ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Load Movie Action On A Keyframe?
Jul 30, 2006
I have a external swf that I want to load into a holder on my main main mc how can I get it to load once the play head hits that keyframe? I have tried an OnEnterFrame but it gives me an error?Below would be the code I would enter after the event handeler:
loadMovie("sse-film-strip.swf", "_root.filmstrip_holder_mc");
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May 12, 2005
I am making a thing on my flash animation with a 3d planet spinning. When you move your mouse over it the planet will stop and contact info comes up, and when you rollOut the planet continues spinning and the contact info fades away. I have everything working but i cant get the planet to stop spinning when i do this because the button controls the fade but the planet is just spinning in the backround, hard to explan. Anyways i need to be able to send a stop and play action to the planet movie clip behind the button to stop. i need to send an action from Scene 1>universal>destinationclip>world. from a keyframe on the destination clip.
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Nov 19, 2003
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Nov 19, 2003
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Dec 6, 2004
i think i may have a challenge for you. I would like to have a flash movie load to a random keyframe in a timeline when the page loads. Basically, i'd like to set up a timeline with say 10 movies. When the page loads, i'd like the flash to randomly select from some predetermined keyframes (obviously where each movie starts) and when that movie ends, jump to another section of the timeline. This way, the loading of the movies is somewhat seamless and it looks like i've made 10 different flash movies.
Even if it's not possible to all load from the same timeline, i'd like to have it play the first movie, then when it reaches an ending frame, it loads another random movie from a directory on the server, and then keeps going and going until it can't stand it anymore.
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Nov 24, 2010
so im makeing this wheres waldo type game and I have this code timer where when 15 seconds go by it goes to a keyframe where it says "you lose"and I have this other code where when you click a button it goes to a different keyframe where it says "you win"now the problem is if you click on the button in say 13 seconds you'll go to the "you win" frame but when 2 more seconds go by (makeing it 15 seconds) it'll take you to the "you lose" frame so i was wondering if theres a action where you can delete another action once you enter the "you win" frame or something like that
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Nov 25, 2009
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var req:LoadVars = new LoadVars();[code]....
I'm receiving numerous errors such as the on(load) is invalid. I'm trying to run the code in the beginning of the movie.
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Apr 22, 2010
I have not been dealing with flash for a very long time and was never fantastic beyond basic script assist code. I am using Flash CS3 to design a site and wish to load image galleries in so as to keep the overall size of the site down, however I am using what I remember to have worked code wise:
on (press) {
loadMovie("icon_regent.swf", "holder");
The SWF is working perfectly on my computer but when I publish it using dreamweaver CS3 the movies don't load, they don't even show when in playback mode in DW.
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Feb 13, 2009
I figure that it unloads the movie and doesn't get to the second action so it just shows a blank because if i don't unload the movie, it'll load a movie overtop of the old one. All of the stuff I found that could potentially help are overly complicated with variables and large amounts of code. Is a crazy amount of code required?
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to load a movie clip in a RollOver action inside another movie clip, but I have 2 problems:
1. If I do it with loadMovie("movie.swf") I cannot go back to my previous instance when the movie stops playing, but if I do it with the loadMovieNum("movie.swf", 1), it gets back to the previous instance, but it leaves that instance behind, so it keeps appearing all the time on the back.
2. Even though I see the swf when I publish it from Flash, when I insert the swf in Dreamweaver, I cannot see the swf that I loaded in layer 1. I only see the first layer and nothing happens when I RollOver.
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Apr 16, 2005
i load external movie with loadMovie action.
It loads the SWFs into the movie correct.
I have problem, how simply switch between the loaded movies. The last loaded movie overlay all loaded movies.
How is possible do it the swap of the loaded movies?
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Aug 7, 2003
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Apr 28, 2009
I udnerstand the basic concepts of the FLash Environment. What gets me is the action scripts because I'm not a coder I can handle the simple elements .Here is what I need it to do. I have a "dot" that shows up on the screen and when either mouseover or release, I need it to pop up a small "load Movie" to the left (which I have managed to do)'s what it's doing and not doing.
1) it deletes the dot and doesn't bring it back
2) I have other "dots" and when they are pressed I need the one "loadMovie" file to go away and hte other to show up.
I have tried the gottoandstop the gotoandplay, all kinds of things and nothing works.
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Jul 6, 2009
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Mar 15, 2012
I have a simple flash that has 2 layers 2 images. one image is on the first frame and the other image is on the second keyframe. Actionscript starts on 1st keyframe. What I have it doing is loading frame one stop() reads the actionscript checks the date if the date is met it goes and stops on frame 2 and plays other image:
Everytime the flash refreshes it plays frame one then jumps to frame 2 if the date is met. How do I avoid playing frame one if the date is met what it's doing is playing the first image before the date change and a split second after it plays frame 2. (you see a hiccup)
i need the flash to "preload, check the actionscript before it loads if the date is met automataclly go to frame 2 avoiding frame one all together.
actionscript used on frame one:
var year:Number = 2012;
var month:Number = 3;
var day:Number = 22;
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Jun 8, 2007
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Mar 29, 2006
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Mar 20, 2007
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Feb 15, 2003
I have been trying to get 4 random letter generators to work at the same time as they all load on keyframe 60. However only one will work while the other 3 dont ever show up. I have given an example below if someone could let me know how I would get it to work. I've tried changing the variable 'x' to 'a' but for some reason it still won't work.... i want the result to be 4 random generated buttons that will be used for my menu.
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a movie clip that is about 30 frames long. I've placed an instance of it on the main timeline and it follows a motion path. My motion path ends after about 20 frames. At this time, I've inserted a keyframe which is preventing my movie clip from playing the remaining 10 frames.
I tried adding an ActionScript layer where the last keyframe is and it reads:
instance.gotoAndPlay (20)
Doesn't seem to work. Just a note that this is around frame 292 of the main timeline. Also note, a new keyframe begins on another layer with a different movie clip.
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Oct 28, 2011
I have a photo gallery on two different pages. Whenever you go to the photo gallery, either page, I have it setup so that when you rollOver a picture, it swaps the depth of the picture so that they show up in front of everything else on the page and enlarges the picture. However, let's just say you rollOver one of the images, and then you click the next page on the photo gallery, or the home page or whatever, that movieclip still stays on the page. It's as if Flash is disregarding keyframes or the timeline or something.
I thought that even if this happened, it would be ok, and I could send that picture behind everything else so I made this code:
on (rollOut) {
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Nov 2, 2011
I'm having an issue accessing a video that is in its own movieClip and is part of a parent movie clip. It's on a different keyframe from the 1st frame where the majority of my Acitionscript 3 is running from. I keep getting this error that says it can't access it because the instance of it hasn't been created or isn't on the stage yet.
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Oct 28, 2011
The title may sound confusing, but let me explain. I have a photo gallery on two different pages. Whenever you go to the photo gallery, either page, I have it setup so that when you rollOver a picture, it swaps the depth of the picture so that they show up in front of everything else on the page and enlarges the picture. However, let's just say you rollOver one of the images, and then you click the next page on the photo gallery, or the home page or whatever, that movieclip still stays on the page. It's as if Flash is disregarding keyframes or the timeline or something. It's weird.
I thought that even if this happened, it would be ok, and I could send that picture behind everything else so I made this code:
on (rollOut) {
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Apr 9, 2010
This actionscript 3 stuff is giving me trouble with the easiest functions. I was able to get a movie clip to play by clicking on a button, but now I am having trouble with the close button. Basically, I just need the movie clip (box1) to go back to frame number one when the user clicks on the "X". I set up the button the same way as I did the pop-up box:
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Nov 12, 2005
I'm not sure how to describe what I'm seeking, but basically I have a movie loaded in a clip and when the user clicks a button, I want the loaded movie to perform some kind of action (fade out or whatever) while the new movie is loaded.
Probably something simple, but I'm an idiot,
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Jun 10, 2002
Is it possible for action script to import audio files into the flash movie while the movie is playing. (Instead of manually importing a file from within the flash application) Or some way to load an audio file located at a remote url, that is not preloaded, and play it.I've searched through the action script reference guide, but have found nothing to do the job.
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Apr 29, 2010
I have a gallery made of 3 layers : actions, buttons, and images. Fore every image i have a keyframe that plays a movie clip by fading from 0 alpha to 1. I made a new keyframe that has no image so the page doesnt display the big photo from the start just the thumbs(which are the buttons). What i want to do is that the big images to be dispalyed only while i hold the mouse button, and on release to go back to the first frame state (no image).
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Mar 16, 2005
When I place some codes in a keyframe, these codes are showing on all the following frames up till the next keyframe with codes. My question is, does Flash execute codes only in the keyframe or it execute whatever is in the frame regardless whether its a keyframe or not?
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Feb 29, 2012
Is there some codes, to stop sound in movie clip, when changing keyframe on main (parent) timeline ?
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May 24, 2009
I wrote this code that loads and unloads object to the screen. But have small issue. When i press the CityButton it loads the object... i dont want the villageButton or anything to be selectable until the CityButton is pressed again which causes the loaded city object to be removed
/*//this is the button events for each name*/cityButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);villageButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler2);
/*this is the boolean that decides if all is true or false when obj loadedalso creat class
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