Flash :: Instantiate Multiple Instances Of Exported MovieClip Then Animate Them?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a movieclip created in the IDE exported to Actionscript via the Library panel (Linkage?).I instatiate multiple instances of it via a loop on the timeline.I want to move them around randomly via Actionscript. How do I do that?I tried using listeners, but I have no way to store values to make each movement unique.

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Flash :: Handle Collisions Detection With Multiple Instances Of One Movieclip?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm using Adobe Flash CS4.The language is Action Script 3In my library I have 2 items:playerwallthe player object is already functioning correctly with moving him around.Now when I place multiple wall objects into the stage (wall = 32x32 px) I want to prevent the player from moving when he walks into a wall.I've tried giving all the walls the same instance name and just check for a collision with that object but when I do that the collision only works for 1 of the walls.I could give all the instances of wall a different collision script but this is way to time consuming, is there another way to globally define the wall as solid for the player?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Instantiate Instances Of User Classes

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I'm wondering, is it possible to instantiate instances of user classes in the same way as you can instantiate the Object class? For instance, assuming that Vector is a user imported class:[code]I've tried that syntax or similar, and it throws me a syntax error. Is there another way to word the same idea?

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Flash :: Dynamically Instantiate Multiple Copies Of A MC?

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I made a Post-It note movie clip that is draggable. I want to create a whole pad of notes, or at least simulate this. I thought the best way to do this would be to add another Post-It whenever the startDrag() is triggered.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Instances Of One Movieclip?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Multiple Instances Of Same Movieclip?

Jul 17, 2011

I've built a dropdown menu movieclip that I need to use in a contact form- or more specifically, I need 2 dropdowns with different options in them in the same form. My problem is that when I change the properties in one instance of the dropdown_mc, it changes the properties in the other as well. The two clips have different instance names, and I've been changing labels of the list items by clicking through to the actionscript imbedded in each dropdown (not through the dropdown_mc in the library). There must be an obvious solution to this that I somehow didn't catch....I've even tried dragging each dropdown from the stage back into the library and creating a new movie clip with a different symbol name and they're still connected. Do I need to create an entirely new copy of this dropdown with different instance names

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IDE :: CS5 Working With Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip?

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on a project which looks like a crossword puzzle. When you mouse over on the white boxes they will light up. When you mouse over the letters they will have 3d rotations and when you rollover only some specific letters, they will flip some specific boxes.

Right now what happens is, when you mouse over the boxes with letters on them, the letters will rotate but the box will not light up. This is because I have created the box movieclip, with the invisible button inside it, and then just duplicated it in my scene to create a tile. But the invisible button for the letters are on the scene,so it's kinda overriding it.when I tried having the buttons on the scene rather than inside the movie clip, what happened is when you roll over one of the boxes, all of them will animate.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip Via It's Linkage?

Mar 14, 2011

how to add multiple instances of a movieclip via it's linkage...

this is the script that adds a single instance to the stage.

code: package
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Multiple Instances Of One Movieclip?

Feb 12, 2009

I'm having trouble creating multiple instances of one movieclip. I've got an array set up that loads photos into flash and places them in a grid (sort of). I want those photos to have outlines around them. So, i created an outline. Now, when i try to place it on all of the photos, it will run through them and only apply itself to the latest photo (one instance overwrites the others). How do i make multiples of the outline?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Applying Multiple Instances Of Same MovieClip

Aug 27, 2009

I have the following code on frame1 of my movie that I want to apply to multiple instances of the same movie clip:

mainClip_mc.subClip1_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//code begins
SpecifiedClip_mc exists in subClip1 through 4. Is there a way to do this once without having to say:
mainClip_mc.subClip2_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//same code
mainClip_mc.subClip3_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//same code
mainClip_mc.subClip4_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//same code

Essentially, specifiedClip_mc's parent clip is what's throwing me here. The code to be applied to specifiedClip_mc is identical and I'm not going the correct route by doing this the long repetitive way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip With An Armature?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a movieclip with one armature inside, and I want to make some instances of it. But after the registering of the armature, with registerElements, only the first instance's bones can be used/moved.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Multiple Instances Of Same Movieclip On The Stage

May 13, 2009

I have a movieclip that gave a class name and set everything to export into action script. Now, I would like to put multiple instances of that same movieclip on the stage. I would also like to be able to keep track of them individually. Would I need to do something like create a for loop and have it run however many times i want that movieclip onstage? If I did that, how would I be able to manage them? Would I also give them names in the for loop and have a var that goes ++ every time it loops, then attach that var to the end of the name I give it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip From The Library?

Jan 21, 2011

Basically, I have made a new FLA file, and in it's library I have created two symbols. Both symbols have their own class .as file.The first symbol is a movie called GridBox, and it's class has a package that uses lines to draw a shape, namely, a diagonal box tile.The second symbol is a movie called MainGrid, and it has a class that loads the movie GridBox from the library, in to its self.All my code works fine, the thing is, I would like to load more than one instance of the same movie clip, at a series of different locations, and im lost.Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
package { import flash.display.MovieClip;   public class MainGrid extends MovieClip private var myMovieClip:MovieClip;  


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Create Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip?

Jan 11, 2008

I'm modifying a flash slideshow (actually the one from kirupa.com) and among other things, I'm trying to get it to generate small LEDs depending on the number of images the script finds in the xml file. I intend to make them light up depending on the image currently up (i.e. image #5 lights up led #5) and allow users to click on the LEDs to jump around between images.

The problem I'm having now is that I can't get the file to generate more than one LED at a time. In fact, it seems to only generate the last LED needed and places it in the final LED position. My only real guess at this point is either I'm not indicating a new depth properly, or I'm creating the new movieclip over and over again but not actually creating a duplicate of it, or something like that.[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Instantiate A Movieclip With New In Flash Like In Other Labguages

Apr 10, 2011

Instead of

public class MyMainMovieClip extends MovieClip {
public function MySliderComponent() {
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();


I get no error in second case but nothing shows up but stays blank.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Hit Tests Work With Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip?

May 18, 2011

I seem to have a bit of a problem with getting the collision detection working in harmony with the rest of my code. Basically i have an array that creates multiple instances of a movieclip named mcPlatformStandard with the following piece of code...

//this variable holds all of the platforms
var platformHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//adds the platform to stage


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Multiple Flash Instances Or A Single One?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a doubt: When you open various flash pages in tabs, for example in Firefox, all those pages share the same Flash instance or each one use an instance of flash??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Animate Instance Of A MovieClip?

Mar 29, 2011

In this example i created 3 movieclips and added 10textFields into it.After this i want to be able to let these 3 movieclips tween...
Atleast this is what i want but i cant seem to get it right.


import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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Flash :: Multiple Instances Of A Movie Clip?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm creating an XML custom card game and am at the point of building the deck and making them draggable so the user can drag and drop them on top of another card.how to build the deck and put multiple instances of the movie clip that resides in the library, I just cannot figure out a way to make each one of the cards draggable. What currently is happening is the card on top of the deck is the only one that will drag, even if I click on the card below it. I have researched setChildIndex(), but I don't think I am using it correctly.

Another issue I'm having is when the user clicks the click_btn (named for testing only) to build the deck it takes a while to build it, can that be sped up any? Then once the user clicks the first card to drag it there is another long wait?

Document Class (CardGame.as)
package library
import flash.display.*;[code].....

The xml file actually has 64 activity card entries and 41 event card entries, but I trimmed it down to make it easier.

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Professional :: Communication Between Multiple Remote Flash Instances?

Jun 3, 2011

need to create a simple application that will essentially function as a remote slideshow broadcast service. One presenter will see the show (full screen) and will be able to proceed to the next slide, all other attendees will only see the show (no control) and will see the next slide when the presenter proceeds. I have a Flash Media Interactive Server which can be utilized.

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Flash - Add/Tween/Remove - Multiple Instances Of The Same MC (Tweenlite)?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple loop that adds a random number of stars, fades them out and removes them.The script I've come up with does everything but remove them, and perhaps I need a less on adding children to a stage.

Here's what I come up with

import flash.display.*;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;


I need a way to make the movie clips unique so I can tell my oncomplete function to remove the property clip, if I don't do this the movie will eventually slow down and crash because of so many (invisible) movieclips.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Assigning The Same Code To Multiple Instances

Mar 4, 2011

im new to flash actionscript and i am trying to create a very simple game. in this game i have about 50 walls that i want to stop the player if they collide with it. i cant figure out how to assign the same code to multiple instants and im still fuzzy on alot of the terms flash programmers use but im learning.on an unrelated note i am also having the player push the ball and when i add a collision.block to the ball when it hits the wall it goes right through it because of the ball repositioning itself based on the players location.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Multiple Instances Generated In The For Loop?

Aug 2, 2010

In the library of the FLa I have a symbol that is exported for actionscript with a class name of 'aClip'.I am placing multiple instances of it on stage as follows:


for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var myClip:aClip = new aClip();
myClip.x = 0;
myClip.y = 50 + (50 * i);

Each myClip will move across the stage at 1 unit per frame. If I only had 1 instance on the stage I would implement as follows:


//make an enterFrame listener for the stage
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveClip);
//make a function for the listener[code]...

The problem I am having, is getting this to work for the multiple instances generated in the for loop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Multiple Instances Of Same Object Via Array?

Dec 13, 2010

i would like to place various instances of the same library object on the stage.

the different instances (0,1,2,...) are meant to be containers for their individual content. hence, each instance (0,1,2,...) is one container and each containter embeds different placeholders (textfields- and image-instances) in itself.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Multiple Ground Instances Using Arrays

Feb 26, 2011

I'm working on a game engine with a friend of mine, we plan to make it open source so other people can use it too for their own games. We basically have everything done, but I really want to add multiple ground instance support. I would like to use an Array, to call upon all ground layers on the stage, and put it into one call name for my gravity function. So I wouldn't have to have various strings for each ground instance.

var groundArray:Array = [ground, ground2, ground3];
var groundtile:MovieClip = groundArray[1];
This is my gravity..
[Code] .....

What I have so far works perfect without arrays.. When I add my above array, I don't get any errors.. but I fall through the ground.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Scenes With Multiple Instances Of The Same Slide Show

Sep 8, 2009

Ok so here is my XML slideshow Actionscript:

ActionScript Code:
var xmlRequest:URLRequest= new URLRequest("graphicImages.xml");
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(xmlRequest);


So I figured that the coding of separate scenes would work independently of one another, but I guess I was dead wrong, because when I apply this to a different scene and change the XML path for a different set of images, I get all sorts of conflict errors when I test the entire movie. I have my flash film set up so that each link send the user to a different scene, which plays a unique intro for each, and then the slideshow appears on screen and the viewer can navigate the images.

Is there a work around for this? Or am I going to have to break my flash movie into separate movies? Or should I just add a suffix to all my vars and functions so that they are unique for each scene?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Creating Multiple Instances Of Code Generated Mc?

May 15, 2010

I need to generate multiple instances of a code generated movieclip. If I try:

var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var n:mc = new mc();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Random Exported MovieClip?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm developing this game and I want as3 to get a random exported movieClip.

You usually call:

var mc1:ExportedMC1 = new ExportedMC1();
var mc2:ExportedMC2 = new ExportedMC2();
//do stuff with mc1


I know for a fact that this won't work, but how do I do this?

I also tried getting the class by string, but that returns a Class class (lol) instead of the movieclip class...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animate Multiple Objects?

Oct 25, 2010

I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc,I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.. th0 object not found.......
code is like this
// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Animate Multiple Objects

Jun 28, 2005

I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc, I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.

code is like this
// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )


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