any other way to achieve this? And I need to highlight the text also.

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Flex - Possible To Select Text Between Multiple RichEditableText Objects?

Aug 15, 2011

For example, say I have 3 RichEditableText objects and I want to be able to highlight them all together:

<s:RichEditableText id="obj_one" width="100%" text="Click and start dragging the highlight here..." selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />
<s:RichEditableText id="obj_two" width="100%" text="Continue dragging the highlight through this one" selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />
<s:RichEditableText id="obj_three" width="100%" text="and keep going and finish highlighting them all right here" selectable="true" editable="false" fontSize="9" />

Is it even possible to make it so all three could be highlighted that way someone could Copy all three at once then past all the text somewhere? I should clarify, The reason they would be like this is because there they are in an itemRenderer so they would each be their own object in each line on the list. It would be nice though if the text could be highlighted and copied like it was all together though. Just imagine the way an end user would expect to be able to drag an highlight any other text in a standard html document to paste elsewhere.

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Flex :: Draw Multiple Graphical Objects In A Spark ItemRenderer Using MXML?

Apr 26, 2011

I would like my spark ItemRenderer to be able to render a varying number of graphical objects that depends on the user input. As an example, let's say that I want to render a set of ellipses on a line.I've been using MXML for my most recent batch of ItemRenderers and have loved every minute of it, but I'm not sure how to accomplish the above goal with an MXML IR. In Actionscript I can acquire the list of ellipses locations and draw them programmatically in the updateDisplayList method. Is there an equivalent in MXML?

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Flash :: Instantiate Multiple Instances Of Exported MovieClip Then Animate Them?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a movieclip created in the IDE exported to Actionscript via the Library panel (Linkage?).I instatiate multiple instances of it via a loop on the timeline.I want to move them around randomly via Actionscript. How do I do that?I tried using listeners, but I have no way to store values to make each movement unique.

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Actionscript 3 :: Animate Camera Along Multiple Bezier Paths In Processing / D3?

Nov 9, 2011

I have a network graph visualization generated using Gephi containing many nodes and edges.I need to produce an animation of a camera (or moving movieclip) to "flythrough" the network along the path of the bezier curves, visiting each (not necessarily every) node at random. I've made a quick animation of what this would look like.

How can I achieve this programmatically through AS3 or Processing or using mbostock D3 javascript library on github? My attempt in AS3 so far has been to convert an SVG produced by gephi into AS3 code using Miller H. Borges Medeiros' tool then try to adapt a bezier tweening library such as Zeh Fernando's example but I'm having difficulty.Medeiros' converter is splitting quadratic beziers into 4 separate quadratic beziers, and I'm not sure how to transform flash's curveTo Method into an array of bezier points as in Fernando's code.Then there is the problem of animating the camera through only those nodes which are connected to eachother.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Multiple Objects To Multiple Target?

Sep 10, 2009

im creating a small drag and drop game in AS3-
I have 4 objects and 4 targets,
I want to be able to drag any of the 4 objects onto any of the targets, right now all I can manage is to allow each object drop onto one specific target only.
I thought by calling all my target names by the same instance name eg target_mc that would work but only one target will ever work.

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AS3 :: Flash - Listening For Multiple Events On Multiple Objects?

Sep 20, 2010

I currently have an over, out and click event for 8 different objects. The over and out events are identical for each (tween expands object and then shrinks it back for the out state).I have previously asked for an easy way to declare those events, and now I was looking for an easier way to handle them.

Here's my code:

function growGarage(e:MouseEvent):void{
scaleTweenX = new Tween(map_garage, "scaleX", Elastic.easeOut, 0.648, 1, 0.5, true);


I've tried using a single function and then using "this" as the object of the tween but that expanded the entire stage.

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Professional :: When Using IE7 For Parallel Https Calls Across Two Servers

Jan 6, 2012

Weeks back I faced a wierd issue in the behaviour of flashplayer running on IE7 which is invoking parallel https calls. I have two SSL enabled servers one is listening on port 443 and the other is listening on port 8443 but both running in the same domain. I developed a flex client (using httpservice class) which sends parallel https requests to these two servers. When the number of parallel requests increases say more than 5 requests to each server, the fault handler was encountered with the error message:[code]After breaking my head for a long days, I got one solution which would work. This issue is happening only if we are sending https requests to different ports in the same domain. So rather than moving one among the two servers to a new domain, I got a new DNS name for the same destination. So presently I got two DNS names pointing to the same machine in which both the servers are mounted.Now that I am using a separate DNS name for the server listening on port 8443 and the old DNS name is used to hit the server listening on 443.

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Actionscript 3 :: Code Parallel Sequencial Program?

Aug 9, 2011

I want to develop the following program in AS3

main -> Async call A -----> join
|- Async call B ->|
|- Async call C ->|


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Arrays Containing Multiple Objects?

Oct 11, 2009

What's the best way to say:

if(this.object in same array as that.object)

with multiple arrays containing multiple objects?

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AS3 :: Parallel Image Loading In A Single Class Instance

Jun 13, 2011

My problem occurs when I try to load multiple images in one class in AS3.[code]My problem with this is, that every complete-method receives the same image. Sometimes they all get img1.jpg, sometimes they all get img3.jpg....I don't have any clue why this is happening.[code]Now the different Bitmaps and Loaders have distinct names and are called within the same method call. The event handlers now are inline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parallel Loaders Fail To Fire Some Event.COMPLETE

Oct 19, 2011

I want to dynamically load several png images from 6K to 2,5M. I create the loaders in a for loop and start them all at the same time, and listen Progress, Complete, IOError and SecurityError on each loader. The problem is the COMPLETE events are not always fired, even if Progress events show all images are fully downloaded.
I tested with Firefox and Chrome, I load 4 images 2.5M, 2M, 1M, and 6K, then I just get 2 or 3 COMPLETE events, sometimes the 4 are fired with Chrome. Did not find any workaround. I tried to listen ProgressEvent and call the completeHandler when bytesLoaded == bytesTotal but the loaderInfo.content is null (and bytesAvailable =0) so I can't get the Bitmap.
1) Is there a known limitation in the number of simultaneous loaders, from flash player or browsers ? Does Adobe recommend to have queued loaders instead of simultaneous ?

2) Is there a way to get the loaded Bitmap when COMPLETE is not fired ?

3) I don't keep the loaders in a property of my class, and use weakReference for the listeners : the issue can come from my code ? (but the ProgressEvents are received until the download is complete)

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Flex :: Animate Child Elements In It?

Oct 17, 2009

Anyone know how to animate the size/position of child elements of a layout in Flex 4 ?

I have a list component with a custom layout. I want when I change the positions of the child elements I want them to animate their move to the new positions.

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Animate Busy Cursor In Flex?

Apr 1, 2010

I find out how to replace the busy cursor here: [URL]..

However, how do you animate an image for the cursor?

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Actionscript :: Flex 4 - Animate UITextField?

Oct 24, 2011

Is it possible to give move effect on a UITextField.

var aminolabel:UITextField;
var aminoLabelMove:Move = new Move(aminolabel);
aminoLabelMove.xFrom = 0;
aminoLabelMove.xTo = 100
aminoLabelMove.duration = 1300;

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Flex :: Animate Between States In A Programmatic Skin?

May 12, 2010

I have a button with the various states (up/over/down etc) that uses a skin file to render the display. I want to achieve animation between the states. For instance, between the change from 'up' to 'over' I want to fade in a color and a border.

The way I am doing this at the moment is to use viewstates and animate between them using transitions and the mx:AnimateProperty. However, using this method I can only animate one property per viewstate. So only the border, or the color can be animated.

Does anyone know how I can achieve multiple animations on multiple properties of a programmatic button skin?

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Flash :: Easing With The Animate Class In Flex 4 Via AS3

Oct 29, 2010

This is probably something simple but I'm scratching my head over easing with the Animate class in Flex 4. Basically I'm just trying to set easing via:


Which would be fine, except... the constructor argument is a Number, not an instance of EaseInOutBase. All of Google's results suggest that this should be defined via MXML, but I just feel... dirty doing it - rather, defining something that is purely programmatic with markup. I know that's half the nature of Flex, but still, I like to keep most of my logic/configuration in AS3. If there's a better way to animate with easing than using Animate with its easer property (eg, if this isn't the right way)

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Flex :: Objects Drawn By Flash Graphics Class Exist As Objects?

Jan 16, 2011

Internally Flash obviously keeps a list of the primitives drawn using Graphics so I wondered if you have many such primitives in a Sprite, can you re-position/remove/alter individual items rather than clear and re-draw everything? Or is this deeper into the bowels of Flash than you're allowed (or recommended) to go?

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