ActionScript 2.0 :: Cube Rotation In Flash - Draw Own Image

Dec 13, 2002

i need to do something like the swf file am attaching instead of the cube revolving... i need to draw my own image. how to bring this effect in flash. as if now, i have created the cube rotatoin in swift 3d and have exported it as a swf file. also can we draw our own images in swift 3d? (instead of the readymade cube?)

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Flash :: Quaternion Cube Rotation Animation

Jan 14, 2011

I created this Rubiks Cube with Papervison3D. With some resources I created a Cube with 27 minicubes inside (3*3*3 = 27). Rotating the Rubiks Cube on mouse move is already done. (I do not rotate the camera.) All the behavior of a Rubiks Cube is in there already. But I'm a bit stuck in the final phase.

When I play with it like I would do with a normal Rubiks Cube it's working ok, besides I know that the default Euler rotation values aren't reliable anymore after a while. What I need is to rotate the Rubiks Cube to the selected side and after that rotate the Rubiks Cube over the z-axis so the minicube face faces up. I prefer to animate it with TweenMax but I'm really stuck since I need quaternion rotations.

I know the selected face of the Rubiks Cube itself. I know the Euler rotation of the Rubiks Cube using Matrix3D.matrix2euler(_rubiksCube.transform); What I need is to rotate it to the selected face for instance when the current rotation is x: -20, y: 35, z: 10 and I select the back face of the rubiksCube it must rotate to x:0, y: 180, z: 0.

What I need is to change this to Quaternion values and rotate the Rubiks Cube to the new Quaternion value. After that it must rotate the Rubiks Cube over it's z axis to face the selected minicube face up. This is the code I use when dragging/ rotating the Rubiks Cube


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Draw Static 3D Cube

Mar 21, 2012

I'm trying to draw a 10x10 grid with Actionscript 3 with a vanishing point behind - so each square looks like it's coming towards the screen (each from its own relative perspective). I've found many tutorials for 3D perspective cubes, but they all revolve around movement. Surely static shapes must be easier, Is there some way I can use PerspectiveProjection() in my case where it doesn't involve movement? It looks to be exactly what I want, yet seems reliant on movement. Or are there any other methods for 3D perspective object creation? I'd prefer to use internal AS3 functions if possible. The closest I've got was this tutorial, which I could likely apply to my situation, but I want to make sure there's not an easier/cleaner way before attempting it.

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Javascript :: Replicate Flash Cube Rotation In CSS: Preserve Correct Perspective?

Mar 21, 2012

I am converting a Flash Web App to a Javascript(HTML and CSS) Web App. I have a cube rotation animation working but I have a problem with the perspective.My Problem: I am not sure which CSS attribute I should use to replicate the Flash versions perspective(please see the 2 images below). The 2 below images where taken while the cube rotation was occuring and you can see the difference in the perspective(the 2nd image is too wide and should look like the first). You can see a working example here(Note it only works onThe first image was taken from the flash application and displays the CORRECT perspective(that I am trying to achieve in CSS).The 2nd image is taken from my CSS, Javascript and HTML web app and the cube rotates with the INCORRECT perspective. What CSS attribute do I change in order to achieve the above images cube perspective?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Papervision / Cube / Rotation And Easing

Dec 13, 2008

I'm at the moment trying to recreate a menu system that I found on URL... as you can see, the menu you get after you've choosen a language is a 3d menu rotating so its always looking at the cursor, but as you will notice, the motion has a little bit of easing to it, which I'm currently trying to recreate using the cube you make with the "Papervision3D 2.0 Interactive Cube" from GotoAndLearn();URL...and here is the code behind that drives the rotation:URL...Now, my problem is that I'm having a hard time figuring out how to create a tween effect on his, resulting in a bit out of sync rotation that slowly stops instead of just following my pointer in an instant.

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Actionscript 3 ::- Flash - Draw TextField To BitmapData With Rotation?

Sep 21, 2011

I want to draw text to a bitmapData and allow it to be rotated but rotating the text makes it disappear :(The code I am using resembles something like this :

var tf : TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = "testing";
var mat : Matrix = new Matrix();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Image Cube Rotator From Xml

Oct 5, 2011

I am new in actionscript 3.I want to make a rotating vertically cube with images from an xml.Cube will rotate to a side,stay for a while then rotate to the next side and show me the image for a while too and continue.In each side I want to pass a url so when I click the side-image to direct me to a website.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Center Is In Left Of The Image - Aren't 3D Rotation From Transform Panel

Jan 7, 2010

I have a movieclip and when I do 3D rotation from Transform panel, It rotates perfect, center is in the middle of image, and when I apply mc.rotationY, rotation center is in left of the image, aren't 3D rotation from Transform panel and mc.rotationY from AS same? what's up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Line With Text Rotation?

Feb 5, 2010

i have done my draw line with help from rameshSe7en.I have tried to add a text input for user to enter input. When the textinput is done using the "enter" key, the text will appear.Right now, my text will somehow 'cut' over the line at certain angle. I know that there is some maths formula involved, I am having problem getting the maths formula..I want my text appear to be parellel with my line drawn, something like this: this is my actionscript coding for the drawline & text input:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;//for draw line
import; //for draw line[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Cube From XML?

Oct 3, 2011

A cube that will rotate automatically .Images from XML will be shown to each side of the cube and each side to have a url so when you click on it to redirect you to a website.More specific, something like this might help you understand more clearly.. 3D Cube Banner Rotator in the activeden(I can't post a URL yet).Without texts,shadows etc.

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Professional :: Papervision 3D - Image Materials On Cube?

Mar 29, 2011

I coded my Papervision 3D .as file. I am getting errors for the section of code that creates variables for the materials that are images.

package {
import org.papervision3d.materials.ColorMaterial;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create XML 3D Cube Image Rotator?

Sep 30, 2011

I want to create a cube with images from an xml,..that will rotate to one side of it and show me an image..stay for a while then rotate again to next image-side..wait etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Different Image To Each Cube Side And Rotate?

Apr 13, 2011

I am having problems with adding images to a cube. I like to have a specific image on the bottom and when turned show the image


bmp = new BitmapFileMaterial("../lib/logo.jpg");
bmp.smooth = true;
matListBmp = new MaterialsList({


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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Rotating Cube - Creating Array Of Image Links

Jan 12, 2011

I have the 3D rotating cube. Each panel of the cube is an image pulled in through actionscript. When you click on one of the panels, the cube straightens itself to show only the face you've clicked on. This is all great. However, I want to be able to click on that face again and have it link to a URL. This is where I get lost.

I feel like I'm ALMOST there - I've gotten it to work so that I can click the panel and it links to a URL, but right now every panel links to the same link. I haven't figured out how to make each panel link to its own separate URL. Here is the portion of code in my .FLA where I've added the linking action:

setupFaceAction = function (cube) {
for (var i = 0; i<cube.faceArray.length; i++) {
var face = cube.faceArray[i];
face.onPress = function() {
if (!cube.fading) {
[Code] .....

This is the line I added to make it link when you click the panel after it's facing forward:
cube.getURL("[URL]", "_self");}

So I assume I need to set up some sort of array so I can have multiple links that correlate with the appropriate image. To make it clearer, I've attached all of my files, so you can see all the code. You'll find actionscript in the .FLA and two external actionscript files. I think "" may be where I need to do the work.

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Flash :: Using Bitmap Data To Draw Massive Image?

Feb 18, 2011

I am making a snow boarding game in AS3. The problem I am having is that I want to leave a trail in the snow behind the board.

I have had a think and feel that the best way of achieving this would be to use the lineTo() method to draw a line form the snowboards previous position to its current position. If I do this all of the way down the slope I would end up with a line almost 23000 pixels long which seems extremely large and will have a major impact on performance.

If I were to convert the trail movieclip to a bitmap would it improve performance? I am targeting a minimum of flash player 9 which I have found to have issues when handling bmp's over 2880 pixels so I think this method might not work.

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Flash :: Professional - Video Rotation - Image Becomes Very Pixelated And The Edges Of The Video Become Jagged

Dec 10, 2010

I am currently working on a flash website that has several flv videos on it. Since the website layout has a slight tilt, I have had to transform the videos to slightly tilt as well. The problem that I am having is that when I do this the image becomes very pixelated and the edges of the video become jagged. I have somewhat fixed the edges issue by making a mask around it but i really dont know how to make the resolution better, or what causes it to loose resolution when slightly transformed. The size of the videos is the same as encoded. All I do is tilt them upwards on the right side a bit.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Rotation With XML?

Aug 20, 2008

I building a photo gallery using xml, I want to have my photo go thru a rotation after the xml is loaded. I would post the fla but its 94kb which is to big. So I'll post my code and do my best to explain what going on. My xml loading code looks like this:

photo_filename = new Array();
photo_thumbnail = new Array();
photo_description = new Array();
photo_header = new Array();


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IDE :: 3D Rotation Using Image Sequence?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to implement a 3D rotation using image sequence for a project, basically like this [URL]..I found a couple of flash components for this which uses xml to load the sequence of images, but I am not able to add those hot spots which move along with the object.

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IDE :: Random Image Rotation With Crossfade

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to make a website banner, which would rotate images in a random order, with a crossfade.Basically like this one here: URL...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Slider For Image Sequence?

Dec 3, 2011

I created a 3d model rotated it 360 degrees and exported it an image sequence. I would like to be able import the sequence in flash and rotate the image sequence 360 degrees by creating and dragging a slider.

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ActionScript 3 :: Smooth Image Rotation In Flex

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to rotate a PNG image around its centre point so that I can use it as a wait icon. This seems to be the way to go but there is a noticeable delay before the animation repeats.
<s:Parallel id="animateTimer" target="{timerImg}" repeatCount="0" repeatDelay="0" duration="1500">
<s:Rotate angleFrom="0" angleTo="360" autoCenterTransform="true"/>
Why when I have set the repeat delay to 0 does it have a noticeable delay before it repeats?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 3D Image Rotation Effect For MovieClip?

Sep 1, 2006

I'm trying to kind of create an effect of 3d with a movie clip that rotates round its centre on all three axis. Is there any way of using just xscale, yscale, and _rotation properties of an image to give this effect (once you know rotation round z axis, y axis and x axis). I know it can be done I just can't get my head round the flipping over. Its ok when its at only one angle like imagine a photo spinning like some spinning doors but as soon as the angle changes is where I'm having problems. This is as far as I've got but its clearly wrong, it shrinks to zero size. Use right up and down arrow keys [URL].

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Rotation To Image With Defined X And Y

Nov 6, 2006

onClipEvent (load) {
targetx = 34;
delay = 8;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
distx = targetx-_x;
disty = targety-_y;
_x += distx/delay;
_y += disty/delay;

This is the code used for manipulating the background image using buttons with defined x and y; I want to add the rotation as well, and it does rotate the image, since I've defined the individual rotations within buttons' script, but I cannot get it to delay; it instantly jumps to the given rotation, and then already rotated delays to the given x and y.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Object Handle For Image Cropping And Rotation?

Feb 14, 2011

i have downloaded the rogue object handle 2.008 i need to know how to Use it to cropp and rotate the Image.

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Dec 29, 2011

i have a query regarding the simultaneous operation of zoom and rotate the image at same time ....actually i want to apply both rotation and zoom on image in as3 using TransformGestureEvent

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3d Rotation Of 2d Image Won't Make Full Circle

Oct 18, 2010

I want to rotate a 2d object on its' y-axis but it won't make a complete circle. It just turns 90and then turns back the same 90 in the opposite direction. How can I make my 2d object make a full circle?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Of A Not Vector Image (png) With A High Quality?

Jul 14, 2011

source code that just rotates png image?in real time (so it has to be fast)also i need the quality of the image highest(not clear and separate pixels of many 2d Flash games)i hope u understand what i mean by high qualitymost Flash games for speed performance reasons can change the quality of image by changing amount of points to calculate a color of a single screen pixeli use FlashDevelop so it wont satisfy me to complete what i'm asking for with Macromedia tools

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Bitmap Conversion - Image Quality Blurry

Mar 1, 2009

I've included the full class called The class basically draws navigation elements on screen and displays them onMouse over and out. What's also neat is that it actually "rotates" them onto the screen. Now I'm using a font called "Minx" which is a bitmap font. However when the rotation occurs the image quality and the text ends up looking *really* blurry. It appears others have noticed this issue: [URL]. The issue is thus that when Flash converts the MovieClip to bitmap it's perspective distorts the quality.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Rotation Tutorials With Slider Control And Easing?

Jul 8, 2009

[URL]I found similar tutorials, with easing and slider controls, but the pictures slide in horizontally.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Text To Draw An Image

Oct 13, 2009

I need to do everything with AS3 since both the image and the text is loaded with an XML. Practically I have a picture and above it I'll put a white level with alpha 70%, but as you can see in the jpg the white level has a "hole" in it that is created by a text.I thought that a way could be to convert the text in a bitmap and then, if it is possible, to use the newly created bitmap to create the "hole" with the white level.

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