ActionScript 2.0 :: Finding An Event That IU Can Assign A Function That Is Called When An Swf Closes?

Aug 11, 2004

Is there an event that IU can assign a function that is called when an swf closes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign A Function That Is Called When A Swf Closes?

Aug 11, 2004

Is there an event that IU can assign a function that is called when an swf closes? (say they click the close button of the internet explorer window) Cause that would be sweet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Which Mouse Event Called A Function

Oct 13, 2009

Is there anyway of checking which mouse event called a function, without creating another function to handle each buttons event?

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Flex :: Loader Event Complete Function Only Being Called Once

Feb 21, 2011

So, I'm trying to load resources, add them to a dictionary, and have a drawing method search through that dictionary and draw based on certain predicates. I have a function that iterates through an Vector of Strings, calling on an instance of Loader to load them instantiated as a URLRequest.

private function loadImages(urls:Vector.<String>):void
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


So the issue is: Only the first images in my Vector are drawing. Upon further inspection, I found that the completeHandler was only being called once (I put a trace in the complete handler to check). However, the Loader is invoking load everytime the loop iterates. I tried instantiating separate loaders for each resource, just to see if it would work, but I had no luck with that. Do I need to make separate loaders and event handlers? Or am I just not using Loader correctly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fire And Catch Event When A Function Is Called?

Jan 29, 2010

I need to fire and event when a function is called ...... And catch that event somewhere else.How can I do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Value To Loader And Retrieve From Event.COMPLETE Function?

Aug 19, 2009

i'm loading in multiple images using the same loader using a for loop. what i'm trying to figure out is how can i tell when the first 4 images are loaded. is there away to attach and index to each loader and then get it from the event in the on complete function? below is the code i'm using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Returning Data From A Function Called Via Event.COMPLETE?

Aug 3, 2010

i am trying to return an XML object, but having issues. The object is only created via an Event.complete function. I need to return the XML created from my loadXML function via my grabXMLfromFile function.

function grabXMLFromFile(attrPathToXML:String):XML {
var fileUrl:String = attrPathToXML;
var myUrlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(fileUrl);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip Closes With No Mouse:Event?

Jun 16, 2009

This is the top third of the stage that the user sees. When they click on a computer a window is supposed to pop up. Everything is working fine at this point. The full screen, (the small hard-to-read button is Random Hardware which opens up a window to a random computer), a link to the "Digital Studio", and the computers when you click on them.It's after the window is open that the problem occurs. As you can tell there is an X in the upper right corner of the window. When the user presses that it is supposed to close the window and return to the normal stage. The "Software" text is clickable and sends the user to the websites of Adobe, Microsoft Office, etc. When the user clicks the software it works fine, but if the user clicks anywhere else in the window it just closes and returns to the first frame. There is nothing in my ActionScripting that puts an Event Listener to the window or the close sign.

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Actionscript 3 - Dispatch Flash Event When Person Closes Browser

Oct 28, 2010

I have an RTMP stream loading and would like to know the drop off time of the video. Is there a method of knowing when a person abruptly leaves the video session by closing the window, back button, address bar, etc?Or do i need to make an external interface call from JavaScript to Flash using something like onunload & onbeforeunload events?I am guessing that it is the later, but wanted to see if there was a method of keeping all my code inside of AS3.

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Php :: Possible To Run A Function When Someone Closes A Browser Window?

Jan 27, 2011

For example, Lets say I have a flash swf game, and when users press connect they are assigned a random id that's then put into a mysql table. Then I have other users that connect and then can connect to these random ids. When users click disconnect i have the id taken out of the table that way when other people want to connect they dont get ids that arent active. is it possible that when a window is closed to have it run a php script? so i can get it to clear their user id?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Function When User Closes Your Swf

Jul 3, 2010

how do you call to a function when the user closes your swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Parent Function When Child .swf Closes

Apr 14, 2010

I am adding a child .swf from the parent with a simple button. If this button is then clicked multiple times, the child is added multiple times. So I added the ".visible = false"  to the button when clicked so the button cannot be clicked while the child is open.
Now, there is "Close" button on the child .swf that uses "this.parent.parent.removeChild(this.parent);" and would now need to set the parent button back to ".visible = true".
I have tried MovieClip.parent.parent.resetButton();  and  parent as MovieClip.resetButton(); and many variations of the code. I get no errors but the code doesn't work either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dataset.generateComplete(); Get Called Before OnFileLoaded(event:Event)?

Jan 12, 2009

I rune the following code from TestClass:

ActionScript Code:

However, why does dataset.generateComplete(); get called before onFileLoaded(event:Event)?I can only assume that this is the case, as var pointList:Array = myHandler.getPointList(); returns Null, and when I run some tests with trace statements,I can see that onFileLoaded (event:Event) is seemingly called after generateComplete() Is the URLLoader process running in parallel to the rest of the application?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compiler Bug - Var Declaration Function Definition Postcedes External Called Function Execution

Jun 29, 2010

Use Flash CS5 (and AIR, though this does not seem like it would be AIR related) in Win XP 64 I have a MovieClip symbol in my library with the identifier 'Puzzle10Piece10' with the following actionscript attached to frame 1 of the only layer with the following actionscript:


This runs contrary to my understanding of the pre-compiler and code execution order. In my way of thinking, any reference creation and related memory allocation is made when the object is instantiated, and indeed that allocation, unlike C depends not on code order (declaration before use), though this is an order that would satisfy even the C pre-compiler. If I understand the Flash compiler at all, it's not even a question of 'code order'... the symbol is pre-compiled such that for it to exist... for it to be instantiated, the variable would exist before the function would even be 'available' to be called internally or externally. Is my thinking way off, or is this a bug?

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ActionScript :: Flex - An Object Returned From A Function Call Changed The Next Time The Same Function Is Called?

Jan 10, 2012

I have an AS3 program that calls a function multiple times. The function must return multiple variables, so I created a class for the function to declare an object containing all of these variables. For example, here's my class:

public class PER

Let's say the calling program calls the function, which returns the variables into data_set1 (where data_set1 depends on input variables arg1, arg2, arg3) using:

var data_set1:PER = function_name(arg1, arg2, arg3);

The calling program does some stuff, then calls the function again, but returns the variables into a new variable name, data_set2:

var data_set2:PER = function_name(arg4, arg5, arg6);

My intention is that data_set1 and data_set2 are different (e.g. not linked together).

My question is, given that arrays are passed by reference, will data_set1 be modified to agree with data_set2 upon the 2nd function call? Why or why not?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detecting Browser Close Event And Send Data To Database / When User Closes Browser Window

May 24, 2010

Trying to detect a browser close event and send some data to the database when the user closes the browser window...but can't seem to get it to work.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Return Result From Function Called By Function?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm using an AMF service that was built by someone else. Basically what happens is that some info is passed to the AMF service and it returns true or false.I want to be able to pass in various info to the a function that calls the AMF service(submitTracking) and then get the true or false value returned in onResultSubmit to be passed back to submitTracking.

var screen:String;
var buttonnumber:String;
function submitTracking(screen:String, buttonnumber:String) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1021: Duplicate Function Definition Function OnComplete1(event:Event):void {

Jan 14, 2010

im having this errors:

1021: Duplicate function definition function onComplete1(event:Event):void {
1021: Duplicate function definition function stopSound1(event:MouseEvent):void {
1021: Duplicate function definition function backSound1(event:MouseEvent):void {

codes i used:

var thereReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SOUNDS/how.mp3");
var there:Sound = new Sound();
var thereControl:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Mouse Position WITHOUT An Event?

May 3, 2009

I'm trying to get the position of the mouse while it is stationary. For example, if the SWF loads and the mouse is already on the SWF, how can I detect it's position WITHOUT waiting for the user to move the mouse.

how to grab the mouse position when the mouse moves, just not how to obtain that info when it has not moved yet.

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Flash :: Assign Variable Name To Event.currentTarget?

Dec 13, 2009

I want to use mutliple images in my flash script and instead of writing tons of code I want to get the 'currentTarget' and assign a variable name to it so I can tweenlite it . Instead of me naming all the instances i thought the following would work but it doesn't.

wedding.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, pan_over) ;
function pan_over(e:MouseEvent):void{
var ct:string = ;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign A Variable To An Event Handler?

Feb 5, 2009

On my stage, I have three buttons all named instances ("Yogyakarta", Banda_Aceh", "Bengkulu"). I basically want to wrap the names of these buttons (and eventually several more) in a variable (nameBtn) and then addEventListener to the variable. This should result in any of the buttons being clicked and each time performing the function 'showData'.However, I get this error message in the Output window show up...

TypeError: Error #1006: addEventListener is not a function.
at textnew_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign The Event Listener At The Top Of Frame 1

Aug 10, 2010

I have the following game:

I assign the following event listener at the top of frame 1:

ActionScript Code:
crossHair.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, shoot);

But it doesn't trigger on every MOUSE_DOWN. I mean it should at least get called on every mouse press right?

EDIT: Forgot to mention all the germ movieclips are created inside a holding movieclip:

ActionScript Code:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign OnPress Event Dynamically?

Oct 18, 2004

class myClass
private static var thisClass;


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IDE :: Assign The Same Event Listeners To Multiple Buttons?

Oct 15, 2009

i have a rookie question to ask and it's how to assign the same event listeners to multiple buttons in as3 instead of having to write out the same code over and over again like so...

ActionScript Code:
listing.home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER , butOver)
listing.home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT , butOut)
listing.home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , released)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Assign OnPress Event Dynamically

Oct 18, 2004

class myClass
private static var thisClass;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Reference Object Event Was Called On?

Apr 6, 2009

I am new to AS3 and to writing classes, but have the following in my class to change the alpha of my button. How do I reference my button in btnOverAction, so I can set its alpha? Is there a way to reference the object the event was called on? I am calling the method to set up multiple buttons like this:[code]

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ActionScript 3 :: Listening For NewRecord Event To Be Called?

Mar 16, 2011

I am sending an event when an sql query returns no matches so that I can continue with the addition to the database.. It seems like actionscript is requiring that I attach the listener to something, but I don't really have any variables that seem like logical candidates at the point where I am in my code. I just want to listen for the isNewRecord event to be called so that I can then run the insert query; right now it's saying call to possibly undefined method for addEventListerner and for dispatchEvent.

public function addBG(BG:Number, datetime:String, batch:Boolean = false):void{
checkRecord('Gb', datetime, matchRecord);
addEventListener("isNewRecord", recordExists);
function recordExists(){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Out Index Number For Of An XMLList?

Dec 7, 2009

This is my first AS3 post, I have recently taken the step from AS2. I am displaying an image from an XMLList using I need to access it's index number in the list to set to a variable.Here is the code:

thumbLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPicture);
function showPicture(event:MouseEvent):void
imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(; 


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Actionscript 3 :: Finding Target's Id When Its Parent Generates Event In Flex?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to get the id of the target in showMe(). For example, when I click button or image panel's showMe() function executes first. Here I want to capture the button/image's id.

private function init():void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Assign OnRelease Event To Array Of Movieclips?

Jan 18, 2009

I'm creating an image gallery and the below code is what I have come up with to create a 'container' movieclip which dynamically adds a number of thumbnails, each as a separate movie clip, one after another vertically inside the container (which is contained inside a 'main' movieclip - note the existence of mc1 is to enable me to mask the container - this is worknig so you can disregard it).(Note the number of clips is currently hardcoded to 7)

image = new Array(); //array of movie clips to be contained
imgLink = new Array();


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