ActionScript 2.0 :: Speed - Random Number Generating For Slower CPUs To Keep Up?

Jan 22, 2004

generating a lot of random numbers and running them through movie clips to generate random letters. I've set the frame rate to 21 (which translates to 19 on a Mac... close as you can get it seems) but Mac users see everything in slo-mo. Alas, folks with slower PCs also see stuff in slo-mo so I'm thinking it's the math stuff screwing things up rather than the mac stuff.

Does anyone know of a way to simplify random number generating for slower CPUs to keep up? The problem might also be that there are a ton of math-calculated alpha transitions that I could kill if necessary. I'm also wondering if "setInterval" times are treated differently per computer -- some machines seem to treat an interval of 1000 as though it's 10,000. Is this a function of the cpu speed? I keep running into speed problems like this with AS and it kinda sucks. A modern day version of the old browser/DHTML display issues. They work fine on my machine, but not everyone has a new PC.

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ActionScript Code:
public function TheGame()


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//random numbers//1.function randomNumbers(min:Number,max:Number) {   var Results:Number=Math.floor(Math.random()*max)+min;   return Results;} 
//2.new_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showRandomnumber);
//3.function showRandomnumber(event:MouseEvent):void{   r1_txt.text = randomNumbers(1,100)   r2_txt.text = randomNumbers(1,100)   a1_txt.text = Number(r1_txt.text) + Number(r2_txt.text);}

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May 4, 2011

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Im going through this method for generating a random image into a movie clip [URL] I was just wondering if theres a way to check if say for example image 4 has loaded into the movieClip previously (just before)...and if so....not load that image and randomly pick one of the other images

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Feb 24, 2007

try this and give me response

var max:Number = 50;
var size:Number = Stage.width;[code]........

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