Flash :: Frame Animation Still Loops Every 2 Seconds, Using SetTimeout Or SetInterval?

Apr 17, 2011

I'm using this var timer2 = setTimeout(checkValue2, 2000);

as a frame action in Frame 2, which then triggers checkValue2 which is a piece of function in Frame 1 where all the _global. variables are as well.

gotoAndStop(3); //goto lvl3 - throw

it'd then goto Frame 3, but, the problem is even after clearing, the frame animation still loops every 2 seconds, regardless whether i'm using setTimeout or setInterval. Do you might know of any other way where what I need is, after 2 seconds in Frame 2, it'd then move to Frame 3, which I don't want it to go anywhere yet.

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_root.attachMovie("box", mcdup, 2);
colorchange = new Color(mc);


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ActionScript Code:
var sensitivity:Number = 2;
//Sensitivity of movement
var followmouse:Boolean = false;


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import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
TransitionManager.start(week_2,{type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration: 12, easing:Strong.easeOut})
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// button Play/Pause navigation on timeline
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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval And Pausing Animation?

Dec 23, 2003

I am using this script from Actionscript.org:

//In your main "action" timeline, frame 1 put the following code:
////////////////// Pause Function /////////////////////


I have the function written on my main time line but I want to call it from the middle of an animation on a movie clip. I'm not sure how to reference the function on the maintimeline. I've tried referencing the created MC "timer", I've tried referencing _root and other things but nothing seems to work. Basically I have a simple motion tween. I want it to get to a certain point then stop then continue. I have two tweens on one layer in my animated MC. Any suggestions?oh yeah, and I'd like to be able to call the same function from other MCs doing similar things. How can I reference the function?

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Make A Basic Animation That Loops Indefinitely?

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function animate()


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May 11, 2004

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var timeDelay = 2000;
setFrameTimer = function(){
if ( (Math.random(1)*100) > 90 ) {
}} setInterval (setFrameTimer, timeDelay);

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Flash :: IDE - Animation - Create Graphics In Illustrator For Frame By Frame?

Feb 22, 2011

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- guy leaves house and walks to car

-starts engine, puts on shades and speeds off

-scenes of downtown chicago (nightlife)

-view license plate

What is the best way to do this? create graphics in illustrator for frame by frame? Should I use after effects? The client doesn't have a high budget so video is out of the question.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loops And Arrays - Run The Specific Animation Of Enemy

Oct 31, 2009

how can i find out from a for loop that which object from the array has been hit; For eg - i have 2 enemies in an array and i run a for loop


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The Timer / Setinterval Function To Pause The Animation Between Tweens

May 11, 2009

I have been having trouble with the timer, knowing how to plug into the scripts/Functions the correct way. Below is the script (probably not written as efficently as it could be, but I'm trying) Anyway, the script is uses simple tweens for a movieclip. I would like to use the timer/setinterval function to pause the animation between tweens (Using the event listener after the tween stops to start the interval/pause) Is this the right concept or am I barking up the wrong tree.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Animation With SetInterval - Move A Movieclip From One Point Of The Stage To Another

Aug 5, 2005

What I have is actionscript which moves a movieclip from one point of the stage to another, using two buttons to trigger it - fwd_btn and rwd_btn. I also use a setInterval function, so that when you press one of the buttons, it pauses a second before moving. Unfortunately, if you press the fwd and rwd buttons in succession rapidly, the animation gets caught in a never-ending loop. Also, note that every time the user clicks a button, if the movieclip is right in the middle of animating across the stage, I wish it to stop and pause, not complete the animation and then pause.

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Aug 11, 2009

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