ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Disappears On Tween

Feb 8, 2007

i've got a function that tweens the _x and _yscale of whatever button is rolled over and a fuction to tween them back, basically grow and shrink the button. the problem is that on rollover the button completely disappears and when i rollout it reappears at the correct "grown" size and then shrinks correctly.


for(var b=1;b<=47;b++){ // works on ALL buttons["btn"+b].onRollOver = function()
var bt:Tween = new Tween(this,"_yscale",


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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Disappears On Tween Animation

Oct 3, 2009

I have a simple animation made of Sprites (Those Sprites are composed with two objects inheriting from Shape and TextField).Each Sprite has a Tween firing on the MouseEvent.Click Event.When the Tween animation starts the TextField disappear by itself.Do I need to convert the text to bitmap?

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Professional :: Background Disappears When Begin Motion Tween?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm trying to learn Flash, and thought I had it figured out for motion tweens. I'm using CS3. I created a background and added 4 images. I created a motion tween for the first image (on it's own layer), but when I try to run it, all the other images and background dissappears. The tween works, but the rest is invisible, just turns white.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Button: Shape Tween Vs Motion Tween

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Actionscript 3 :: My Flash Button Disappears

Sep 30, 2010

I'm following this tutorial on Flash Pro CS4[url]...

I have a button. I pressed CTRL + E in this button, I clicked the 'hit' frame on the 'Text' layer and I created a new frame going in 'Insert > Timeline > frame' as said in the turorial. Like ins the image below.

But after I create a new Frame(F5), as said in the tutorial, the button disappears, like the image below.

( Btw, is this kind of question allowed in SO? This is not exactly a source code question, but in the FAQ it's written that 'software tools commonly used by programmers' questions are also allowed. I don't know if Flash Professional would be a tool commonly used by programmers but I thought wouldn't hurt asking.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unmute - Button That Disappears On Click?

Jul 20, 2010

I am doing a video that I need to start playing automatically, but it has to start playing muted.For this part I am using the following code


vid.playPauseButton = playpauseVid;
vid.volume = 0;
vid._uiMgr._isMuted = true;
vid.muteButton = mute;
vid is my video instance name.

This works great so far. But now the client wants to ad a big button over the video that says PLAY WITH SOUND. And that button has to serve the same function as the unmute button but it has to disappear once it is clicked.

I tried using this

cover.onPress = function(){ this._visible=false}

But that only makes a button that disappears when I click it, how do I make that button unmute my video or how do I link it to this

vid.volume = 0;
vid._uiMgr._isMuted = true;
vid.muteButton = mute;

I tried to add that disappear code to my already functioning mute button, what is happening is that it is applying the this._visible=false before it unmutes. So the button disappears before it has a chance to unmute the audio Got it working.

cover.onPress = function(){
this._visible = false;
vid.volume = 100;


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Caption Button In FLVPlayback Skin Disappears

Feb 24, 2011

I am working in CS5/AS3 with an FLVPlayback component and a pre-made skin with some custom colors. It is a skin with the caption button included (SkinUnderAll to be exact). I'm using Timed-Text files for the caption content. The captions work just fine. All other buttons on the skin show up, but the toggle button isn't showing up.

I checked all of the linkage in the skin's FLA, checked the AS that creates the FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning objects. All seems fine there.

I've checked the paths and SWF locations to be sure all are in the right places.

I've also included a SKIN_LOADED event listener to get around the default captions-on issue. I'm just not seeing what the issue is. I'd prefer to not go back through my code and make a custom control panel with button components. Started this in CS3 and moved the file to CS5, so I'm not sure if there's something I overlooked in the documentation that spells this out.

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Professional :: Whenever Click Button Image Appears But It Disappears

Mar 22, 2011

I want to create a button which in a press state shows an image and removes it when its unpressed.Now the problem im facing is whenever i click the button the image appears but it soon dissapears as i lose the click.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Tooltip Disappears When Button Is Clicked

Jul 28, 2011

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Is there a way to prevent the tooltip from getting destroyed on mouse click. I tried calling e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); on mouse click event of button. also tried handling and preventing tooltipEnd and tooltipHide events but they are not fire when the button is clicked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Disappears When Clicking Bold Button?

Jun 28, 2009

I have dynamic text inside a movieclip, that I can make it rotate.

the dynamic text properties are : anti-alias for anmations and I emdedded all characters.

When I click on the bold button the the text disappears.

bold_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, on_bold);
function on_bold(e:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Click On A Button The Current 'site' Disappears Befor The Next One Loads

May 10, 2006

Take a look at this site. [URL] You notice when you click on a button the current 'site' you are on dissapears befor the next one loads. How is this done? It's like the code tells flash first to 'close' the current page and then load the page you clicked on.

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Professional :: Loading CSV Works On Enter Frame But On Button Click Text Disappears

Nov 17, 2010

I have a files that is loading and parsing a huge amount of data from a csv file and creating and plotting a graph using the data.  All is well if I have the file loaded on the first frame of the movie.  But if I pass in the URL by entering the file name in a text input field and clicking a button.  The X and Y axis values disappear as do intermittent notes placed above the bar graph.  I still see the x and y axis and it's hash marks and the bar graph (shapes)  but all of the text is gone.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Motion Tween The Button To Return Up To Its Original Spot When Another Button Is Then Pressed?

May 26, 2005

I'm trying to create a set of 4 vertically arranged buttons that 'split' apart when those buttons are pressed. For example, if you click the topmost (1st) button, the bottom three buttons will drop down so submenus (for the 1st button) can now be revealed beneath. Again, when you click the 2nd button from the top, the bottom two buttons drop down, revealing submenus, and so on.

Now, is there a way that I can use actionscripting to tween the buttons to not only motion tween a drop down when a button is first pressed, but also to motion tween the button to return up to its original spot when another button is then pressed? Right now, I have two keyframes, side-by-side which each containing a different y-scale value for an object. Can I do some actionscripting to get the object to motion tween upward to its original spot instead of "clicking," or snapping back to is original spot when another button is pressed?

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Professional :: Import A New Image To Replace The Old Image The Button Disappears

May 5, 2010

As part of a much, much larger project, a client has asked me to take an existing flash banner, change the graphic, text, and link to make 4 more that are almost identical. Though I haven't worked extensively with Flash, I am familiar with it and thought this should be fairly easy, right? (Unfortunately, easy isn't exactly the word I'd use.)

I'm trying to take an existing fla, and change just the graphic, text, and button link to make a nearly identical banner. However, when I import a new image to replace the old image, the button disappears. I've tried overwriting the current image as well, and while I have a new image to show on the banner, and the text still works just fine, AND I have the outline of the box that should house the button (it even shows in the library),

Additionally, I will need to change the link, and since I'm having this much problem with a button, maybe you could understand how that works as well, because I can't even change it on the original.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay A Tween - Animate The 2nd Tween After 3 Seconds When 1st Tween Stops

Nov 1, 2009

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var homemanTween:Tween = new Tween(homeman_mc, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 1000, 50, 3, true);//frist tween
var adobeTween:Tween = new Tween(adobe_mc, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);//second tween

how can I animate the 2nd tween after 3 seconds when 1st tween stops.

View 9 Replies

IDE :: How To Create This Tween / Button

May 15, 2009

I am a beginner at Flash and I'm starting to learn it now as I build my portfolio site on the software. I'm not expecting to be able to do anything ultra-awesome, I just want it to be clean and good looking, with simple but working effects.

Down to the point, how do I make buttons similar to the ones in this site?[URL].. I don't know whether my buttons should be buttons or if they should be movie clips or whatever, I'm kind of lost here. So, if anyone can teach me how to make this button, include the roll-over function on it and have a tweened color change as smooth as this one,

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Tween Hit Area Of Flash Button?

Mar 19, 2009

Is there anyway that you can tween the hit area of a button in flash so that it follows a button as it moves? I have my buttons set up as such:When a viewer visits the page they only see a small part of the button, and when they roll over it the entire button rolls out, but I want to be able to make the hit area only as big as the small portion, and expand when the button appears in full so the entire button is clickable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Control Alpha Tween?

Jan 6, 2006


The links on the site above have a nice alpha tween effect. It looks like the rollover fades out the alpha so that the links appear brighter. When you rollout the alpha reduces.

What would be the best/most logical way to do this? I presume you create some AS that contols the alpha tween and keep this on the timeline as a function. Then for each button you call the function.

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert A Tween To The Over State On A Button?

Nov 20, 2009

I need to insert a 7 frames tween to a flash button, when I try to do this the pasted frames run on the Down and Hit states and it does not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button That Plays Reverse Tween?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to make a button that plays a tween, and after that tween finishes playing it stops. If you press the button again it plays the tween backwards to the very first frame where you originally came from.[code]...

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween - Stopping And Starting With Button?

Nov 5, 2003

I have a simple tween that runs over 50 frames, there is no stop action so it loops, just what I want. I have placed an invisible button over the tweened animation, now here's my question: When I click on the invisible button the animation stops and when I click on it again, it restarts. So that's it really, can this be done? I know how to stop the animation by putting a stop in the action script, so I am looking for some actionscript that works on an alternative click method if I am making myself clear?
Example: First click stops it, second click starts it, third click stops it fourth click starts it - this goes on forever.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Tween Class On Button Rollover?

Nov 2, 2008

how do I do this when the button is already animating using a tween class.

I want the button to be pulsating, then when you rollover it, it expands and stays until you roll off. However, when you rollover here, it keeps pulsating.

Here's what my script looks like:

//tween the button
var button_scaleX:Tween = new Tween(audioButton, "_xscale", Regular.easeOut, 100, scaleUp, 1, true);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveEventListener / Disable Button During Tween

Sep 25, 2009

Basically, I have a movieclip on the stage called slide_mc that gets tweened left or right when next_btn or back_btn are pressed. Slide_mc is a long rectangular strip that has different images on it. The idea is, you press next or back to show different parts of this strip. There are two panels on a layer above it to hide the extra parts of the strip from view. I needed the slide_mc to move forwards and backwards seamlessly as if it is one long continuous strip. I did this using actionscript3 and its x coordinate. The images on slide_mc are equally spaced so I just set the tween to move by a certain number of x values.

The problem is if you press the next button before the previous tween has finished it progresses again by that same value which ends up moving the slide_mc to a random position, perhaps covering some of the image. How can I disable the next and back buttons until the Actionscript tween has finished what its doing and then enable them again for the next tween? The end product is supposed to be a gallery. Obviously it would be better to use a UiLoader to display the images to keep the file size down, but I couldn't think of a way to load the right images while still allowing the slide_mc to move forward and backwards.

Here's my code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Tween Button - Calling Element Replaced With Next One

Dec 4, 2009

My question has to do with tweened buttons that call an element onto the stage from right , on centre stage this called element stops centered. This is as far as I get...What I would like to happen is ,on the press of another tweened button the element from first tweened button vacates left and is replaced with called element from this button, and so on for 5 separate buttons, of course these can be pressed in any order..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Class With Button Mouseover / Mouseout

Apr 3, 2009

I've got the following movie online to look at:(disregard background, temporary image)URL...I have 3 icons (will be 4, the photos at the bottom of the movie).When hovering over a button, it should rise up around 50px, and on mouse out, it should drop back down to its original position.If you look at the movie, it does that, however, if you move around the images a bit you'll see that at some points it picks up 2 photos/buttons at a time (since they're overlapping a bit I imagine), but the BIG problem is that sometimes, when picking up both images, they do not return to their original position when mousing OUT as they should, they remain suspended as if they are stuck at the end of the onmouseover function and can't come back down.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Rotation 180 Degrees On Each Button Click

Mar 30, 2011

I have set up a motion tween using the flash tween class to rotate an image 180 degrees. However, if I should want to work wit hthe image from that point (say click the button again and have it rotate another 180 degrees back to its original position) I can't. It will simply run the tween again because my function specifies to go from 0 to 180. How I can use the tween class to rotate this image 180 degrees on each button click?

Code is below:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
rotation1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rotateThePicture);
function rotateThePicture(event:MouseEvent) {
//IMG11_mc.rotation += 180;
var PicRotation:Tween= new Tween(IMG11_mc, "rotation", Strong.easeInOut, 0, 180, 5, true);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Forward And Back Button To Play A Tween?

Mar 12, 2010

I was trying to accomplish this same effect using actionscript 3.0; (click the forward and back button next to the recent work)[URL] he has made buttons play a movieclip at different points of a timeline...Basically this is what I came up with (see my cooment).

//Flash - go get code that's going to make the tween work... import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;stop();
//home_mc animation - animate in..var gd_fullsize_01Tween:Tween = new


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Motion Tween On A Button OnClick

Jan 10, 2011

I'm relatively new to flash and have been learning on my own, but I ran into a bit of a snag while trying to create a splash page for a client. View Page There's the page. What he wants, is for the shirt to move off the screen when a user clicks on the pocket. Can someone tell me how I would accomplish this using actionscript, or point me to a good (step by step) tutorial on how I would do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Smooth Mouse Alpha Tween On The Button ?

Nov 5, 2009

I am playing around with AS3 and what I'm trying to do is pretty simple. I have a little test FLA: http:[url]......There is a button that when you scroll over it the alpha goes up to .90 and when you mouse off it it goes back down to .50 alpha.This is all controled by Tween in AS3. The 3 problems that I'm having are:

1) How to define a variable that that is a number that has a blank value like with a string its:

var test:String = "";

Right? But I have no idea how do do the same thing with a number var.

2) Next thing that I'm confused about it there a way to get a smooth mouse alpha tween on the button. Like as it currenlty is when you mouse over it goes from .50 to .90% alpha. See this isn't all that bad but if you mouse over the button again real fast before the tween goes back to .50 it looks like it get lighter really fast and then gets darker.

3) Finally when you click the replay button the button alpha jumps down to .50 no matter what. You have to actully mouse off and then mouse back on for it to go back up to .90 like it should be when your mouse is hovering on the button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button On Stage With Motion Tween And It Stops At 50?

May 1, 2011

I have a button on stage with motion tween and it stops at 50, i have this code at 48.

lead_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, lead);
function lead(evtObj:MouseEvent)


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