ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Values In A Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 27, 2010

I am new to action script , I am using Flash CS3-pro

I wanted to assign a value to a text box- dynamic :so I create a dynamic text box with instance name : value_text

when I assign the value frameRate to the text box [code]...

I am getting the following error message.

" 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type flash.text:TextField."

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Values To A Dynamic Text Field Trough For Loop?

Oct 12, 2009

I`m trying to assign values to a dynamic text field.[code]Can you please tell me how to make it work trought for loop #1

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Dynamic Textbox And Assign Values

Jan 8, 2003

I thought the higher the depth number the closer to the viewer it was? I have created a movie which pulls back info from a database, on the original movie, once all the data was loaded, I created the required number of dynamic text boxes on the _root and everything worked perfectly. I then decided that I would need to display other information on other movie clips. So I decided to turn the movie into a movie clip, so that I could create other movie clips and load these as needed. I created a new blank movie, attached a blank movieclip (depth 0) as a container for the movie clips that will hold the different data.

I then used attachMovie(depth 1) to attach the original movieclip, which holds the database info. I then changed the original movie, so that it would create the text boxes in this movie clip(depth 3), so that when I decided to load another movie, I don't have to clear up text boxes on the root. When I run the movie, I get the background image for the data movie clip, but I don't see the text. I used trace to make sure that the text boxes were being created and the text values were assigned and they are. So why can't i see the text?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Dynamic Text Box And Assign Text To Its Variable That Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2011

I've seen similar threads but couldn't find one with the exact same issue. I've a PDF / Word document with arabic copy when I try pasting that text in flash all the joined letters start appearing as individual letters.I've tried the dynamic text box solution in which you create a dynamic text box and assign the text to its variable that doesn't work. But strangely when you write arabic in dynamic text box (with out assigning the text to the variable) and double click to select the text box and its content the text starts appearing fine .. but when published its again all individual letter.

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Professional :: How To Assign Dynamic Text In Movieclip

Jun 12, 2010

I'm tryin to build my first button in flash and flex, so I have build my movieclip in flash with a simple animation and a TFL text with instance name 'caption'
I have assigned a class to the symbol and, in flex i wrote this:
import flash.display.MovieClip; 

I start the movie and I see 'HELLO' on my button, WOW! but If I go over the symbol and then out the text change again to 'TEXT' (the default i wrote in flash)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Actions To Dynamic Text?

Mar 15, 2003

I am using Flash5 to build a site. I have a main page with navigation bar to get around. The word "menu" is sitting on the right of the stage which contains the actions:

on(press) {

which opens the nav bar on the bottom of screen. This works fine. However, the text was blurry on my site, so I switched the text from static to dynamic text, which solved the blurriness problem.

BUT, after switching the text, I discovered my "menu' button is not behaving as before.

Can one assign actions to dynamic text? If not, what do I do to still have legible text? Again, the menu bar and other links were working fine, but when switched to dynamic text, none of the navigation works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grab A XML Attribute, And Assign It To A Dynamic Text Box?

Jun 25, 2009

way to grab an XML attribute, and assign it to a dynamic text box?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Dynamic Text To Accordion Panel

Aug 27, 2011

A scene with many dynamic text and several graphic. Example :
ActionScript Code:
some dynamic texts
hostname.text_ep0.text = "response from AMFPHP";
hostname.text_ep1.text = "response from AMFPHP";
hostname.text_ep2.text = "response from AMFPHP";
my_percentage_bar_ep0._width = "response from AMFPHP";
my_percentage_bar_ep1._width = "response from AMFPHP";
my_percentage_bar_ep2._width = "response from AMFPHP";

But what I want to do now its to associate each label textfield (hostname.text_ep2.text) and let's call them dynamic graphic (my_percentage_bar) to a panel of an accordion component. I drag an accordion on the scene and I want each panel to contain 1 dynamic text and 1 dynamic graphic.
ActionScript Code:
my_acc.createChild(View, "panel_ep0", {label: "Stats from node 0"});
my_acc.createChild(View, "panel_ep1", {label: "Stats from node 1"});
my_acc.createChild(View, "panel_ep2", {label: "Stats from node 2"});
[Code] .....
I dunno wanna put everything in a movieclip and then load the movieclip in the accordion panel

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Assign A Variable To A Dynamic Text Field?

Jan 13, 2009

I want to assign a variable "speed" to a dynamic text field with the instance "spdDisplay" and round it to two decimal places.I'm pretty new to flash but, this seems like it should be easy.Here is the code I have - it does not work

Code: Select allvar speed:Number = angle/2.1;
spdDisplay.text = (speed);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Assign Text Generically To Dynamic TextBox

Oct 23, 2008

I know that I can't asisgn text generically to a dynamic text box like this:
this["blah"+sumNum].text =
But is there a method that would work similarly to this?

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Flash CS5 Dynamic Text Incorrect Values

Aug 17, 2010

I did not have any problems on CS4 but I encountered this error below when I used CS5. Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts. Now that the line of error is cleared. However, I am still having problems with my dynamic text fields which worked with correct values in CS4 but gave the incorrect values in CS5.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Dynamic Text Box Values - NaN

Sep 2, 2005

I have a movie that contains a series of radio button groups, which each have their own accompanying dyn text box. When a certain radio button is selected, a pre-determined value is loaded into each respective groups' text box, via "onRelease".

Now, I can get these values to appear fine in each text box, but I then have a fourth text box (amount_total), into which I want to have the sum of all the previous text box's values.

I have a submit button with the following actions on the first frame of the timeline:

onSubmit = function (){
_root.amount_total = Number(_root.total_surf) + Number(_root.total_music) + Number(_root.total_video);

Now, when I hit the submit button NaN is returned.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box And Adding Values

Sep 18, 2006

I'm not a programmer but have been using Flash for awhile. This is my first heavy dive into variables.I'm putting together a Quiz game where I pull the information from a txt file. I can get everything to display and work fine except for the adding of a total score.I have a series of values in a text file and load it into my movie. Depending upon what button I push, I want to take the value and add it to the total score. The next button I push I want it to add that value to the new total score.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Box With Values From A Databas

Jul 16, 2003

I am popultating a dynamic text box with values from a database.I need/want the location of the text box to be at a random position on the stage, so I have been using:[code]I see that the htmlText is getting set, and with what looks like good html, and I see that text gets set with the non html part from the htmlText.Is it not possiable to calculate the width of the text when html is set to "true"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Increment Values Of A Object Like A Dynamic Text?

Oct 13, 2010

I have name my dynamic texts as inp1.text, inp2.text, inp3.text etc...Now my question is.. when applying actionscripts (2.0 is the one I use), how to increment their values?How I can make inp1.text as inp2.text?

if (Number(inp1.text)>0){n1=Number(inp1.tex� else{n1=0;}
if (Number(inp2.text)>0){n2=Number(inp2.tex� else{n2=0;}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combine Values In Dynamic Text Window?

Apr 6, 2005

Well, I'm making a program that has to write random names to the screen.I'm loading the names from an external .txt-file called nameDataFile.txt[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding The Values Of 3 Dynamic Text Boxes

Apr 9, 2008

I have 3 dynamic text boxes on the main movies stage that are getting their values from an externally loaded swf. If statements within the external movie loads the values from an xml file depending on which action is selected by the user. Now I have a fourth text box that needs to gather all the values that are loaded in the other 3 and add them together...placing zero if nothing is loaded. I have done various code tests...I get either NAN or is the instance name of one of the boxes, I am trying to access.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Values To Array?

Feb 26, 2007

I'm trying to assign values to my array. Here is what I have so far.

_root.createEmptyMovieClip("Placement", 2);
var shapes:Array = new Array("square", "circle", "triangle");
function selectshape():String {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign Values To Buttons?

Feb 24, 2010

I am new top actionscript that is why I am trying to learn AS3 instead of the AS2 etc.anyway I am trying to create a number pad in flash (like a calculator but wothout the add, subtract etc) so that when I press a number its displays the number in the flash movie. I nearly have it but it only displays one number at any one moment but i need to be able to add upto 5 digits in the display, so that later on in the project I can validate this field to make the input is is the code that I have made but remember this is my first AS3 flash program so go easy on me

display.maxChars = 5;
// start of the array


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Values Displayed In Dynamic Text Boxes

Jun 11, 2004

I can't get code in my button to change the values displayed in my dynamic text boxes. I have a column of twelve dynamic text boxes which display numbers stored in an array. The array contains more than twelve numbers. I want to use buttons to refresh the information in the boxes (effectively creating a scrolling effect) so that the remaining contents of the array can be revealed as required. In the code below Stats1 etc. refer to the dynamic text. The array is called Stats4display. This shows the information fine.[code]I had hoped that by incrementing the value of x I could update all the dynamic text boxes with the next value along in the array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Multidimensional Arrays - Assign The Values Of 0 And 1?

May 12, 2009

So I'm coding a maze in Flash using ActionScript 2.0. I'm using a 2D array and with that I will give each point a value, either 1 or 2. I then plan to use modulo and an if else statement to pull a brick movie clip from my library. Here's what I've coded so far with the 2D array. This is my first time using this array and I'm unsure wwether I have coded this correctly. how do I use this array now to assign the values of 0 and 1?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign 5 Separate Dynamic Text Fields To 5 Separate Buttons?

Apr 18, 2010

What I need to do is assign 5 separate dynamic text fields to 5 seperate buttons and at the same time to those same five buttons i would like to add 5 images that i would  be able to change merely by swapping out the images in the file theyre in on the server.I would also like to get a nice transition between the images...ALSO i want to dynamically load the images for the buttons that will be used for switching from picture to picture(which im thinking i will be able to do after i know the how to do point the aforementioned things.) 

Through tutorials I've found around the net I've been able to get most of the parts together... but i get lost because what they show you for AS2 they don't for AS3 and vice versa, at least that ive I guess my question is... would i need to set up 5 seperate dynamic text fields on the stage and then set each one of them to one of the corresponding button. If so what AS code would i need to use to do so.  And if not what would i need to do?
The other part of the question would be I know about the UILoader... would i be able to use it as my buttons and images, if so would i need 5 seperate ui loaders for both the Thumbnail buttons and the images or is there a way that would be better to do it?  and once i do that would i do the transitions using frames and tweens like with AS2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rendering HTML - Display Some Of The Various Node Values In A Dynamic Text Box

Aug 19, 2009

It's been a about seven years since I have done any work with Flash but now my employer is asking me to create a custom online magazine tool (we're publishers). I've been immersed in PHP and AJAX and building Mac apps with XCode so I've got a bit of a relearning curve to go through.

Anyway, I'm pulling in some XML into a Flash file and want to display some of the various node values in a dynamic text box. That was easy enough, AS3 makes it a charm compared to the dark old days. The problem I am running into is displaying the values - its kind of a runsheet for a magazine - num of pages, ads, features, etc. etc. and I want to display that in one text box in a list type format. So I have something like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Assign Default Values For Point Type

Aug 24, 2009

If you have a function that accepts a parameter of Point type, how do you assign a default value?
PHP Code:
setPosition(position:Point =(0,0)){
I tried (0,0), (x:0, y:0) {x:0, y:0} and none worked... anyone know the correct way?

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Flex :: Assign Xml Values To Dynamically Created Components

Oct 5, 2010

xml values are stored in 'arr' array collection. depending on the length of the array stored, the below described components are created and assign those values to relevant components dynamically. For Example:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Game : Assign Values To Each Coin?

Jan 30, 2011

I am creating a flash money game in which you have to drag coins onto an area to add upto a certain amount and then you click a button to see if you are correct.

I'm really confused on how to assign values to each coin, a value to the area you are dragging the coins onto and how to add these up when they enter the area. Then once the button is clicked for it to check that the value matches that of the value you are adding up the coins to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Values To A Multidimensional Array On Runtime?

Sep 13, 2006

I have a dobut in assign a value to a particular location in an 3-dimensional array during runtime..for example i want to enter value in aBoxes[1][2] on runtime.

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Flex :: Flash - Can No Longer Assign Class Property Values

Nov 1, 2010

Given a dynamic or non-dynamic class like the following:
package {
public class MyClass {
public var myProperty:String;
public var myBooleanProperty:Boolean;
public function MyClass() {}

Flex 3 allows you to assign a value to myProperty like this:
myClassInstance["myProperty"] = "myValue";
myClassInstance["myBooleanProperty"] = true;

I regularly parse XML to get property names and their values then update correlated classes using this technique; however, Flex 4 no longer allows assigning the boolean property. I don't have a work-around.

If you trace the results:
trace(myClassInstance.myProperty) // Returns "myValue"
trace(myClassInstance.myBooleanProperty) // Returns null

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load XML Data - Parse Through The XML Tree And Assign The Values To An Array

Oct 8, 2004

Goal: load XML data (it parses automatically), parse through the XML tree and assign the values to an array of my choosing for access later in the movie. Problem: I can load the XML data, but the only time I can access the XML functions, i.e. XML.firstChild, or XML.getChildNodes(), is when I am within an XML.onLoad function.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML For Loop - Count The "<Text>" Nodes Of The XML And Use Their Different Values On Different Dynamic Textfields

Jul 15, 2010

How can I create a for loop so I can use different values of the same node? So I want to count the "<Text>" nodes of the XML and use their different values on different dynamic textfields. Note that I have mutliple Movieclips on the stage with the same amount of textfields and I would like to include them in the loop, so I named them mc1 mc2 etc.


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