ActionScript 2.0 :: Run Randomly Each Time When Different People Play It?

Jul 8, 2004

But i want my question run randomly each time when different people play it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Play Sound Randomly But One At A Time

Apr 21, 2009

I have this script that plays a sound from the library randomly - it works and plays one of the three/four sounds each time it is clicked - but how can i make it play a different sound on each and never repeat - does that make sense?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Ads Radomly Play Before People Watch A Video?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm wanting to have ads radomly play before people watch a video on my site.Is there a way to write the script for this and place it in the xml or do I have to something differently.I already have the video up on our site. So I'm just not sure how I "connect" the actionscript and xml that way it plays the commercial before the video.Do I have to build a new player and everything to do this? I've never built a player before, so if I don't have to, I'd rather not.

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I have a text box layer on top of the talk bubble. At first it is blank, then I click on Hello Kitty and a random phrase pops up in the text box from the array I created. However, when I click her again she will not say another random phrase. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Here is the code.

var myPhrases:Array = new Array(); // HELLO KITTY PHRASES FOR TALK BUBBLE
myPhrases[0]="My name is Hello Kitty!";
myPhrases[1]="How are you today?";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prevent Any Two Objects From Overlapping Each Other Each Time Randomly Played?

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onClipEvent(load) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting MovieClips To Play Randomly

Jun 28, 2006

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Feb 7, 2008

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Randomly Play A Movie Clip?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to have a random movie clip play as soon as my site loads, and when that one is done, I would like it to randomly choose another.I have 6 movie clips, I figure I will have to have the random script on frame 1 of my time line, and then I can just modify it to select another one on the last frame of each movie clip. However, I don't even know how to begin scripting this to happen. I have looked through these forums, and it seems like there are a lot of posts about this, but very few answers. Does anyone know how to go about doing this?I am using AS2.

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Apr 19, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play A Movie Clip Randomly?

Oct 30, 2003

How Do I Play A Movie Clip Randomly. What is the code for it Its For [URL] One of the tutorials Is to Create random Numbers But you dont acctually see the random numbers How Would i Put a Input box Or something FOr THe Random Numbers To Appear In.

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Actionscript 3 :: Tween A Movie Clip Randomly And Change It's Font Family Over Time?

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Animation :: Randomly Animate A Objects With Flash Cs3 Then Return To Their Position On Stage After A Set Time?

Dec 8, 2009

I have a logo made of 28 circles which I need to animate using flash far I have made the logo randomly animate using this There are two things I need to achieve...the circles on the stage start from the position they lay on the stagereturn back to those positions after say 45 seconds...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer - Making The Movie Clips Appear 4 Times Randomly Throughout That Length Of Time

Jan 23, 2010

I have an mp3 playing. What I would like is to have a movieclip that is located in the library appear, complete it's animation then get removed. The movie clip must complete this proccess 4 times, randomly during the length of the song but never at the same time and not in the last 5 seconds of the song. BTW I can't do this manually by just firing it off a random amount of times because this code will be used with lots of different mp3's, so I need to use the dynamic data I get by retrieving the song length.

I have the code working to retrieve the length of the song, and I have a variable that stores the length minus 5 seconds from the end, so I bascially have the length of time I wish to work with. My problem is making the movie clips appear 4 times randomly throughout that length of time. The code is below (what I have so far), the movieclip is stored in the library as circle_mc.

The timer I'm using at the beginning of the code (to retrieve the length of the song) is set to run after 2 seconds this is because there is a delay in the music starting and if it did it instantly the number retrieved obviously would be 0, so I delay it by 2 secs till I know the song is playing. At the moment I'm just trying to get it to fire twice, at the moment it fires once or not at all


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Randomly Choosing Next Marker To Jump To And Play?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm interested in understanding the ActionScript 2 code that will allow a random decision on the next marker to jump to. I have five markers on a time line and want the movie to stop after playing a sequence of elements, then randomly choose the next marker to jump to and play, this would continue forever.The goal is to communicate a few concepts without starting from the same concept every time in a linear manner.

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Professional :: Play Animation (movie Clip) Randomly As3

Aug 12, 2010

what as3 code i should be using to make this happen.

I want the animation (shooting star) to play at random times.

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Professional :: Randomly Play Single Item From Array?

Nov 30, 2011

Is there some basic AS3 code to have, when the swf loads, a single video play from a collection of videos in an array? And can said code also apply to sound without video?I just found out the tutorial I was using to randomize doesn't work with audio - as it just plays everything at once - you might 'see' one video - but you hear all them. So from what I am reading, I need to us an array (that seems simple enough), but I don't want to play all the clips - I want it to randomly select and play one. Not sure exactly how I set up the video playback area (so the video plays where I want, at the size I want).Also, I have other pages that are just audio - does audio need some sort of player or something for this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Movie Clips Appear Randomly Above Stage And Play?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to make a short clip = a website introduction - where feathers fall from above the stage eventually covering it completely. I've created movie clip with the animation (motion via motion tweens) - and what I'd like is for multiple instances of the Movie Clip to appear above the stage, then the Movie Clip to play, hence feathers falling randomly.I'd also like to put a time delay on the appearing of each new instance (ideally random) so that when the movie clip plays the falling feathers aren't perfectly synchronised (which they would be were all the instances to appear at the same time).I've tried playing with the scripts suggested in this thread with limited success: showthread.php3?t=259911(Also, I'd ideally like to change the tint on each movie clip (to a limited set of colours) instance to vary the colour of the feathers, but that's maybe a complication too far for the moment!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnSoundComplete - Streamed Mp3 Loaded From Xml, Randomly Play A New Song?

Nov 8, 2004

I am trying to have a streamed mp3 loaded from xml, randomly play a new song on complete. I already have it play randomly onload. Here is what I have, and it doesnt work .

tickerLength = 52;
for (i=0; i<tickerLength; i++) {
leading += " ";[code].........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Streamed Mp3 Loaded From Xml, Randomly Play A New Song On Complete?

Nov 8, 2004

I am trying to have a streamed mp3 loaded from xml, randomly play a new song on complete. I already have it play randomly onload. Here is what I have, and it doesnt work :

tickerLength = 52;
for (i=0; i<tickerLength; i++) {
leading += " ";[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alphabet Recognition Game - Randomly Choose A Movieclip To Play The Sound

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to develop a simple game for kids in which an Alphabet will be spoken and the kid will have to choose the correct alphabet being displayed on the screen. What I have tried to do is that I have saved each of the sound in a seperate movieclip.

how can I develop the code that randomly choose a movieclip to play the sound and then when the kid click on the correct alphabet, it adds the point and if wrong alphabet is clicked, it gives error.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MCs Appear Randomly From The Library And Move Around Randomly

Sep 24, 2007

Onmy stage I have a MC, and when I click it a random MC from the Library should appear and move around randomly.

I'm using this to make it move around randomly [URL]

how to make the random MCs appear from the library. And should I put the random moving script on each of my ten MC?

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