ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing A SetTimeout Function?

Nov 19, 2010

tried to prepare this source so that it is organized and clear enough to figure out what I (an idiot when it comes to scripting/programming) have done so farI have a slideshow with a function ("wait();"), which uses setTimeout to move the main timeline to the next frame (via nextFrame) after 4seconds(4000ms) have passed. The only exception to this, is on the last frame (Frame 7), where the timeline is to move back to frame 2. This is done using a simple conditional statement.. and all is well so far. Pretty simple.

The problem lies in that I have a set of 6 buttons across the bottom - each corresponding to one of the 6 'slides' that I'm sliding through. Right now, the code on these buttons uses gotoAndPlay, and jumping around from frame to frame in this way screws up the timer.As you click the buttons, the timer is still ticking.. and you start to see multiple advances, I assume each click of the buttons starts a new 'clock'.. each forcing a "nextFrame" as soon as their done, despite the other timers going on.What I need - is for the buttons to send the timeline to the appropriate frame, and turn ALL timers off. That is - if a user clicks a button, they have indicated which slide they want to see - and I want to stop the slideshow entirely. As soon as a user clicks any button, the only way they will see the other 5 slides if they also click those buttons.So the slideshow is built as follows:Frame 1: a basic preloader, followed by this code:

//setTimeout code
function wait()


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_global.nextMC = function() {


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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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PHP Code:


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function launchBall() {
this.stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN ,launchBallHandler);
function launchBallHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (e.keyCode==32) {


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if (ball.xVel>0 && ball.yVel>0) {
removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN,launchB allHandler);

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function colortrans(mc, newcol) {
_root.attachMovie("box", mcdup, 2);
colorchange = new Color(mc);


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[Code] .....

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I need to create an equivalent using timeline controls?
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gotoAndStop(3); //goto lvl3 - throw

it'd then goto Frame 3, but, the problem is even after clearing, the frame animation still loops every 2 seconds, regardless whether i'm using setTimeout or setInterval. Do you might know of any other way where what I need is, after 2 seconds in Frame 2, it'd then move to Frame 3, which I don't want it to go anywhere yet.

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public static function kill(e:DisplayObject)

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Nov 24, 2009

I have 2 movie clips, one names mc_frame01 and another mc_frame02. I've tried to set variables and arguments to make it easier when theres more mc_frameXX's. All I want the animation to do is first MC slides in from the right, pauses, then slides off to the left. Then repeat for each MC. With the code below, both MC's seem to slide in from the right at the same time and that's it.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SwapDepth - SetTimeout - MovieClip To Fade Out - Pause Then A New MovieClip To Fade In

Jan 19, 2010

What have I done wrong here? I need a movieClip to fade out, pause, then a new movieClip to fade in.


What I've tried to do is to set the target_MC alpha to 0 and fade out the current mc. Then when the fadeOut has completed to setTimeOut. After this the mcs will swapDepths and the target_MC should fade up to alpha = 0I've attached the flash and xml files. The images were too large.

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Flash :: Delegate Function (Function).toString() Prints Function Function() {}?

Nov 1, 2010

I've got a Vector of ViewToActionMap objects, which have following constructor:

public function ViewToActionMap(_forModule:eModule,


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CS3 Removing An XML Table

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to get tables to display using flash. Currently I have two scenes, with a table on each scene. I have buttons that switch back and forth between the scenes and each table loads fine when I run each scene individually. The problem is I have no idea how to REMOVE a table from the scene. Currently when I play the whole movie the first table that loaded stays loaded, and the second table just loads over the top of it.

Also, I get an error #1009 after I switch back and forth from one scene to the other. So first table loads fine, click button, second table loads fine, click button, error #1009. I tried commenting out the table load parts on each scene and just leaving the button code and it worked fine. Then I left the first table load sequence commented out, and it loaded the second fine, click, loaded first page fine, click, loaded second table fine again (over the top), click, error #1009.


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Aug 11, 2010

When I click a button "boardButton" at frame 30 it will load my ext. swf pretty fine. But when I click my button "sponsorButton" at frame 50(I've more buttons) I need to remove the external file, but it won't happen. The trace of removing shows up but the ext. swf is still there...... I tried lots of things but no luck at all (two evenings spent already and no hair left)

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Removing Duplicate Values From XML?

Jul 17, 2009

how to remove duplicate values from xml although it successfully done using array but not in xml

here's my xml data looks like (list.xml)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<menu maker="adobe1" software="flash"/>
<menu maker="adobe2" software="photoshop"/>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Removing Part Of Mc Img

Nov 3, 2009

What i am trying to do is when i click on a part of an img to delete it.[code]i read on setpixels and getpixels but this did ot help.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Flv From The Stage?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a main. fla with navigation btns activated by GoToFrame actions. Some btns load content and some use the UI loader component.

I have one btn that calls a UI loader "loaderVideoGallery" which loads an external .swf inside that .swf is an flv player "flvPlayer".

This also works fine except after that button is selected and that swf is on stage no matter what button you call next the video stream from the flv does not stop, it continues to play.

The UI loader removes itself as you can see the other loaders come up on button presses but the video's audio still plays.

the UI Loader instance is "loaderVideoGallery" and the .flv player inside the external .swf is flvPlayer

I was told to use

MovieClip(loaderVideoGallery.content) op()

I would think that the logical place to put this code would be inside the btns where the EventListeners are, is that correct?

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