url...how to make such this preloader...i mean a circular animated boxes positioning into border preloader based on percentage..u guy's know what I mean..hope someone can point me to achieve this type of preloader.
I've only used flash for 5 months now. As you expect, i'm a super novice. I've been trying to follow the books, tutorials i fould on web and was able to make some nice animations,buttons and stuff. But i'm not a programmer, i never been one and i just don't think i got the brains for it. I just know a little bit. Like i said, it's only been 5 months so i only know how to change other's script to suit mine, i can't create any complicated from top of my head. My question is...do I HAVE TO be an expert to make websites with Flash? After all, i'm only learning Flash so I can make interactive websites. I'm not looking forward to making games or drawing boards or anything. Just websites. How much knowledge of Actionscript(or XML) would I need to make a flash only website?
So I can tween shapes and such for their colours, but when I try to colour tween text, it won't work. I've tried various things, motion tween, shape tween, making them movie clips, making them graphics, ect. How do I make text tween between colours to get a nice smooth transition?
Im animating an around in 3d space with papervision and Id like to make the curves of the animation nice and smooth, if I put random values into the xyz and bezier values the turns are quite weird and erratic. Does anyone know of a way I can animate something around in smooth curves, but not have to create specific values for the tween?
how to make text acting as a preloader so that its color changes as preloader percentage. i dont mean how to apply the math, i mean how to mask it or whatever action to achieve that effect?
like for example imagine the red is constantly growing to the right letter by letter (actually pixel by pixel:
I want to make a preloader for flash mx 2004 that when it finish becomes to decrement another time. I would like to do it to modify the flash preloader component.
I'm trying to make a preloader for a little flash project that involves re-assembling a load of rectangles to make up a pattern.Idea is that instead of the usual load bar i wanted to make use of this pattern that is relevant to the project and have it rebuild it self with these rectangles flying in from the side. So far I have got the tweening sorted using the tween class and staggered the 42 (yes took a little while, probably an easier way so let me know on that also) rectangles using 'setTimeout' so it releases each 100milliseconds after the one one before it. This probably the wrong way to do it but i wanted to check how it looked and this was the one way i knew how to do it.
I want to make it so that these rectangles fly in a complete the pattern once the loading has finished, but on a fast connection I don't want it to rush the animation but for a slow connection I obviously want it to adjust the release time and maybe even the travel speed to compensate.
I had an idea of maybe working out the percentage loaded divided by 42 and then run an if statement to see if that percentage for that segment had been reached before 100millseconds had passed, if 100 had passed then release the rectangle, if not then hold the rectangle until 100 m/s had passed. Not sure if that is the best way to do but that's why I'm looking for some suggestions from more experienced developers.
Like every other time I've had the displeasure of having to work with Flash, I feel like the best rule is to have a good bottle of whiskey on the side. I'm getting into CS5 and have a really complicated question here: how do I get this program to let me see what it is I'm actually working on? You know, the main point of being in here? I can't find a solution in any of the drop menus, have been in and out of the various workspaces, and in each instance I get everything except the most important element, which is the stage. Where the hell has Adobe hidden this thing now? It was here a half hour ago and has disappeared.
Have a web page designed in AS2. Made some nice new XML gallery wth pop-up window. Is it possible to combine these 2 swf files externaly ie load gall on web page?
Does any one know of an actionscript function or class to convert strings representing math equations (like: "integral(e^(1/2), a, b)" ) into nicely formatted formulas, for display purposes (using the integral glyph, etc..) ?
Purpose: I need to display nice looking math formulas that have been entered as strings (without special characters) in an xml file.
Just wondering if blurX and blurY works with the classes lee was talking about in the tweener movie? (the caurina classes) If not how can I get a nice blur effect on my tween objects?
I am trying to develop some kind of nice linear animation that is kinda random but nice and organic in shape or just linear. Ok that doesn't make much sense. The outcome should be somewhere close to this : [URL]
What AS should I use to make an object wich is a movie clip appear into the stage? I have this action: on(release){ something._x = -1000; something._y = -1000; } But using it the object just appear, from nothing and I want it to appear from a initial position....
I've just started learning as3 and I've been trying to find a good tutorial on dropdown menu's using just xml and as3. Most of what I've come across so far are either static menus or menus driven with heavy use of the timeline. Is it even possible to build a nice fluid drop down menu completely in code?
I am trying to figure out how to proceed. Obviously this is a christmas project. The user will be presented with a text input to see whether their name is on the Naughty or Nice list at the North Pole. I would like to randomize which list the users name appears on. And perhaps give them an option to redeem themselves, by doing something "nice" if their name shows up on the naughty list.
i have a background that resizes with the window (without stretching) and my image has a nice resolution. But when i resize it, it seems low in quality.
How can i make a preloader for an XML information that i have in a SWF i tried with this code but didn't work for me it was just stopped and didn't do anything [code]...
I publish my swf, everything works great. I make a preloader that seems to run well and here are the actions:
Code: var l:Loader=new Loader();l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,loop); l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,done); l.load(new URLRequest("MVCSpringBeauty12512.swf")); function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void {
Problem is that when the game starts to play I can still see my menu screen in the background and then my asBaseScreen is also in the background!!! My screenHandler is being screwed up by the damn preloader. I need a point in the right direction
How does one make a preloader in AS 3.0 for THE ENTIRE swf?
I'm certainly generally familiar with making preloaders in Flash, yet with changes to the Flash environment in the last few years, my situation may not be so straight forward:
I have a very developed Flash 3.0 application where the timeline is not used in the traditional way, everything is Class based, and there are all kinds of assets in the library that are used dynamically.
This type of preloader is useless, because (I guess) that "this.loaderInfo" is associated to the timeline (which has nothing on it) [code]...
Show me/point me into the right direction on as to how to make a custom preloader. But the thing is i want it inside of a URL function.. Which is where im struggling.
i have this image of a tree and a single frame so i want to make it inside a nested movie clip so i make the symbol and make the mask, and i tween the mask to start off on the bottom and moves its way to overtop of the symbol i write the code to what i know works with a regualr preloader but when i go to test the movie nothing happens. How do i make a masking preloader with actionscript 3.0 giving the impression that the tree is the item that is loading on the screen?
So my preloader is working nicely. But how do I make the preloader an MC by itself? So that I can neaten up the main timeline, and also it will make it easier to reuse the preloader if its, its own MC.
In order to learn the ins and outs of preloaders in ActionScript 3.0 I've been working on a program in Flash CS4. The problem I'm having is that the preloader is not throwing/recieving the Progress and Complete events.
I decided to make the preloader an independant class and put it in a seperate package from the document class. I also made a second independant class to serve as a progress bar, which the preloader includes. Basically the structure of my program is Flash File>Document Class>Preloader Class>ProgressBar Class
So far the Document Class creates the Preloader and puts it on the screen (a black box with a progress bar on it so far, I'll add text later). What I'm working on now is getting it to actually preload, so that on the Progress events it increases the size of the bar untill it's completed, and then puts a play button on the stage when it recieves the Complete event.